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TroffaHamra y los Mechones album project - "Todo es más bonito"

TroffaHamra y los Mechones present their new album, which puts together the fresh and sincere compositions of TroffaHamra (Malta) and all the influences she met since she moved to Barcelona; a blend of emotions, instruments, sounds, languages, styles...and a great love for music.


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TroffaHamra is a musician and singer-songwriter from Malta. After having been participating in various different musical projects in the little island, in 2010 she moved to Barcelona with a dream to setup her own band and be able to play and sing her own compositions.

Once there, fate (or maybe, faith) helped her to meet Maria (tuba), Eloi (trumpet), Rafa (guitar) and Feliu (drums), 4 catalan musicians, coming from varios musical backgrounds (classic, jazz, rock). There was immediate chemistry!! Together, with this particular combination of instruments and styles, they have managed to achieve an original and distinct sound, which reflects all these influences.

In this way, the style of the group moves between the border of swing, reggae, bossanova, ska, and all the influences that TroffaHamra has met along the way, recently also Spanish music.

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The new album "Todo es más bonito" is going to be the album which completes the compositions of TroffaHamra - those which she wrote since she moved to Barcelona. Therefore, one is to expect a blend of emotions, styles, sounds and languages, which reflects this change in her life, and therefore, in the way she expresses herself through her music.

The album contains 11 tracks, all inspired from real situations. The songs are sung in Spanish, English, Maltese and Catalan. Some songs that will be recorded are The best day of my life, Esperando, La cançó dels macarrons, Xtaqtek tahfirli, and Todo es más bonito (long version).


This will be the first professional recording of the band, since the first album was recorded with a low budget and only 6 tracks were recorded (it was self-financed).


Participating in this project, you would be helping us to finalize our work, which includes recording, mixing, mastering, design, fabrication and launch.

Note: We have obtained a fund from the Malta Arts Fund, but we are still lacking a part of the financing to complete the project.


The album will be recorded in january 2014. In february we will be working on mixing, mastering and fabrication. The rewards will be given in March 2014, at the same time as the launch, which will be held in Barcelona city, and later on also in Malta.


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