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A CD for Monsieur Cactus

This is Monsieur Cactus and we wish to record and album! We would love to share with you all the music we have as far, and through crowdfunding, we can acheive it. This new album will be created the way we feel it and you can be a part of it. Do you want to join us?

Monsieur Cactus

A project of


Created in

From 2.000€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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After more than two years working together in the cabaret world, some months ago we started a whole different adventure recording and sharing our own music. These months have been packed with crazy and wonderful shows, music and fulfilling experiences. Nevertheless, at this stage we want, and need, to share with you all the songs that have appeared in our artistic career.

For this reason, we would like to record an album through crowdfunding. This will allow us to undertake this adventure the way we feel right about it, taking control over the creative process and being able to share our music in the way we feel most comfortable.

What we basically need is that you buy our products in advanced. So, for instance, you pre-buy the CD, any merchandising or other rewards and with the budged that we gather, then is when we can actually produce your products. If we reach our target, we will be able to go ahead with this project depending in no onelse but you, so we will be able to create the CD the best way we know, thinking only about serving our songs the way we want you to have them.

Your pledges will allow us to:

  • Record and mix the CD in a professional studio (the Nova Era Produccions studio).

  • Design the CD and website in a professional way.

  • Edit the CD, make the physical copies (edited by Temps Record).

  • Distribute the CD, at first, in all the digital platforms (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon,…).

  • Design and make the new merchandising: the new t-shirts, tote bags, posters,...

…and cover the rest of expenses of a project of this size.

If we exceed our objective, the extra cash would allow us to increase the quality of the CD and the rest of rewards and…who knows whatelse! We want to make clear that our demanding targets have VERY THIGHT budget, so any extra cash would allow us to start this adventure with extra quality and ease.

Our plan is to start preproduction during Christmas 2013 so we can start recording and editing righ after we receive the money, namely, January/February 2014 and have the final product by the end of March.

The same moment we get the final audios of the CD, we will send out the digital downloads. The physical rewards will be given by mid-late March, as soon as we receive the CDs. We will settle on the final dates as soon as we book the studio sessions.

As rewards we offer basic merchandising but also some exclusive and cool stuff!

All the pledges above 5€ include a digital download of CD.

The standard edition physical CD is available for all the pledges above 10€, it will include the CD that will be sold late on. Above 15€, all the pledges include a Physical CD SPECIAL BACKERS-ONLY EDITION. This pack (numbered) will include the standard CD and many extras: an additional CD with rarities, demos, covers, b-sides; a thank-you card, stickers…glitter? Everything in a beautiful and personalized hand-crafted package.

We also offer a new collection of merchandising including: t-shirts (with the cactus design and available in different colors, sizes, for, men, women and children), tote bags and posters.

We also have some exclusive rewards: exclusive ART, customized ukeleles, private concerts, custom songs, CACTUS experiences,...

If you have any query or suggestion do not hesitate to contact us. We are totally up for the craziest propositions! ^^

  • Unfortunately any price includs international shipping expenses, so if you would need to receive your rewards out of Spain, please add 5€ to your pledge or contact us so we can find the most suitable option for you..

For us this project its not just a matter of recordind and editing, it allows us to broaden our creative process. We are also planning to involve other artists from different branches who create their art inspired by our music, lyrics, images or universe. Later on, these forms of art will feedback our creation.

For us is very important to create a web, a communication, a collaboration. That's why we are delighted to announce some of the artists who are joining us in this trip, and who will create a piece of art in their disciplines (photo, video, painting, drawing, clothes desing, confectionery,…) to string along with this creative journey:

-Jordi Chicletol

-Joan Galo

-Pau Soler

-Irene Minovas

-Sir Calaveri by Sílvia Suárez

-Adrià Ghiralt

-Paula Valle

-Laura Tamayo

-Lluis Molina

-Dave Noguero

-Nil Juvé

-Ana Caravaca

-Mariona Alberich

-Anna Clariana

-Àngela Monge

-Kika Moragues

-Ana Pulido

We will update the list as soon as we get more confirmations!

We don't really know what will come out of this. Merchandising, art for the CD,…who knows. All the art will be exposed during the CD presentations and will be exhibited for a while in Terrassa and Barcelona (place and dates to be confirmed).

Thank you so much for joining us in this adventure. For us, your support is just essential for our art to improve. This project wouldn't be a reality without the trust you gave us and to which we hope we'll be able to give a fair answer

You can listen and download for free our first EP in:

VIDEO - "THE WHITE DOG" catalan version

VIDEO - "THE WHITE DOG" english version

Follow us and never miss a thing!


Don't dubt in contacting us through any of the media up here or directly through [email protected].

Thank you very much and see you all very soon!


There are none published yet.

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  • Monsieur Cactus

    Monsieur Cactus

    over 10 years

    Moltes gràcies José! Doncs selecciona la recompensa de 25 € i quan enviem els formularis per omplir adreça d'enviament, talla o altres detalls, especifiques que només vols el CD! Ho gestionem tot nosaltres mateixos, no hi ha d'haver cap problema.

  • José Bernal

    José Bernal

    over 10 years

    Que hem.de fer? O pasam un número de compte i faig l'ingres, posem 25 e però no més volem el CD abraçades fortes i molta llum per el vostre desitg


Bon dia a tots!

Avui venim amb notícies MOLT GRANS…

Ja tenim tot el material gravat i produït, totes les sessions fetes i el disseny gairebé enllestit…mentre acabem de tancar la mescla i tots els detalls, us volem presentar, per fi...

Aquí ho teniu! Ens fa molta il·lusió presentar-vos "ASTRONOMIA ELEMENTAL" el nostre primer CD!

La portada ha estat dissenyada per Sílvia Suárez (Nova Era Produccions) amb una fotografia de Simón García-Miñaur.

El CD veurà oficialment la llum el dia 5 d'abril, i ho celebrarem als "Amics de les Arts" de Terrassa coincidint amb el vernissatge de l'exposició que tindrem allà durant el mes d'abril amb l'art que tot una colla de fantàstics artistes han fet inspirat en la nostra música!

Serà la primera oportunitat per adquirir el CD i la resta de merchandising, recollir les recompenses i comprar entrades pels concert(s) de presentació!

Això sí, els mecenes rebreu la descàrrega digital del CD abans…per sorpresa ^_^

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Bon dia a tots!

Fa uns dies vam enviar uns formularis per poder recollir les dades que necessitem per poder preparar i enviar les recompenses que us pertoquen! SIUSPLAU CONTESTEU-LOS COM ABANS MILLOR! És molt ràpid i senzill!

Si no l'heu rebut o no el trobeu o el que sigui escriviu-nos a [email protected] i us el reenviem!


¡Buenos días a todos!

Hace unos días enviamos unos formularios para poder recojer los datos que necesitamos para preparar y enviar las recompensas que os tocan. ¡PORFAVOR CONTESTAD CUANTO ANTES! ¡Es muy rápido y sencillo!

Si no lo habéis recibido o no lo encontráis escribidnos a [email protected] y os lo reenviamos!


G'Day everybody!

Few days ago we sent out some forms we need you to fill up in order to prepare and send the rewards you pledged for. PLEASE ANSWER THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! It's very easy and fast!

If you didn't get it or you cant find it, contact us at read more


Ho hem aconseguit!! Gràcies a tots vosaltres hem aconseguit super l'objectiu que ens haviem marcat i el primer CD de Monsieur Cactus serà una realitat! Molt aviat us enviarem uns formularis per recollir les dades que ens caldran per manufacturar i fer les diferents recompenses, i a través d'aquest blog i de facebook i la resta de xarxes us anirem informant de com avança el procés!


PD: si algú està tenint problemes logístics amb el pagament no dubteu en contactar-nos per solucionar-ho com abans millor!

Lo hemos logrado!!! Gracias a todos vosotros hemos conseguido superar el objetivo marcado y el primer CD de Monsieur Cactus será una realidad! Muy pronto os enviaremos unos formularios para recoger los datos que necesitaremos para crear y entregar las recompensas, y a través de este blog y de facebook y el resto de redes sociales os iremos informando de como avanza el proceso!


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#03 / Bones festes!

Monsieur Cactus us volem desitjar amb aquesta nadala de Joni Mitchell unes molt bones festes i que vingui un 2014 carregat de coses positives.

Nosaltres tanquem aquest 2013 carregats d'agraïment a tots els que ens heu ajudat a tirar endavant i endavant. Tanquem l'any amb un verkami en marxa, amb un programa de radio i amb mil experiències viscudes que fa un any (quan gravàvem aquest video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTBB_MTMwi4 ) no ens podiem ni de lluny imaginar.

Així doncs moltes gràcies a tots els que ens vau fer volar de les mans la nostra maqueta, a tots els que heu vingut a concerts, a tots els que heu confiat en nosaltres, trucat per tocar, convidat a festivals,...a la gent de CoolturaFM per confiar en nosaltres i voler-nos a la graella i a tots els que ja heu esdevingut mecenes del nostre verkami i per tant voleu que seguim fent el boig aquest 2014.

Moltes gràcies.


Monsieur Cactus

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#02 / Ja estem a la meitat! (+regals nadalencs)


A partir d'ara tots els mecenes rebreu un "VALE" per poder regalar la nostra música i la resta de recompenses!

Seguim! http://vkm.is/MCactus


Des de ahora, todos los mecenas recibiréis un "VALE" para poder regalar nuestra música y el resto de recompensas!

Seguimos! http://vkm.is/MCactus


From now on every patron will recive a voucher to be able to gift our music and the rest of rewards!

We don't stop! http://vkm.is/MCactus

#01 / Primers tres dies!

Menys de tres dies i més del 25% aconseguit!!! Moltíssimes gràcies! :D

Ens veiem avui al concert gratuït al B-Bar a Barcelona!

clica aquí per detalls sobre EL CONCERT


Menos de tres días y más del 25% conseguido! Mucísimas gracias!! :D

Nos vemos hoy en nuestro concierto gratuito en el B-Bar de Barcelona!

clica aquí para detalles sobre EL CONCIERTO


Less than three days and more than 25% reached! Thank you so much! :D

See you tonight in our FREE show in the B-Bar in Barcelona!

follow this link for details about THE GIG


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