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"The Invisible Intervention" Documentary

An iberian village, an agricultural settlementment, a military base, a neighborhood of the informal city, a relay antenna, an abandoned place, a 360º Barcelona viewpoint, and finally, an open air museum.

15-L. Films

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An iberian village, an agricultural settlementment, a military base, a neighborhood of the informal city, a relay antenna, an abandoned place, a 360º Barcelona viewpoint, and finally, an open air museum.

At 2011, Turó de la Rovira is all those things. The invisible intervention, the restoration started at this Hill in 2009, leave the scars to be promoted by everything that have remain throughout history.

Once again, a new variation takes place in Turó de la Rovira: the transition from the quotidian to the museum.

(photo by Lourdes Jansana)


We have managed to finance almost the entire documentary but we need one last sum in order to complete the whole process. With this funding we would do the post-production process as the graphic part of the film also: titles, poster, producing the DVD, and so on. It would also be used to shoot some aerial plans of the Turó so as to offer a bird’s-eye view of the complete intervention, which would greatly enrich the documentary.


September - October: Shooting

November: Editing

December: Premiere


The transformations undergone by the space represent the different uses to which it has been put, while the architectural project has made of it not only a lookout over Barcelona but also a vantage point for pondering the past.

We aim to express this feeling by bringing together photos – from the years of the Civil War, of the squatter settlement, the neglect of the Turó, and its clearing up and subsequent rehabilitation – with images filmed today. The film will seek to reproduce in the present the same framing as that of the images of the past, making superimpositions and creating transparency effects in combining them in order to stress a key aspect of the project: the coexistence of different historical layers in one single space which tells the recent history of the city of Barcelona.

Furthermore, the rehabilitation work is so minimal that anyone walking on the Turó without prior knowledge of the site would not notice it. Hence the title of the documentary is La intervenció invisible (The Invisible Intervention). It will be necessary, then, to let the architects, archaeologists and museologists talk about the scope of the intervention. The decision to make it all but imperceptible means that the museological perspective does not interfere with the everyday uses of the visitor who comes to the place to walk the dog, do some exercise, or sit for a while to enjoy the views.

Hence, we have decided to interview the key people who have conceived the whole rehabilitation, inviting them to tell us about the ideas behind the project and what its aim is as a whole. These explanations will also include thoughts of a more general nature on architecture, urban planning, museology and historic memory, since the intervention on the Turó peaks is a clear example of new trends in all these disciplines and it opens up debate on what their future will be.


  • There are more and more Film and Architecture festivals being held all around the world. Our latest films have been selected for such festivals as: Budapest Architecture Film Days, Avilés International Cinema and Architecture Festival (FICARQ), Ponferrada International Film Festival, Arquiteturas Film Festival (Lisbon), Istanbul International Architecture and Urban Films Festival, Arquitectura Film Festival, Santiago de Chile (ARQFILMFEST), among others.

  • Cultural Centres like the CCCB and institutions associated with the European Prize for Urban Public Space including Architekturzentrum (Vienna), Netherlands Architecture Institute, The Architecture Foundation (London), Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Paris), Museum of Finnish Architecture, and Deutsches Arkitekturmuseum (Frankfurt).

  • Distribution through TV channels.


There are none published yet.

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  • 15-L. Films

    15-L. Films

    over 9 years

    Hola lala,

    Muchas gracias por tu mensaje! Puedes enterarte de los pases a través de nuestro facebook: https://www.facebook.com/15lfilms

    También tenemos dvds en venta, si nos escribes a [email protected] te lo hacemos llegar!

    Gracias de nuevo por tu interés!


  • lala


    over 9 years

    ¿Cómo puedo ver el documental a día de hoy? Tengo muchas ganas de verla, no sé si avisáis de los pases mediante alguna web o si hay posibilidad de visualizarlo en alguna plataforma, o de comprar el dvd..Espero que podáis contestarme!

    Un saludo!

  • 15-L. Films

    15-L. Films

    almost 10 years

    Hola Ángela, nos sabe mal pero no podemos pasarte las fotos porque no tenemos los derechos. Algunas pertenecen a archivos de instituciones públicas y otras son de los propios vecinos... La mayoría de las de la calle Mariano Lavernia son fotos familiares de los vecinos. Esperamos que esto te sirva para poder conseguirlas...

    Un saludo!

  • Ángela


    about 10 years

    ¿Podría facilitarme fotos hechas en la calle Mariano Lavernia en los años 2019, 2009 y anteriores?

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