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"IL NOSTRO PAESE" needs you!

The Company Lingera Teatro decided to entrust Verkami's people the production of its first play: “Il nostro paese”.

Lingera Teatro

A project of


Created in

Pistoia, Italy
From 1.500€
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Three young actors, a project, many difficulties... one possibility. You.



A young couple with a baby decides to move to a little village in search of an easier life, but upon arrival they have to face a terrible problem: an invisible enemy infests their house and the whole village. In a crescendo of panic, they clash with the reality of a harsh life, that becomes more difficult at every step.
When they finally surrend, they realize that a happy life is not necessarily a life without problems. It is instead a life that allows to find space in our hearth to recognize the beauty that surrounds us .


The staging of “Il nostro paese” respects an essential aesthetics. 

The places, both material and spiritual, are evoked by stage movements and lights.The few elements of scenography assume a different identity from time to time, and also become the limits of the landscape in which the dramatic action takes place.The ten characters are identified by the symbolic use of a few items of clothing and objects, so that the character does not belong to the actor but the actor to the character.

Overall, what you see is a nude scene in motion, because we believe that movement is what brings things to life.


As members of Lingera Teatro, we launch our call from this platform of creation: "Il nostro paese" needs you!

And it's true: the realization of a traveling play is anything but easy. And it is anything but cheap. We have devoted body and soul to the adaptation, direction, acting... But all of our work and our love are not enough to support "Il nostro paese".

For this reason we ask for your help, to all of you who believe in our work, who want to see our dream come to life and want to join it, to accompany us along the way.


Federica Cuccia, was born in Palermo in 1988.

She studied Drama at the "Estudio Corazza para el Actor" in Madrid. She works as an actress, screenwriter and assistant director, in Italy and Spain. Stubborn and idealistic, she's the prima donna (and the only) of the company.

Tommaso De Santis, was born in Pistoia in 1990.

He studied Drama at the "Estudio Corazza para el Actor" in Madrid. He has experience in cinema and theater, in Italy and Spain. Incurable optimist, collaborative and as a good aquarius, the hard core of communication in Lingera Teatro.

Alessandro Terranova, was born in Bologna in 1986.

He studied Drama at the "Estudio Corazza para el Actor" in Madrid. He works as an actor, musician and composer, in Italy and Spain. Multifaceted, creative, the virtuoso of the guitar, the musical soul of the company.


The Company will be able to debut in the month immediately following the funding. We hope to be able to decide the date of the first open trials as early as next Monday, October 14th! At the moment we are planning dates only in Italy, we hope to be able to come to foreign countries soon (maybe summer 2014...). Follow us on FaceBook

and on Twitter,

as well as here on Verkami , and you will see how many news await you …


Costumes, scenery, travels, technicians... with your help we will be able to cover all the costs of pre-production, the first major step towards the start of the tour.


We are dreamers, of course, but we like concrete things, such as the wood of the stage. For this reason, we do not want to limit ourselves to thank you in words: we want to give you a tangible sign of our appreciation.

For this reason we decided to offer, in exchange for your contribution, some fantastic rewards: you can find them here on the right! We will begin to send them the day after debut.

In advance, and from the deep of our hearts, our thanks for your support!

Lingera Teatro


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  • Lingera Teatro

    Lingera Teatro

    over 10 years

    Grazie Georgia! Il viaggio continua...

  • georgia lepore

    georgia lepore

    over 10 years

    Nessuna domanda! Solo un "in bocca al lupo" di cuore! :-)


Confermate le date delle prime prove aperte:

sabato 16 e domenica 17 novembre presso il Teatro del Baglio di Villafrati (PA).

Grazie al successo della campagna, e quindi grazie alla vostra partecipazione, possiamo garantire che lo spettacolo verrà messo in scena.

Il nostro prossimo obiettivo è raggiungervi nelle vostre città il più velocemente possibile. Grazie alla collaborazione di nuovi produttori, saremo capaci di ridurre i tempi per la definizione della tournée:


2000€: sbarchiamo a PALERMO

2500€: approdiamo a ROMA

2700€: invadiamo PISTOIA

3000€: assaltiamo BOLOGNA

4000€: scappiamo a MADRID.

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