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New space for our "Peña Flamenca Los Pájaros"

With brand new premises for our Peña Flamenca Los Pájaros, we wish to build a new space for flamenco in Murcia


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From 3.000€
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The Peña Flamenca Los Pájaros has grown in number and needs a proper venue to continue growing within autonomy, quality and cultural range. Therefore it is of fundamental importance to count on a space of its own, larger and fully equipped in order that its activities may develop independently.

Besides, the city of Murcia lacks a venue where amateurs, professionals and people from different artistic fields may meet as an excuse and link for wider and more continuous programming.

Therefore, our non-profit association Peña Flamenca Los Pájaros has decided to take the plunge and fly away from its nest in “la huerta” in order to build its own in the city. To do so, we need your help.


Since the association Peña Flamenca Los Pájaros started in April 2012, many activities have been implemented in our previous premises, by courtesy of the “Ateneo Cultural Huertano Los Pájaros”, located in Carril de los Chornos 63 in La Arboleja.

Once a month a flamenco soirée takes place with live music and important artists from inside and outside the region. Some of the singing events were preceded by talks delivered by outstanding flamenco researchers. In October 2012, various singing, dancing and “toque flamenco” workshops were carried out. We also supported young promising artists with the gala “Nuevas Promesas del Arte Flamenco”. In November and December we organized the contest “Concurso de Cante Flamenco”. The course “El Flamenco: Arte, Historia y Sociedad” was also celebrated - set up by our chairman, together with the director of the “Aula de Flamenco” of the University of Murcia.

All our activities are sustained by the contributions of our members.


To consolidate the activities carried out during our first year of life by increasing the offer to every weekend. To implement live concerts, talks, roundtables, presentations of books and records, monographs on flamenco artists, flamenco cinema, cultural meetings for research and diffusion, promotion of folklore, exhibitions, dance, singing and guitar workshops… and, of course, the contest “Concurso de Cante Flamenco”. We shall also collaborate with other cultural organizations such as the City and the University of Murcia, which is very near our new premises.

We shall foster new and young flamenco-talented people who arise in Murcia by providing them with a place so they might develop, train and perform their artistic skills. We shall offer counsel so they may make their way professionally in the world of flamenco. We shall create a section of artistic production to enable audiovisual recordings and opinion articles/books publishing.


Indoor and outdoor refurbishing of the venue: painting, soundproofing, setting up a “tablao”, lighting and sound system, two guitars, chairs and tables, a projector, a video camera and a laptop. Total cost 9000€


We shall inaugurate the new headquarters the first weekend of September, on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th, with an ample programme and opening party.


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  • Peña Flamenca Los Pájaros

    Peña Flamenca Los Pájaros

    almost 11 years

    Muchas gracias por tu consejo. Lo haremos

  • ana


    almost 11 years

    chicos, no es una pregunta. Es una sugerencia. Están cerrando La Conservera, en Ceutí y tirando a la basura cantidad de materia. Si teneis forma de llegar a ellos echarle un vistazo. De todo. Proyectores, focos...

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