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The Revolution of Angels

"The Revolution of The Angels" is a project of fiction that supposes a shift in power. In a situation of social and personal limits, how far will we go to try and change the world around us? Will there come a time that a majority justifies what we never would have imagined?

Oriol Clavell

A project of

Created in

From 10.000€
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The Revolution of the Angels, a fiction against corruption and injustices of the system. A call for reflection on the limits of the situation we are living. The plot begins when people who are terminally ill kill corrupt politicians. Do you want to join our project?


A country in bankruptcy, a political system enslaved by the economic powers that

be, where cases of corruption become widespread and a society becomes more

and more resentful. In this society there are people with nothing to lose who

decide to break the rules. A terminally ill patient murders a corrupt politician who

has continued acting with impunity. She records a confession on the Internet to

guarantee her freedom of speech and dignity of her family.

The confession becomes the most viral video in the history of the country. Quickly

afterwards, another politician is assassinated and surprisingly another confession

appears on the Internet. While the police search for a connection between the

crimes, more politicians are murdered and more confessions appear on the web.

The governing class begins to fear, and confines itself within the perimeters of

security. They can no longer live among civil society since any person could be a

threat. It is a revolution led by the terminally ill who cannot be punished criminally

-- individuals who rebel against the system to give a sense of purpose to their

impending natural death.

The assassins are not an organized group; these are copycat crimes and appeal to

moral justice to demand a real democracy and to the end of the privileges given

to the financial and political system. This is the starting point of the fictional plot

about a depressed society who has had enough – a society that converts assassins

into heroes.


Power has always used fear as a social control mechanism. The Revolution of The

Angels is a dramatic thriller that supposes a shift in this power. What would happen

if a town uses fear as a way of controlling its own political and economic leaders?

We find ourselves in the context of perpetuating crisis where years pass and no one

sees the light at the end of the tunnel. On the contrary, each dawn brings new cases

of alleged political corruption, financial scandals and examples that demonstrate

that far too often the judicial system is becoming more and more unreasonable. And

as if this wasn’t enough, the solutions proposed by the governing powers continue

to be in the best interests of the international financial corporations with doubtful

credibility and predict a future without hope: to unwillingly remain subject to the

dictatorship of the markets, loss of rights, and dismantling the general state of


In short, a crisis that translates into thousands of personal dramas and that, in

the fiction that we propose, ends up pushing certain people to commit murder

while at the same time demanding fundamental ethical changes, social justice and

sustainability. It’s a work of fiction with a plot that poses enormous moral dilemmas

and invites an inevitable exercise in reflection.


We believe in crowd-sourcing as an innovative approach that permits not only to

achieve the necessary funding needed to bring this project to life, but also so that

the sponsors feel involved, no matter what the level of contribution. And were sure

that what we are proposing will not leave you indifferent.

It won’t because our project is born from the roots of a reality that we are all living,

or suffering, every day. We ask that you help us make this short film and fiction

novel a reality – for which we have initially budgeted at 10,000 euros.


• Production, filming, post-production and short film distribution

• Editing, publishing and distribution of the novel

• Website maintenance and management

• To satisfy and reward our sponsors

We have produced various teasers, trailers and video-marketing activities to

introduce our idea to potential sponsors. Verkami will be the only source of

financing in the beginning.


We are people like you -- with the same concerns, worries and desires. On the

professional side, we are a group of people without political affiliation and with

a wide experience in the world of communication: we are journalists, directors,

producers, musicians, actors, technicians, etc. Some of us, after many years working

in diverse media careers, recently have been unemployed due to the fault of

these famous “budget cuts”. The idea behind “The Revolution of The Angels” was

conceived when we were all still employed. Now that we are unemployed, not only

do we have the ambitious, we have the time to move this project forward. In our

careers we have always followed the news closely and the debates that it sparks. No

one, of sound mind, openly defends violence and we obviously do not either. But

the commentaries in the street are there and we have all asked ourselves at some

point in time if the situation of social tension that we’re living could lead to violent

outbreaks, especially following the recent episodes of political mockery in their own

private homes (the phenomenon known as “ESCRACHE”). Where are the limits?

We collect these concerns and translate them into a work of fiction that invites


We are in contact with professionals of different specialties directly linked with

the plot that will help us build, contrast and highlight the truth – police, doctors,

lawyers, historians, etc. All members of the project have provided their selfless




We will interpret that the project is liked. It will grow accordingly to the enthusiasm

of the public and it will be the public who decides if more ambitious projects will

occur, such as a movie or TV series depending on the volume of funding.


The short film and novel will be ready between three to five months after achieving

our funding objective. Some of the deliverables will be offered during the

production process and development of the short film and editing of the novel. The

sponsors will be able to live “The Revolution of The Angels” starting from the very

first day.


On our website www.larevoluciondelosangeles.com

You can follow us on:
@revolucion_an / Facebook / google+


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Miriam


    almost 9 years

    Hola, me gustaria saber donde encontrar la pelicula la revelión de los ángeles


  • Oriol Clavell

    Oriol Clavell

    over 9 years

    Hola María Dolores, mándanos un email con tus datos y te los haremos llegar. [email protected]

    muchas gracias por tu interés.



    almost 10 years

    Hola tengo una libreria, y me han preguntado por el libro. Donde puedo comprar el libro y difundir vuestro proyecto en mi tienda

  • Oriol Clavell

    Oriol Clavell

    about 10 years

    La única manera de ayudarnos es hablando de nuestro proyecto y haciendo "me gusta" y RT en todas nuestras redes sociales.

    Este proyecto ya es una realidad, actualízate en:


  • Jose Maria

    Jose Maria

    about 10 years

    Me encanta la idea de que toda acción tiene consecuencias y que hay que eliminar los filtros que algunos han construido para evitar que estas les alcancen.

    Como hago para participar?

    Cuales son los diferentes canales participativos previstos?

  • Victòria Coll

    Victòria Coll

    about 10 years

    I per què "con castellano"?

  • Oriol Clavell

    Oriol Clavell

    over 10 years

    Gràcies Juli. Ho hem aconseguit entre tots. Ara a pencar!

  • Juli Garcia

    Juli Garcia

    almost 11 years

    Desde que os oi en catalunya radio sabia que lo conseguiriamos.

    Mis mas sinceras felicidades, y..... Animos.

    Ahora toca continuar con el proyecto !!!

  • Oriol Clavell

    Oriol Clavell

    almost 11 years

    Hola Marc, les despeses d'enviament estan incloses en l'aportació. Gràcies

  • Marc


    almost 11 years


    En cas d'escollir la recompensa de 25€, estan les despeses d'enviament incloses o s'ha d'anar a recollir?


#12 / ¡Más de 3.000 euros para "La Revolución de los Ángeles"! Y se acerca... el vídeo de "Like We Do"

¡Hola de nuevo!

Ya tenemos más de 3.000 euros aportados generosamente por un centenar de micromecenas que creen en "La Revolución de los Ángeles" y quieren que este proyecto sea una realidad. Muchas gracias, de verdad.

Para que sea posible debemos llegar a 10.000 euros. Una vez más os pedimos la máxima difusión de esta historia contra la corrupción y las injusticias del poder político y económico, una historia que es de tod@s.

Además, os avanzamos que muy pronto podréis ver el vídeo de la canción principal que acompaña "La Revolución de los Ángeles". Es "Like We Do", de Carlos Tormo. Un gran tema para una gran trama.

Aquí podéis ver algunas de las fotos de la grabación.

¡Hasta pronto!

Hola de nou!

Ja tenim més de 3.000 euros aportats generosament per un centenar de micromecenes que creuen en 'La Revolució dels Àngels' i volen que aquest projecte sigui una realitat. Moltes gràcies, de veritat.

read more

#10 / ¡Ahora sí! El tráiler completo de "La Revolución de los Ángeles"


Ya podéis ver en nuestra página principal de Verkami o en Youtube el tráiler completo de "La Revolución de los Ángeles". Si todavía no lo habéis visto, os gustará!

Es importante que entre todos lo difundamos lo máximo posible. El vídeo causa expectación a quien lo ve, pero tiene que llegar a la gente para que más personas se sumen al proyecto. Sois nuestros mejores embajadores.

Aquí tenéis lo enlaces:



También hemos hecho una versión con subtítulos en inglés. Si tenéis amigos extranjeros, podéis hacérsela llegar. El enlace es el siguiente:


¡Muchas gracias y hasta pronto!

#09 / ¿Ya habéis visto lo que se acerca? Un avance del tráiler de "La Revolución de los Ángeles"

Dentro de poco podréis ver el tráiler de "La Revolución de los Ángeles". De momento, en estos dos vídeos cortos podéis haceros una idea de cómo va a ser.
¡No os los perdáis y compartidlos para que se unan más micromecenas al proyecto! Entre tod@s podemos hacer posible que se convierta -como mínimo- en un cortometraje.

¡Muchas gracias!



#05 / Pilar Manjón apoya públicamente “La Revolución de los Ángeles”

• El proyecto tiene el aval de la presidenta de la Asociación 11-M Afectados del Terrorismo y también de Robert Manrique, superviviente del atentado de ETA en el Hipercor de Barcelona y expresidente de la Asociación Catalana de Víctimas de Organizaciones Terroristas.

La Revolución de los Ángeles quiere plasmar en un cortometraje y una novela una trama de ficción en qué enfermos terminales sin nada que perder matan políticos corruptos

La presidenta de la Asociación 11-M Afectados del Terrorismo, Pilar Manjón, apoya públicamente “La Revolución de los Ángeles” y se muestra "absolutamente convencida" de que el proyecto debe seguir adelante. Manjón deja claro que hay de distinguir entre un proyecto de ficción y la realidad. "A pesar de que en nuestro país algunas personas hayamos pasado por momentos de… read more

#01 / Los medios de comunicación hablan de nosotros

Durante una entrevista en Catalunya Ràdio. Marc Garriga, el presentador del programa, y algunos de los integrantes del proyecto; el periodista Oriol Clavell, el doctor Santiago Barambio, el abogado Álex Zaragüeta y el agente de policía David Miquel.

Podéis escucharla siguiendo este enlace:


Albert Castillón reflexiona en lavanguardia.es

Sigue este link para leer el artículo:


También hemos estado en Intereconomia • Programa “Per Tots” Intereconomia Catalunya dirigit per Quim Esteban

[audio="http://www.ivoox.com/un-cortometraje-explica-historia-enfermos_md_1988438_1.mp3"] Ir a descargar

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