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El llibre dels 18 anys de La Caldera, centre de creació de dansa i arts escèniques

This book is a necessary witness of 18 years of collective memory. Together we can fill in the gaps, the holes behind a life of creation, effort and passion for dance and arts.


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"This book wants to be a small collection, a small fragment which can not host all our truth, all what we did, everything that has happened and all we have been; it is not intended to do it. But it aims to be a place where dump our collective memory, trusting that it will fill the gaps, the holes behind a complex "reality", always incomplete, highly subjective.

In any case this "reality" shared over 18 years, has been developed for each and every one of us with passion, dedication and love...

Thanks to all who have contributed, came, gone, shared, worked and loved. This book is for all of us. "

The project that we present below is the publication of a book-object to commemorate the 18 years of existence of La Caldera, center of dance and performing arts. This is a special edition, unique and unrepeatable.

This book is intended as a document to memory mode, and both a reflection and a possible tool for future joint projects. It wants to show how has been to develop an independent collective project in the city of Barcelona in the last 18 years as well as the way that it has been deployed, all that it has content and its meaning on different levels.

The book has a special meaning as it also represents the end of the project linked to our current location and opens a possibility of reformulation and recasting another possible venue for future.

With this publication we also pay a tribute to all those people and groups who have served or who have passed through La Caldera throughout its existence, as well as an overview of the activities, events and projects that it had developed, complicity and networks created with other industry players and, of course, with the public, without which a project like this would have been meaningless.

This book will be done with all those who have been linked at some point to La Caldera: partners, employees, friends, residents, artists, teachers, students, visitors, public, ... If you felt that La Caldera has been part of your life at some point and feel that it is a place that can continue being it, we encourage you to participate. Your collaboration can be done through financial contributions, being patron of our project through this Verkami, but also by sending photographs and artwork related to your passage through La Caldera. We want a collective project, as it has been with La Caldera.

This book-object includes two DVD's with images of the various activities and numerous texts commissioned from artists, experts, professionals and people involved as André Lepecki, Scott deLahunta, Lipi Hernández, Montse Colomé, Carles Mallol, Carles Sales, Alexis Eupierre, Inés Boza, Álvaro de la Peña, Sol Picó, Clàudia G. Moreso, Toni Mira, Beatriu Daniel, Toni Cots, Helena Torres, Rosario Hernández, Tracy Sirés, Fani Benages, Berta Sureda, Germana Civera, Roberto Frattini, Cristina Riera, Magali Homs, Mireia de Querol, Raquel Ortega, Silvia Lorente, Cesc Casadesús, Jean-Marc Adolphe, Jordi Prat i Coll, among others ...

We want to capture a plural story of La Caldera and to highlight the impact that it has had as well as to assert the importance of its existence over the last 18 years, with both successes and mistakes.

La Caldera reaches his majority and we want it to be documented, not only as a testimony of its long and fruitful life but as a starting point for everything it have left to live. We look forward to your cooperation!

If you want to know more about La Caldera


The book consist of 400 pages, with approximate dimensions of 25x17 cm. and we will publish at the same time a self-managed Web File with documentary materials, audiovisual and related photographic artists, companies, groups, organizations involved in the project of La Caldera which include a section in English. With this file 2.0. La Caldera will open the content for free feeding it with the participation of artists and audiences. The edition of the book, the DVDs and the web file will be provided by Liquid Docs. The content (text, images, videos) will be created and supervised by the Caldera and its collaborators.


The money we raise with this crowdfunding will go to pay the cost of printing the book. We will print 1200 copies of it. La Caldera will seek other sources of funding for the remaining costs of book production.


The book will be published before the end of 2013.

The work schedule will be (susceptible to small changes): on June 30 we will close the final contents of the book and on August 14 we will be closing the final model. Later, it will held printing jobs to have the book ready in November.

The presentation of the book will take place in December. During that month the patrons may pass through La Caldera to collect their rewards. Also, in addition to these rewards, the idea is to share among those attending the presentation, some fragments of the space of La Caldera so they can have a physical memory of the space.


There are none published yet.

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  • lacaldera


    over 10 years

    Hola Xavier. Moltes gràcies pel teu interès :) Estem fent els treballs d'impremta i la data prevista de presentació del llibre és al febrer. Us mantindrem informats i tots els mecenes estareu convidats a la presentació. Fins aviat!

  • xavier.ariza


    over 10 years

    Bon dia i Bon Any Nou, Sé que aneu de bòlit i a tot gas, però sabeu ja, quan rebrem el llibre? Gràcies i perdoneu la impaciència. Abraçades, Xavier

#04 / L'espai de La Caldera

L'espai de La Caldera ha anat canviant al llarg dels anys, millorant i renovant-se per tal que tant els creadors com el públic hi estiguessin molt a gust. El llibre parlarà de tots aquests canvis, i aquí una petita mostra.

#03 / Endevineu, endevineu...

Qui és aquest nen tant somrient? És un dels socis-fundadors de La Caldera i al llibre tindreu la solució. Tenim moltes més fotos com aquesta!

#01 / Comença el nostre Verkami!

Doncs si, a La Caldera hem decidit plasmar la nostra història en un llibre, i per això us demanem la vostra col·laboració com a mecenes del nostre projecte!

Actualment estem recopilant tot de textos interessants que parlaran sobre el que ha estat i el que és La Caldera, tant a nivell artístic, com cultural, social, polític...i també moltes imatges que us sorprendran i us faran conèixer una Caldera amagada.

Aquí us anirem fent un tastet...

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