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International Bikini Allstars, the new album of Fuckin' Bollocks

We want to raise money to pay for the recording of our next album "International Bikini Allstars" will edit BCore, in mid-2013.

Fuckin' Bollocks

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The money collected will be used to pay the recording of our second LP "International Bikini Allstars"

After all these months causing chaos all around Spain presenting our first album "Congo Tapes" we, the fucking bollocks decided to turn our lives around.

We decided it was time to stop fucking around, taking our pants off, ending up lost in the dirtiest bars of our city, after partying in our van a.k.a Fuckineta and spending our money eating shrimps in the coast of Palamós. We really had to stop that.

After this dark phase, we tried to shut ourselves away and to get back our lost time with our families and going to church every sunday until BCore contaced us. They wanted us to sign with them and to release our second album under their label. That's one of the reasons why we reunited our strenght again to lock ourselves in at " Estudios Ultramarinos" to record our new album with the very patient Santi García.

This new eleven songs in this new album reflect our new personal vision towards the band, it wasn't easy but don't panic, we haven't gone hippie acoustic leaving our characteristic strenght behind, we have only grown older and so we had the feeling it was time to do things in a better way, something to show to your mother when she asks you how its going with your band.

As you already know, the music industry is no gold mine but a very long and dark, very dark pit...

So to be able to make this happen and release this new "International bikini allstars" we need to gather some money to pay the studio and all that. That's where you people take part in this. Any donation will be helpful and you all will be rewarded.

For example, you donate 20 euro? you get an album, but we thought it was too cold to just give an album away and leave it there so we decided that we would hand it to you personally and give you our most sincere thanks. And for only a bit more than 50 € our band mate Imanol will go to your place and will sing you his wide repertory of rancheras.

If you're feeling charitative we will show up someday at your place and play the whole album in acoustic. Have too much money don't know what to spend it on? For a wee bit more you will be invited to have dinner at the Terra Alta bar plus after party!

Come on, we're going all out, you will come to 5 concerts for free and even tour with us, all expenses included!

We say goodbye to you, thanking you in advance to have read such a letter to Santa Claus and waiting your help in our fame.

Rewards will be delivered in June 2013

Fuckin' Bollocks.


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  • serra46


    over 10 years

    Buenas tardes,
    como va el tema del disco? Tendremos las recompensas pronto?

    un saludo.

#04 / Envio o recogida de recompensas

¡Hola Mecenas!

A todos aquellos cuya recompensa incluye envío, deciros que os acabamos de enviar un correo pidiendo vuestros datos. En cuanto los recopilemos os enviaremos la recompensa.

Por otro lado, aquellos mecenas cuya recompensa no incluye envío, recordaros que podéis recoger vuestro CD o VINILO + CAMISETA CONGO TAPES en la tienda de BCore.

Gracias y hasta pronto ;)

#03 / Envio de recompensas

Hola mecenas,

Antes de nada, explicaros el porqué algunos mecenas aún no tenéis vuestra recompensa cuando el disco ya ha salido a la venta.

Como ya sabéis, todo ha sido un poco caótico. Además las copias llegaron un par de días antes del semiacústico en BCore de la semana pasada. Por eso, hasta hoy no hemos podido pediros los datos necesarios para hacer los envíos.

Durante unas semanas os pediremos por e-mail la información necesaria para hacer el envío e iréis recibiendo vuestras recompensas en vuestra dirección. Sólo se hará el envío a aquellos mecenas que su recompensa incluye envío, el resto tendrán que recogerlo en la tienda de BCore.

Sentimos de veras todo este descontrol, pero en cuanto nos dejéis vuestros datos, nos pondremos en marcha con los envíos para que los recibáis lo antes posible.

#01 / Entrega de recompensas

Sentimos mucho que todo se haya retrasado tanto, pues hemos tenido algunos contratiempos con el artwork del disco, pero por fin tenemos fechas claras. Sobre el 19 de noviembre os podremos enviar por fin vuestro disco o vinilo.

Los mecenas que hayan hecho las aportaciones de entre 75€ hasta 500€, por favor, poneros en contacto con nosotros para concretar la recompensa.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia y apoyo. Estamos seguros que la espera merecerá la pena :-)

Fuckin' Bollocks

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