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Dins la Fosca (Inside the Darkness)

We are facing a great deal of experimentation and creativity, the result of curiosity and motivation of a group of people trained in the field of cinema, journalism and art, who wanted to combine several disciplines to obtain an attractive and risky short film.

Joaquim Sicart Bertran

A project of


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The idea was conceived in the mind of Joaquim Sicart while carrying out their final project of the Fine Arts.

This arose from a series of sensations that he personally remembered with some nostalgia from some years ago. Surely we must refer to memories of his childhood and the effect that it producieron certain music, movies, certain smells or experiences at certain times. A cluster of primary sensations at all, of emptiness, of despair, of expectation, of respect, fascination and even, in some cases of fear. Dins la Fosca rescues all these emotions by translating them into a fascinating story that introduce the viewer on a unique adventure that allows more readings are intuited at first glance.

The plot discovers nuances that indirectly give us a glimpse deep historical research result of curiosity of its author to work about the life and the athmosphere of the past two centuries. Issues like Catalan witchcraft late nineteenth century are intertwined.


Actually this is the real star of Dins la Fosca.

In a story where are too few words, we find that the action is described by a mixture of music and the sound of the mountains of Baix Penedès. This careful selection of ambient sound fits the plasticity of the images, which originally born of inspiration and music of some of the greatest composers of Russian Romanticism.

This special election was, in a way, what generated the spark that would later become the argument as we know it.


The story takes place around 1890 and accompanies the young Frederic, a messenger, which is lost at night in the mountains. Amid the rush to find the way to get home, he realize you are not alone. Something haunts him, so he goes into the woods to throw it off. Finally, the man arrives at an abandoned village where there is an unusual meeting. But not everything is as it seems. Fanaticism can lead human beings to the darkest corners of his heart, and this is what our hero discovers in this adventure shrouded in mystery. Dins la Fosca is a metaphor for life itself, about the obstacles that one encounters along the way and love that accompanies us on our journey temporarily. A lesson of self-improvement, such as Frederic discovers, that we must learn to survive in this hostile world.

Dins la Fosca teaser poster


The abandoned village of Marmellar (in the mountains of Montmell, Baix Penedès) appears as the main stage of this story. So much so that almost could be considered a character. This choice was not fortuitous. The willingness to work with their historical memory and provide a new opportunity to this abandoned village, seek to reconcile the comunity with a place often stigmatized due to the silence of the stones. Therefore, with each day of shooting we give voice to this place and honor it as our undisputed heritage footprint.



Written and directed by Joaquim Sicart

Production Cecilia Mestres and Joaquim Sicart

Edition Jordi Pros and Joaquim Sicart

Assistant director Jordi Pros and Cecília Mestres

Camera Jordi Pros

Director of PhotographyJennipher Gonzàlez

Art Direction Joaquim Sicart

Make up FX: Amanda Gómez

Technical Joan M ª Rossell, Adrià Manceñido

Collaboration with Lab-Media department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona.


We need resources to meet the basic costs of filming. Your contribution will directly fund a large part of the basic production costs: transportation, infrastructure, technical equipment, art (clothing, hairdressing, makeup, decor, props ...), supplies, etc ...

To these costs must be added Verkami own expenses, fees for payment by Paypal and taxes. If we are lucky enough to overcome the economic objective proposed, the profits will go to improve the quality of the soundtrack, cover the cost of the DVD edition, the last production costs, the edition of the art book and the diffusion of the film.


Filming began in the spring of 2013, and will finally to perform in the coming months of November and December of the same year. It is expected that postproduction will take place during the first three months of 2014, to finish the whole process in spring. Then the preview will take place and begin the participation process of the film at festivals and competitions throughout the year. The official release is calculated about summer 2014, we confirm the exactly day through our Facebook, and from that day we will make delivery of all rewards to our patrons.


Can I donate a monetary amount that is not on the official list?

No. All donations must be based on the figures stipulated.

I would like to contribute a sum of money to the project but I think it is too low, or does not reach the stipulated minimum.

Surely you know someone who would be interested to participate in patronage too. Talk to each other and take both donations into one to achieve a remarkable single donation.


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  • Joaquim Sicart Bertran

    Joaquim Sicart Bertran

    about 10 years

    Salutacions companys! Va ser una nit atrafegada, però transpirava bon rotllo per tot arreu! Ens podeu seguir a través del nostre facebook http://www.facebook.com/dinslafosca

    Allà anem actualitzant l'última hora de tot, i anunciarem l'estrena del curt. Abraçades!

  • Jaume


    about 10 years

    Salutacions del grup de FRIKIS del "Geocaching" que us vam perturbar el rodatge d'ahir. Va ser una nit esplèndida.

#01 / Nosaltres creiem en tu

Avui hem publicat un nou vídeo per presentar el nostre projecte.

D'aquesta manera, tothom qui vulgui el podrà utilitzar com a càpsula per poder compartir-lo i difondre el nostre Verkami.

Us seguim animant per tal de que feu córrer la veu a tots els vostres coneguts.

Junts ho podem fer possible!

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