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The King and the Tree

"Once upon a time there was a very beautiful tree..." Follow the little king as he learns to see the world with new eyes!

Kate Curtis

A project of

Created in

From 2.500€
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The King and The tree /El Rey y el Árbol is a bilingual, illustrated children´s book with an important message about our world.

This is a simple, colouful story about a small boy (The King) and his teacher, who shows him to how to see the world with different eyes.The story and illustrations were developed over the last 2 years during various travels in different countries.



-The book can be enjoyed by young and old alike!! Due to it´s simple story line and colourful, detailed illustrations.

-Both Spanish and English speakers

-It can also be used as a bilingual learning tool by Spanish and English teachers, and also as a basis for class discussions about our relationship with nature.


80% of the money raised will be used for printing costs:

500 copies = 2000€

Cover: 899 x 210 mm. (solapas 150 mm)
100% Recycled paper 350 gr.

32 pages, 297 x 210 mm.
100% recycled paper 170 gr.

Verkami: 5% 100€

Bank charges +/- 1.35% 35€


-Colour-in postcards (100 %recycled paper)

-Cotton tote bag with tree deisgn

-Notebook/journal (100% recycled paper and card)

-Flashcards for teachers

-Postage costs
Total: 360€

Money raised through Verkami will be the only source of funding.

The book will be printed on 100% recyled paper- no trees will be harmed in the making of this book :)


You can expect to recieve your books and rewards by the end of March 2013.


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


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  • Carta Gráfica

    Carta Gráfica

    over 10 years

    Buenas tardes

    Soy Juan José Franco de Carta Gráfica, dedicada a la impresión de libros y posicionamiento en redes sociales , blogs, tiendas online…….

    Nos ofrecemos para presupuestar futuros proyectos.

    Un saludo,


  • Joan Mas

    Joan Mas

    almost 11 years

    Hi Kate, how u doing?

    I´d like you inform me when can i pick up the book or if you will send it to me.

    Please I´d like to have it as soon as possible.

    Tell me news


  • Kate Curtis

    Kate Curtis

    about 11 years

    ¡Hola! Tengo que confirmar lo con la librería pero no veo problema con eso.

    Si no, siempre podemos encontrar otra manera o lugar donde se puede de recoger el libro en Barcelona.
    :) Kate

  • random user

    Susana Alonso Segura

    about 11 years

    Soy de Barcelona, pero no estoy segura de si podré pasar a recoger el libro el dia fijo de la presentación... ¿Se me guardaría en la misma librería para cuando lo pudiese pasar a buscar?

  • Kate Curtis

    Kate Curtis

    about 11 years

    Hola :)

    Gracias por tu interes en el libro! El libro se puede disfrutar a partir de 3 años- si no sabe leer tu hermanito, puedes leerlo tú miéntras él mira las ilustraciones u discubre los detalles.

  • random user

    Susana Alonso Segura

    about 11 years

    Me gustaría regalarle el libro a mi hermano pequeño por su cumple... ¿a partir de que edad es recomendado leerlo?

  • Kate Curtis

    Kate Curtis

    about 11 years


    Creo que es posible entrar con tu email y password y añadir mas recompensas de la misma cuenta.

    Pero no sé si es posible cancelar tu aportación inicial y cambiarlo...

  • pingubcn


    about 11 years

    Hola Kate

    como puedo aumentar mi aportación inicial, hay alguna forma de poner más desde la misma cuenta?

  • Kate Curtis

    Kate Curtis

    about 11 years

    Hi Melissa,

    Thank you for your interest :)

    Once the project reaches the funding target and I am able to print the book, I will publish the names of the bookstores in Barcelona where the book will be available on the blog: http://thekingandthetree.blogspot.com.es/

    If the target is reached (fingers crossed!!)

    the book should be available at the end of March.

    With a smile, Kate

  • melissamoss


    about 11 years

    I would like to contribute 15 euro and pick up from a book store in BC, however i dont have a credit card, can you tell me where the bookstore is so i can go directly there and purchase, gracias

#03 / First impressions

The first box of books has arrived!! Looking forward to sending and sharing them.

With a big smile, :)

¡¡La primera caja de libros ha llegado!! Que ganas tengo de enviar y compartir los. Con una sonrisa grande, :)

#02 / Gratitude! ¡Agradecimiento!

Wow! I can´t believe it :)

I am so happy and overwhelmed with gratitude- thanks to the support and contributions of 93 people, it´s going to be possible to self-publish "The King and the Tree".

I can´t wait to be putting all the books and rewards in envelopes and sending them off to the different countires around the world. England, Spain, South Africa, USA, Israel, India, Thailand and more!

So much gratitude and inspiration to share!

¡¡Increible!! ¡No lo puedo creer!

Estoy tan feliz y llena de agradecimiento! Gracias al apoyo y contribuciones de 93 personas va a ser posible auto-publicar "El Rey y el Árbol".

Tengo tantas ganas de estar poniendo los libros y recompensas en sobres listos para enviar a los paises diferentes del mundo. Inglaterra, España, Sudáfrica, EE.UU., Israel, India, Tailandia y muchos más!

Así que mucha gratitud e inspiración para compartir!

#01 / The King and the Tree on Verkami

I´ve just created this blog for the book:

To see it, click here

I´m feeling really nervous and excited to get the project on Verkami and see how crowdfunding works.

Really looking forward to seeing the book in print -we did the first test print a few weeks ago and I´m really happy with the colours and the feel of the recycled paper. :)

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