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*Reaction!* is a magazine of Alternative Social Journalism. It is also a job insertion tool for people on the streets. With your help we can get down on paper. Together we can give opportunities to those most in need.


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We seek to finance the publication of Reaction!: A magazine of Alternative & Social Journalism; that can work as a self-management and Independentely.

With this project, we will become a job offer to people on the streets.


The news crew consists of Communicators and Designers Association, renowned journalists, photojournalists and Social Workers.

And to give you an Idea

In Reaction # 1! will, among other things:

  • Have an Exclusive Interview with Eduardo Galeano (author of "The Open Veins of Latin America").

  • Special reports as "Disease Sellers," "The Cleferos" + Photo Essays.

  • Background Notes (discussed in Latin America. A look at the ground and from the resistance).

  • Film and Extras that you can not miss

With your help Reaction will be possible and you’ll be able to get…

Join us on Verkami/Reaction Campaing!
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Dale 'Me Gusta' a Nuestro FB!


We could number a list of accurate Statistics (as one that confirms that Bolivia is the poorest country in South America and the second poorest across the continent). We could quote sentences by American thinkers to add arguments to a list of possible reasons. But it would not be enough to explain... To say that is not enough to talk about inequality, poverty and suffering.

It is essential to fight agaisnt them.

  • Reaction! * Is exactly that. And Social Alternative Journalism

Carried out with the lucidity generated in the encounter. With a clear social message. While denouncing the unjust, unvarnished reality: positive communication.

And a job offer to people on the streets.

An opportunity to prevailing inequality.

Team members of Reaction! Are part of Fuseres, Free Association which has a social communication platform.
fuseres.org We also participate in alternative media in reporting teams, as Freelancers

In Fuseres. Org we carry out different initiavites:

  • Ame Bolivia (Humanitarian Medical Action)

  • Fuseres Social Communication Plataform

  • Cultural Activities, Itinerant Exhibitions, Film Debate, Social Cinema with tutorials, etc

  • Volunteer work in complement with humanitarian agencies


There are none published yet.

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#01 / Un Morral Andino

Con tu ayuda, podremos brindar posibilidades a quiénes más la necesitan.

Te convertirás en el mecena de una publicación alternativa de alta calidad, que dará voz a quiénes son silenciados.

Tu aporte propiciará ésta herramienta de inclusión sociolaboral.

Y como si esto fuera poco, puedes llevarte un montón de obsequios a cambio. Entre ellos, este precioso Morral Andino artesanal:

Recuerda darnos una mano contandole a otros sobre Reacción! y nuestra campaña en Verkami.
Siguenos en Twitter
Dale 'Me Gusta' en FB!

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