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First EP from LA BOULET

Imagine a giant truck with square wheels. This is the feeling that is generated in a concert of LA BOULET. An explosive mixture of styles away from any conventional label. We want to capture all this energy into a disc and we ask for your cooperation.

La Boulet

A project of


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From 1.200€
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View project in Castellano and Català

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Imagine a giant truck with square wheels. This is the feeling that is generated in a concert of LA BOULET. An explosive mixture of styles away from any conventional label. We want to capture all this energy on a disc and we ask for your cooperation.

LA BOULET is a heterogeneous musical project, heir of aesthetics and sound of the '80s counter-cultural movement , open to the influences of the XXI century. Suggestive lyrics, powerful riffs, electronic melodies, strong rhythms ... All this, and more, is present in what will be our first EP.


We need your help to fund the mixing and mastering in a professional studio. Recording and editing are nearly completed. Also part of the budget are needed to edit the disc and create a video clip.


Natalia Folar - Voice

Ana Be. - Keyboards, synthesizers and vocals

Raul Torrijos - Guitars and vocals

Gerard Espuña - drums and vocals.

Advancement of LA BOULET First EP. Pre-master version

We are looking for people who want to participate with us in a musical project with great innovative and risky long-term projection. People who loves music, rock, electronics, sound ... So join us!

Write, with us, the immediate future of La Boulet thanks to crowdfunding!


If you want to hear something of what we are preparing VISIT LA BOULET


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