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El ruido del mundo

El Ruido del Mundo (Noise of the World) is a short film animated with clay drawings on glass. Through music and without words, it tells the story of Hector, a composer that suffers a strange illness: he can hear every noise in the world.

Coke Riobóo

A project of


Created in

From 6.000€
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View project in Castellano

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After Said´s Journey, winner of over 40 international awards including a Goya for Best Animated Short Film in 2007, (you can watch it here), musician and animator Coke Riobóo decided it was time to take a turn off traditional clay animation and he started drawing with it instead of building puppets. That´s how he has spent the last three years, drawing with clay on underlit glass panels to tell this story with a unique style.

Noise of the World is made of nearly 8000 still images painstakingly drawn during three years, adding up to almost eleven minutes of animation. It tells the story of how Hector, a composer afflicted by an unusual illness that allows him to hear every noise in the world, tries to find a cure to his condition through music.

These last months, some of you have been able to watch the process and chat with Coke live on UStream during his long animation sessions in his Madrid studio. If you haven´t yet, click here to see some of the videos of past sessions or join us on the live broadcasts that we still have left until the film is finished -we enjoy working in good company.

Here's Coke with more information about the project.

Now, after all this work, we are almost done with the shooting of the last sequence of the film and about to start the postproduction process, and that´s where you come in.

Since the project started, we have been collaborating with amazingly talented artists and friends who have helped us free of charge. User t38, has been on board since the beginning, and it´s the company that will take care of image postproduction. The Lobby will create the sound design. Coke has also composed the soundtrack of the film, and we will record it with a small orchestra at studio Brazil. Alvaro Granados programmed our web page, the guys at Cirugia Gráfica have been kind enough to provide us with custom -and express!- graphics, and we´re deeply thankful for all the support and collaboration from the team at the International Market of Animation, Videogames and New Media 3D Wire.

We believe artists´ time is valuable. With your support, we´ll try to raise 6.000 euros to finish this film.

This will help us pay for:

  • The musicians.

  • The music recording studio.

  • The audio design.

  • The final audio mix.

  • Image postproduction.

And if we reach 8.000 euros? We´ll be able to put together a travelling exhibition with a series of light boxes showcasing the original drawings used in the film.

What if we reach 10.000 euros or more? Then we will also be able to make extra copies of the film and fully cover the national and international festival distribution cost, following the trail of Said´s Journey.

So, what do you get by supporting this project besides the huge satisfaction of being a sponsor of creative independent projects? Here are:


10.00 € / 10 DECIBELS KIT :

Adopt a frame! Choose the scene you like the most and we´ll send you a high resolution digital image used in the movie -you can use it anyway you want. Plus, you´ll have access to the online sneak preview and a special thank you on the screen credits.

15.00 € / 15 DECIBELS KIT :

Original digital frame + Access to the online sneak preview + Thank you credit + HD download of the film + Signed postcard (sent by post mail).

30 dB KIT (our BASIC KIT) : Original digital frame + Access to the online sneak preview + Thank you credit + HD download of the film + Postcard + Special Edition DVD for our backers. It includes the short, the making of and a CD with the soundtrack -numbered and signed. (Shipping included).

To get an idea, you can watch Said´s Journey´s making of here.

50.00 € / 50 DECIBELS KIT :

Basic Kit + 100% cotton T-Shirt, hand screened with one of the film´s images by our friends at Pyroprinters!. (Shipping included, we´ll contact you by email to get your size).

70.00 € / 70 DECIBELS KIT :

Basic Kit + T-Shirt + Limited Edition Film Poster designed by artist
Rafa Jaramillo, the very talented and unconditional collaborator of artists in the independent music scene. Numbered and signed! (Shipping included).

100.00 € / 100 DECIBELS KIT :

Basic Kit + T-Shirt + Videochat via Skype with the director on the film set -you can organize a group session with your friends or your classmates ; ) (Shipping included).


Basic Kit + T-Shirt + Your portrait -or someone else´s- drawn on clay on glass from a photograph you send us as reference. Printed on high quality A3 format paper + The high resolution digital file. (Shipping included).


Basic Kit + T-Shirt + Original clay drawing used in the film, mounted on a light box and protected by polyurethane resin -numbered and signed. (Shipping included).


Basic Kit + T-Shirt + Original clay drawing (send us your photo or any image you want as reference) mounted on a light box and protected by polyurethane resin + The high resolution digital image. (Shipping included).

+ 600.00 / SPONSOR KIT!

Basic Kit + T-Shirt + A clay drawing mounted on a lightbox (from a reference you send us, includes shipping and a high resolution file) + Your name -or your company´s name- in an individual sponsor credit on-screen.

If you´d like to contribute a different amount, or if you want to contribute but don´t want a particular reward, please contact us at [email protected] and we´ll get back to you with a customized alternative.

If you happen to be in Madrid for the premiere, we will hand you the rewards in person, in a special screening with the production team and our supporters as special guests.

The premiere is planned for February 2013. We will send the rewards as they become available between December 2012 and March 2013.

Besides making a direct contribution, is there another way of participating in the campaign?

Follow us on

Facebook, Twitter, UStream, or in our blog, and help us spread the word about the project and our campaign on Verkami. Drop us a line!

A big loud thanks for opening your ears to NOISE OF THE WORLD!!

Greetings from Madrid,

The production team and enthusiastic friends who have helped us get this far.


There are none published yet.

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  • Coke Riobóo

    Coke Riobóo

    over 11 years

    Hola, puedes enviarnos un mail a [email protected] y decirnos qué necesitas, gracias y saludos,


  • Clara Rodríguez Navarro

    Clara Rodríguez Navarro

    over 11 years

    Querido Coke. En 1º lugar enhorabuena por lo conseguido. En segundo lugar quería pedirle su colaboración en mi proyecto de fin de carrera "Crowdfunding como forma de financiación independiente para largo-cortemetraje" Un saludo

#06 / Gracias!

¡GRACIAS A TOD@S! ¡Hemos alcanzado nuestro objetivo!

Afortunadamente, el mundo no se ha acabado y esta campaña sigue hasta el 26 de diciembre. Si llegamos a los 8.000 podremos financiar una pequeña exposición itinerante con los dibujos originales utilizados en la película.

Gracias una vez más por su apoyo, felices fiestas!!

THANKS EVERYONE! We´ve reached our goal!

Fortunately, the world hasn´t come to an end and our crowdfunding campaign will keep going until December 26th as planned. If we reach 8.000 we will be able to finance a small travelling exhibition with original clay drawings from the film. Thanks again for your support, happy holidays!!

Dibujo Secuencia 4
Dibujo Secuencia 4

#05 / ¡Finalizado el rodaje! / We´ve finished shooting the animation!


Hemos terminado por fin el rodaje de la animación y hemos empezado la postproducción, confiando en que llegaremos a nuestra meta en Verkami (todavía tenemos once días, por favor compartan el link!). Coke empezará con la versión final de la música esta semana, y trataremos de transmitir más por UStream según vaya avanzando la producción...

Muchas gracias a todos por su apoyo!! Reportaremos avances esta semana...

We´re finally done with the animation and have started the post production process, trusting that we will reach our goal in Verkami (we still have eleven days on the campaign, please help us share it!). Coke will start with the final music composition this week, and we´ll try to keep broadcasting on UStream as the production moves along...

Thank you all for the support!! More this week......

#02 / Making of: Dibujando el Teatro

¡Hola de nuevo!

Aunque podéis seguir el proceso en tiempo real cada noche en UStream, os hemos preparado este time-lapse para que veáis a cámara rápida el trabajo que lleva cada fotograma y os hagáis una idea de la técnica que está utilizando Coke. Aquí podéis ver la sesión del miércoles pasado.

Un abrazo y muchas (¡muchas!) gracias a los que habéis convertido esta primera semana de crowdfunding en un arranque tan optimista. No vamos a echar las campanas al vuelo y vamos a seguir trabajando duro... ¡En breve os contaremos más cosas!

Lourdes V.
(La productora que se encarga de ponerle el grillete a Coke cada noche en el set de animación).

#01 / ¡Mil gracias!

¿Cuál ha sido nuestra sorpresa cuando, incluso antes de terminar nuestro primer post para este blog, nos encontramos con que ya hemos rebasado los primeros 1000€? ¡Váis más rápido que nosotros!

¡MIL GRACIAS a nuestros primeros veinticinco mecenas!

Ahora mismo estamos animando -ya vamos por las últimas ocho escenas- y vuestro apoyo nos anima a seguir animando (los animadores tenemos licencia 006 para usar ese juego de palabras) y ya parece que empezamos a ver la luz al final del túnel.

Hoy a partir de las siete de la noche [ Madrid, GMT+1 ] estaremos en UStream desde el que lleva siendo nuestro stand de animación los últimos tres años, por si queréis pasar a ver, preguntar o animar. Aunque no puedas aportar dinero, vuestra compañía también se agradece. :)

En el transcurso de la tarde intentaremos publicar el making of del plano que animó Coke anoche.

Y ya me despido… read more

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