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Sophie Maricq Music Making

When I make music life lights up, I am the music, a channel to interpret and materialize beauty, sorrow, heart ache, joy.

Sophie Maricq

A project of



Created in

From 3.300€
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View project in Castellano

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My name is Sophie Maricq, I have been a musician my entire life. The sounds and music of the world flow through my blood. I have travelled all over and lived in five different countries. I have been extremely privileged to have had the chance to integrate and immerse myself in culture and language. I am completely fluent in Spanish, English, French and Italian. Over the years I have used my musical experience and qualifications to not only teach children and young adults but have written my own music, which I now want to put into the world for more people to enjoy.

Live at Honky Tonk with Perversions
Live at Honky Tonk with Perversions

When I make music I feel life lights up, I am the music, I am a channel to interpret and materialize beauty, sorrow, heart ache, joy and good vibes. This exact feeling is what has driven me to cross oceans, choose time and space over money, and endure a challenging road to be true to what brings me joy. This also makes me the best version of myself, which at the same time gives me the opportunity to contribute.

Music Therapy sessions in Panama "Fundación Danilo Pérez"
Music Therapy sessions in Panama "Fundación Danilo Pérez"

To continue this path, I need to raise funds which I have already invested in previous recordings to record my next work. I am now looking to raise 3.300 euros to do this. This is the minimum amount for me to receive the funds from the crowdfunding, and there is no maximum limit. If you want to be part of this journey with me and help release a new album in 2023 please choose one of the following rewards and SHARE THE LOVE, the more the merrier :)

With the band at the end of a show
With the band at the end of a show


I would like to write about life, true stories and getting to know some of you better. Being part of the next musical project is a great opportunity to do just this. The rewards are thought to give you a snapshot of the music I have written and been able to produce so far and collaborate too if you want!

At the recording studio!
At the recording studio!


Producing new music which implies paying professionals to play, arrange, record, market and distribute the music.


January 2023: distribution of already recorded material

March 2023: release personalized songs of this campaign

June 2023: release of new songs of 2023 album

Autumn 2023: live home concerts and tour

With the band
With the band


Find out more and follow all the updates on the website and social media:


A huge thank you to video editor Ojan Seyedashrafi and Niusha Tabibi from TANGERINE PICTURES for their kindness and generosity.

Just Be:

Peace Please:


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    about 1 year

    Querida Sophie, por mi despiste casi me quedo fuera!!! Algo invisible me lo ha recordado hoy, in extremis... Me alegro de haber llegado a tiempo. Deseando escuchar tus nuevas creaciones. Un abrazo inmenso.

  • María Carmona

    María Carmona

    about 1 year

    Sophie te deseo los mayores éxitos en tu carrera musical ya sabes que soy fan no solo de tu música también de tu persona. Muchos besos. María Carmona

  • Mario Suarez Porras

    Mario Suarez Porras

    about 1 year

    Con ganas de escucharlo Sophie. Saludos desde Asturias

  • Ana Ubeda

    Ana Ubeda

    about 1 year

    So proud amiga!!!

  • Sergio Valeiras

    Sergio Valeiras

    about 1 year

    Mucha suerte, Sophie! Abrazo

  • Juan Luis Ramos Arnau

    Juan Luis Ramos Arnau

    over 1 year

    Mi pequeña amiga. te recordamos en nuestra casa, jugando con tu amiga Julia.

    Ya habéis crecido y tú, te has convertido en una artista fantástica, con esa voz tan bella.

    Te deseamos que este proyecto te salga muy bien. Tienes nuestro apoyo con todo el cariño.

  • Isa García

    Isa García

    over 1 year

    Mi pequeño granito de arena y todo mi apoyo para que Sophie la artista se expanda y su musica nos siga dejando momentos inolvidables! Gracias por estar siempre presente, te quiero hermana!

  • Sophie Maricq

    Sophie Maricq

    over 1 year

    ATENCION!!!! están habiendo algunas lagunas técnicas, si habéis contribuido pero no habéis recibido una confirmación por email, mandadme un mensaje privado y lo solucionamos. GRACIAS

    ATTENTION!!!! we are experiencing some technical issues, if you have contributed and haven't received a confirmation email please send me a private message and we will sort this out. THANK YOU

  • Sophie Maricq

    Sophie Maricq

    over 1 year

    GRACIAS, THANK YOU!!!! vaya viajazo está siendo esta campaña, estoy entusiasmada, inspirada, con ganas de componer :)))) ~ So inspired :)))))

  • Cristina Miro

    Cristina Miro

    over 1 year



Dear All,

I am beyond happy to announce we have exceeded the Crowdfunding campaign objectives.


First of all I would like to apologize for the delayed message. My plan was to write as soon as the campaign finished on February 7th, although life had other plans for me ;)

Some updates:

  • YOU ROCK BIG TIME! the best part of the campaign has been to read your messages, receive enthusiasm and support including an offer of services from a professional photography session, choreography for the next video, video editing and a new website. I have no words.

  • Part of the reason for the delayed message is that I have had to be on vocal rest due to numerous respiratory infections. I have started rehabilitation with a great professional and I should be in vocal optimum shape in a few months.

  • What has happened musically so far?

  1. read more
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