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Vísceras/Entrails, by Beneath the Skin

Vísceras/Entrails, a work that combines physical theatre sensorial theatre, intergrated dance, music and artistic installations. A personal and collective journey where the spectator follows an itinery composed by seven different spaces.

Beneath the Skin

A project of


Created in

From 2.175€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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A labyrinth. Seven different areas to explore. A heartbeat as a guide. The Blood flows, the Skin invites the viewer and turns it into traveller receptive to the sensations of his own body and the body that which he enters.

Seven women. Each one embodies an organ, tissue, a metabolic process, with their sensory and emotional resonance. Each space is captured with the experience of whom represents it and with the corporal experience of the spectator that explores it.

Vísceras/Entrails is a work that combines physical theatre sensorial theatre, intergrated dance, music and artistic instalations. A personal and collective journey where the spectator follows an itinery composed by seven different spaces, a physical space that is presented as a body a network of impulses, movements, stimulations and information. An encounter with seven women who offer an individual and social experience of their bodies and through their bodies they give another answer to the cultural representations and question the issue of an aesthetic model of the body in order to inhabit the body as an integral system physical, sexual, emotional, mental and sensorial.

The prémiere of Vísceras, how it is untill now will be Sunday the 25th of November, 2012 at the RAI, C / / Carders 12 principal, Barcelona. After this we will work further on the project and we will have another premiere in the beginning of 2013 in a space of Barcelona still to be determined.


We are Beneath the Skin,a company which was generated within the path of the open stage event ExpresArte and was founded by Chiara Di Biagio and Maisa Sally-anna Perk in late 2010.

The intention of Beneath the Skin as the name of the company says, is to work with everything what is happening and all that completes us like human beings and that is reflected in every act, through the different artistic disciplines in which the members of the group are involved.

The members of company who embody Vísceras are;

Chiara di Biagio

Amélie Anglebaut

Valentina Sousa

Elisabeth Sanschez

Montserrat Maestro

Ilenia Cosa

Patricia Carmona

Maisa Sally-anna Perk.

They all originate from different artistic disciplines such as: singing, writing, performance, sensory theatre, experimental theatre, mime, physical theatre, dance, hula hoop performance, intergraded dance and citizen participatory theatre.

The members of the technical team are;

Direction: Maisa Sally-anna Perk

Teaser: Felipe Ruiz and Jalajala

Teaser music: Amos Piñero

Scenography: Myrna Hoed,Aurora Bosch, Aritz Saez and Maisa Sally-anna Perk

Photo: Ariana Vindici,

Costumes: Amelie Anglebaut and Chiara Di Biagio

Video: Xavier Calvo

Technician: Oscar fruits

Lights: Magda Kozolwska

Poster: Ivan Bosch

Assistant production: Myrna Hoed

Production: Maisa Sally-anna Perk


We have come quite a long way thanks to our own personal piggy bank and the voluntary support of several people that have faith in the project, and thanks to the work of many professionals, who didn’t charge us anything. The result of the teaser and poster are good examples of this remarkable support, also the props that have been donated and loaned are a good example.

It’s amazing to see how much people can be mobilized and can put their hearts into an art project without receiving nor asking for anything in return. Unfortunately it’s as well a reflection of the situation in which the culture finds it self today and the difficulties that those who choose to devote themselves to art face. We would like to be able to reward those who have helped us so far, but this request for funding is not for them, or to retrieve what we have invested so far, the price would be too elevated. We do hope that eventually we’ll be able to return to each volunteer what they have given us.


We have borrowed some of the material and also already self financed part of the purchase of the material, which means that we already have a part of the material. Yet we would like to have obtain all the material we need and have ownership over it and also to complete, adjust, adapt and improve the quality of the scenography and not only of the scenography , but also of the costumes and production in general, as the characteristics of Vísceras requires a specific realization and a production which are costly and laborious.

We need high-quality material, which can be adjust to the external conditions since it has to adapt to the different spaces (theatres, warehouses, industrial buildings, outside environment) where it will be presented. As our objective is to perform our work on different locations, festivals in and outside of Spain in order to give our work the maximum exposure .

Vísceras takes place in seven different spaces, which means that the elaboration of scenography is multiplied by seven and each space requires its elements of decoration, lights and sound.

We also need to acquire fireproof fabrics held by cables of steel, which constitute the basic material with which the labyrinth is constructed, as we need to be able to divide each space/location where we perform Vísceras in seven different, separate spaces. And we not only need the fabric for division of the spaces but also to cover the walls or create walls on each location. So that all the rooms are homogeneous and we can create a particular and unique atmosphere in each and every space.


With hugs, kisses and insanity

Ok now seriously; with some very remarkable exchanges as visceral poems, , a Beneath the Skin t-shirt, a poster of the play, tickets for the premiere, a creative workshop group or individual, etc.

Are you up for supporting us and to share this journey with us ?


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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#21 / Performance de Cía Beneath the Skin este sábado 25 de mayo

Cía Beneath the Skin hará un performance con los personajes de Vísceras en las JORNADAS: Diversexualidad, Romper Tabúes para Vivirla en Fabra i Coats, (calle Sant adria 20, línea rojo parada Sant Andreu en Barcelona) este sábado 25 de mayo a las 09.00 de la mañana

Las jornadas están organizadas por Aspaym Catalunya, y cuentan con la colaboración de SEX Asistent Catalunya,

Más info:http://sexualidadespecial.blogspot.com.ar/2013/04/jornadas-diversexualidad-romper-tabues.html

Un abrazo con mucha locura

Cía Beneath the Skin

#20 / Mañana1de febrero ExpresArte todos los mecenas están invitados

Con este frío se apetece estar como si estuviéramos en casa. Así que ExpresArte os invita a su primera edición del año, calentito, acogedor, intimo con un abanico de colores y algo osado.



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#19 / ¡SI, YES, JA!

Misió Aconseguit

Misión Alcanzado

Mission Completed

Missie Bereikt

Gracias a nuestros 54 mecenas

Moltes gracies, muchas gracias, thank you loads, hartstikke bedankt

GG, Amanda Baqué, Morgan Peron Gaudin, Xabablu, Patricia, Jacape, Dyi, Xavier, Carollaurenti, Jorgearxe, Three colours red, Srlitt, FrankE,Tuaregmanel, Adriameca, Samanthadesiena, Mauricio ,Augus 416-2, Mark Rayner,Patricia, Ronan, Nuria, Maria Oliver, Tenalob, Morocco, Lapilar, Isabel, Lucia Picos, Ruby, Felipe, Patricia, Kait

en597, Conchi de la Fuente Guirao, Dina, Joana Cortils, Valentina, Divini, Roetje, Elia, Antonio Centeno, Ariavino, Katja, Eva, Pastanaga, Nikitasol, Elz, Achievement, Marquititus, Carmen-mp85, April11, Anabel, Andrea y Amacuyuela.

Una abraçada amb molte Bogería

Un Abrazo con muchissma Locura

A Hug with a lot of Madness

Een knuffel met Krankzinnigheid

Beneath the Skin

#18 / ExpresArte 30/11/2012

Aquest divendres

Este viernes

This Friday

ExpresArte, Inusual project, C// Paloma 5,

Entrada gratis per totes nostres mecenes

Entrada gratis para todos nuestros mecenas

Free entrance for all our patrons

#17 / Merci a tots, Gracias todos, Thanks to you all

Vísceres un projecte que una vegada va ser un somni i ara realitat.

Moltes gràcies a tos i totes!

Vísceras un proyecto que una vez fue un sueño y ahora realidad.
¡Muchas gracias a tod@s!

Vísceras a project which was once only a dream and now has become reality

Thank you to you all!

#14 / Entradas/ tickets

En breve os informarémos sobre las entradas.

Un abrazo con locura

Cía Beneath the Skin

We will inform you about the tickets shortly

A hug with insanity

Cía Beneath the Skin

#12 / Preparant el terreny, preparando el terreno, preparation time

Amelie preparant el vestuari

Amelie preparando el vestuario

Amelie preparing one of the costumes

Oscar, Maisa i Jefta rient-se, mentre preparen la sala més petita de l'obra

Oscar, Maisa y jefta riéndose, mientras preparan la sala más pequeñía de la obra

Oscar, Maisa and Jefta lauging while preparing the smallest room of the play

Chiara Aitor i Elisabet preparant el 2º espai més petit

Chiara Aitor y Elisabet preparando el 2º espacio más pequeño

Chiara, Aitor, Patricia and Elisabet while preparing the second smallest space


1650€ i els mecenes segueixen sumant-se ara són 41!!!!!!


1650€ y los mecenas siguen sumándose ahora son 41!!!!!!


1650€ and the patrons keep on joining the project, there are 41!!!!!!


FrankE,Tuaregmanel, Adriameca, Samanthadesiena, Mauricio ,Augus 416-2, Mark Rayner,Patricia, Ronan, Nuria, Maria Oliver, Tenalob, Morocco, Lapilar, Isabel, Lucia Picos, Ruby, Felipe, Patricia, Kait

en597, Conchi de la Fuente Guirao, Dina, Joana Cortils, Valentina, Divini, Roetje, Elia, Antonio Centeno, Ariavino, Katja, Eva, Pastanaga, Nikitasol, Elz, Achievement, Marquititus, Carmen-mp85, April11, Anabel, Andrea y Amacuyuela.

Una abraçada amb Bogeria Cía Beneath the Skin

Un abrazo con Locura Cía Beneath the Skin

A hug with insanity Cía Beneath the Skin

#10 / Fotos del ensayo, fotos del assaig, pictures of the rehearsal

Us deixem algunes fotos preses al nostre assaig

Ja hem arribat a 1510€!!!!!!!

Una abraçada amb bogeria

Cia. Beneath the Skin

Os dejamos algunas fotos tomadas en nuestro ensayo
¡¡¡¡¡Ya hemos llegado a 1510€!!!!!

Un abrazo con locura

Cía Beneath the Skin

We leave you some pictures taken during our rehearsal

We have already been donated 1510€!!!!

Hugs and kisses with insanity

#09 / Incredible

It´s incredible how the days pass... a single breath and it already seems that the day of today evaporates into yesterday...

12 days have passed since the launch of Verkami we have 28 days left

So far we have 29 patron and 1065€!!!!

Many thanks to all our 29 patrons!

Nuria, Mary Oliver, Tenalob, Morocco, Lapilar, Isabel, Lucia peaks, Ruby, Philip, Patricia, Kaiten597, Conchi de la Fuente Guirao,Dina, Joana Cortils, Valentina, Divini Roetje, Elia, Antonio Centeno, Ariavino, Katja, Eva, Pastanaga, Nikitasol, Elz, Achievement, Marquititus, Carmen-mp85, April11

and many thanks to everyone who's helping us with spreading the word

and many thanks in advance to our future patrons.

A hug with insanity Cia Beneath the Skin

#08 / Increible

Increible como los días pasan ... un solo respiro y ya parece que el día de hoy se desplaza a ayer...

12 días han pasado desde el lanzamiento de Verkami nos quedan 28 días.

¡¡¡¡¡Hasta ahora tenemos 29 mecenas y 1065€!!!

¡Muchas gracias a tod@s nuestros 29 mecenas!

Nuria, Maria Oliver, Tenalob, Morocco, Lapilar, Isabel, Lucia Picos, Ruby, Felipe, Patricia, Kaiten597, Conchi de la Fuente Guirao,Dina, Joana Cortils, Valentina, Divini, Roetje, Elia, Antonio Centeno, Ariavino, Katja, Eva, Pastanaga, Nikitasol, Elz, Achievement, Marquititus, Carmen-mp85, April11

y muchas gracías a tod@s que nos han hecho y nos están haciendo difusion.

y claro muchas gracias con antelación a nuestros futuros mecenas.

Un abrazo con locura Cía Beneath the Skin

#07 / Fotos del teaser

Us deixem algunes fotos preses el dia que gravem el teaser

Ja hem arribat a 920€!!!!!!!

Una abraçada amb bogeria

Cia. Beneath the Skin

Os dejamos algunas fotos tomadas el día que grabamos el teaser
¡¡¡¡¡Ya hemos llegado a 920€!!!!!

Un abrazo con locura

Cía Beneath the Skin

We leave you some pictures taken the day that we shot the teaser.

We have already been donated 920€!!!!

Hugs and kisses with insanity

       ¡¡¡¡¡Moltes gracies, muchas gracias, thank you!!!!!

#06 / Hoy hemos llegado a.......

Hoy hemos llegado a 745€!
¡Muchas gracias a tod@s nuestros mecenas!

Lapilar, Isabel, Lucia Picos, Ruby, Felipe, Patricia, Kaiten597, Conchi de la Fuente Guirao, Dina, Joana Cortils, Patricia, Divini, Roetje, Elia, Antonio Centeno, Ariavino

Un abrazo con locura

Cía Beneath the Skin

#05 / Pagina web

Hola mecenas,

Hemos actualizado nuestra pagina web.


Muchas gracias de nuevo

Hello patrons

we have updated our webpage

And again thank you!

#03 / Gracías mecenas! Thank you sponsors!

Queremos dar las gracias a nuestros 11 mecenas gracías a vosotros hemos llegado ya a los 655€

Gracías gracías y gracías

Lapilar, Isabel, Lucia Picos, Ruby, Felipe, Patricia, Kaiten597, Conchi de la Fuente Guirao, Dina, Joana Cortils y Patricia

Un abrazo con locura

Cía Beneath the Skin

We would like to thank our 11 sponsors thanks to you we have already reached the 655€

Thank you , thank you, thank you

hugs, kisses and insanity

Cía Beneath the Skin

#02 / Gracías mecenas

Ya tenemos 4 mecenas que han aportado juntos 400€,

Queremos daros todos y todas las gracías.

Muchas gracias Kaiten597

Muchas gracias Lapilar

Muchas gracias Felipe

Muchas gracias Patricia

#01 / Vísceras

Es pot trobar mes fotos i informació de Vísceras i el seu progrés en la nostra pagina de facebook, no obstant això publicarem mes fotos i informació en aquesta pagina també.

Moltes gràcies i salutacions de Beneath the Skin.

Se puede encontrar mas fotos y información de Vísceras y su progresso en nuestra pagina de facebook, sin embargo publicaremos mas fotos y información en esta pagina también.

Muchas gracias y saludos de Beneath the Skin.

You can find more photos and information on Vísceras and its progress on our facebook page, nevertheless we will post more photos and information on this page also.

Thank you and greetings from Beneath the Skin.


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