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Capitano Barbaconyo's first album and video clip

Let the music play and viva vindictive queer art! 🦄 Visibility without making ourselves precarious! 100% dissident and migrant product


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Created in

From 2.000€
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View project in Castellano and Català

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Capitano Barbaconyo is a migrant drag king, musician and producer who has become known in Barcelona and its surroundings for his music, his humor, his vindictive message and his high-quality push-ups💪

Their first album is a tribute to the personal and collective forces that act as a counterweight to the repressive powers. To celebrate political, migrant, and transfeminist dissidence and resistance, Capitano has produced 10 gender-fluid songs with electronic rhythms, alto sax, transverse flute, and some surprises. Some of these songs the public has already seen live and others are new songs🤩 Now to finish the album, all that is needed is a little investment in studio rental and video clip production.
By contributing to this project you are supporting self-managed, migrant and dissident art🌈🦄💖
If you don't have the chance to win a reward, but you want to contribute to the project, follow Capitano Barbaconyo on Instagram and on YouTube. It seems silly, but for artists in the modernity in which we live it is essential to have followers on social networks to get a job.

About rewards

Physical disc with dedication and thanks. Approximation of the design applied to the final product. The final design may undergo minor changes.<br/>
Physical disc with dedication and thanks. Approximation of the design applied to the final product. The final design may undergo minor changes.

T-shirt with white, fuchsia or black logo. Design approximation applied to the final product.
T-shirt with white, fuchsia or black logo. Design approximation applied to the final product.

Tote bag for shopping and recycle fashion. Britney recommends! Design approximation applied to the final product.
Tote bag for shopping and recycle fashion. Britney recommends! Design approximation applied to the final product.

Barbaconyo Kit to find the man of your dreams and take advantage of his privileges 😂
Barbaconyo Kit to find the man of your dreams and take advantage of his privileges 😂


About us

Capitano Barbaconyo started doing drag in the nursery trying to pass for a boy since he did not feel identified with the girls in the group. At that time he also began to compose. He has the memory of his first songs in an invented language, which he sang to himself and ended up crying because of what those melodies conveyed.

At the age of 15 he began to discover his sexuality, poetry and music, he composed his first songs on the guitar and never stopped composing, producing and recording. At the same time, he got to know the repressive machine of the Russian government up close and began to use music as a political tool. He decided to be a journalist to make visible everything that is not told in the propaganda media. Quickly encountering state censorship, he left the trade and devoted himself entirely to activism and the study of human rights. To earn a living, he played the transverse flute in the subway and put on concerts with his band. Soon after, he had to make a decision that many people in his country have to face: jail or migration.

In the 6 years he has been in Barcelona, ​​he has been active in militancy and artivism in self-managed spaces. He sang in an anarchist gospel choir, played sax in a Balkan orchestra, and participated in other musical projects.

He is currently dedicated to sound with his sonorization project sonidista.org that he has created to add quality sound to alternative parties and migrant and dissident recordings.

He has been performing his drag king performance with his live music since 2019. Now he is preparing a complete show with his own music, stand up comedy, workouts, dance and high technology. After many years of resistance and militancy, he is raising funds to release his first album and video clip to continue perfecting his art and challenging the norm.

What will we allocate your contributions to

With the money collected, Capitano will be able to remunerate the work of the super video clip production team, - Las Pibas Rec, audiovisual producer of women, lesbians, trans, transvestites and not binary.

Another part of the money will go to the rental of the recording studio, professional consultation of graphic design and production of 200 albums and merchandising.

Planned schedule

The album and video clip will be distributed in December. The delivery of the rewards is scheduled for January.

+ info

Thank you for coming this far and for the opportunity to continue in independent music💕
Long live art and self-management!💖🌈🦄🌈💖


There are none published yet.

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  • Capitano_Barbaconyo


    over 1 year

    Querides, que afortunade me siento teniendo tanto apoyo y recibiendo tantas palabras bonitas! Sois increíbles! Gracias por existir y por vibrar en la misma! os mando muchos besos a todis!!! 🦄❤️🦄

  • Ramona Estrella Admin

    Ramona Estrella Admin

    over 1 year

    Vamos Capitano! Todes queremos ver ese videoclip!

  • Haba Matsuzaka

    Haba Matsuzaka

    over 1 year

    Mucha suerte con el proyecto!!! Que ganas de que salga

  • Shirley Stonyrock.

    Shirley Stonyrock.

    over 1 year

    Mucho éxito 🙌 💕

  • sobre mi gata

    sobre mi gata

    over 1 year

    Muchas ganas de compartir música y producciones contigo Capitán!

  • Capitano_Barbaconyo


    over 1 year

    Preciocis, gracias por las aportaciones y los ánimos! Os quiero! 💖💖💖

  • verodos


    over 1 year

    Daleeee Kapi ✨

  • Cesca


    over 1 year

    Vamonossss Capitano <3 <3

  • chebene


    over 1 year

    te quierooooooooo

#04 / Pionera del pelo en Youtube y en todas plataformas!

Precioses, gracias a vosotres se acaba de estrenar Pionera del pelo! Ya podéis ver el videoclip en Youtube y escuchar la canción en Spotify y todas las plataformas cuando queráis. Os comparto el enlace y espero que os guste el resultado de vuestra inversión, le hemos puesto mucho curro y mucho amor.
Pionera del pelo en Youtube
Pionera del pelo en Spotify
Para mi es super importante que salga este tema. Ha sido el primer tema de mi actual proyecto artístico y es el primer tema que comparto con todo el mundo después de mis 17 años de carrera como músique y más de 150 temas que he grabado a lo largo de estos años que nunca fueron publicados por autocrítica, autoexigencia y el miedo de que van a pasar desapercibidos. Siento cómo si este tema fuera el tapón de una botella de champagne de muchos años… read more

#03 / Pre-estreno de Pionera del pelo

Hola, mis querides mécenas!

Tengo una hermosa noticia: viene el pre-estreno de mi primer single y videoclip Pionera del pelo que se ha hecho posible gracias a vuestras aportaciones!

Me gustaría invitar les que viven en Barcelona el día 1 de junio a las 19h a Ateneu del Raval para celebrar conmigo y todo el equipo este gran evento (entrada es gratuita).

Pronto os enviaré el enlace de pre-save y la fecha de estreno en todas las plataformas.

El álbum sigue madurando y no tardará mucho en venir.

Gracias por la paciencia, precioses! Os mando muchos besos!

#02 / Pronto un adelanto del álbum y estreno del videoclip!

Mis querides mecenas! Creo que ya os habéis dado cuenta de que las recompensas van con retraso 🙈 Os pido disculpas por la espera y por la ausencia de noticias hasta ahora.
Estoy trabajando mucho en la producción del álbum, es un proceso orgánico que está tomando su tiempo, los tracks están en el horno y pronto estarán 🦄
Muuuuy próximamente vendrá un adelanto del álbum - single Pionera del pelo junto con el videoclip que caaaaaasi está listo😉💃😉 Estoy muy impaciente de que veáis esta obra de arte que no hubiera sido posible sin vuestro apoyo!
Os iré avisando de los avances y en breves os informaré de las fechas 😘 Os mando un abrazo enorme a cada une! Gracias por existir!💖

#01 / Gracias por vuestra ayuda! Lo hemos logrado! 🦄🌈🙌💖


Hola, querides!

Aún no me lo puedo creer que el crowdfunding está finalizado con éxito! Ha sido una aventura y un retazo y no me puedo imaginar nada más hermoso que haberlo hecho acompañade y apoyade por vosotris! Gracias por vuestras aportaciones! 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Me siento super afortunade y feliz! Estoy impaciente de empezar a producir las recompensas para poder entregaroslas lo más pronto posible 🤩🤩🤩

En breves me van a ingresar a la cuenta el dinero de vuestras aportaciones y el proceso arrancará!

Os voy a ir informando por email de cómo va la cosa, y en enero, cuando tendré preparadas las recompensas os enviaré los formularios para saber vuestras direcciones de entrega y las opciones que queréis escoger (para les que habéis pillado las recompensas que tienen colores y tamaños diferentes).

Gracias por existir! Os mando a todes un abrazo enorme y muchos muchos besos! 😘😘😘

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