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The Other Health. It is possible!

Health is a human right and a public good. Never state or corporate, but everyone, and we have a duty to promote it. Self-management of health is necessary for the aspirational society that requires actions to develop health centers live up to this goal.


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From 9.600€
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Health is a right of public nature, a common good, not a state or a corporative one – it belongs to us all! – that we have the duty to promote.

Health’s selfmanagement is a fair and necessary aspiration for the whole of society that demands actions to develop health centers measuring up to this goal. Health can not be a business, therefore neither our consciousness can be merchandise at the service of states, the pharmaceutical industry and the rest of the health system.

We can not disregard the significant struggle that’s taking place at the core of the public health sector against the track that the ones in power have taken towards the profitability of health through the restructuring of public into private. Nevertheless, the struggle must be not only for the recovering of employment or a privatizad hospital. We are in need of another health, a new paradigm concerning health that opens the way for the development of a health system outside the hegemonic model. Cooperative public health emerges from the historical foundations of the popular movement in defense of health as a right.

1.-Who are we?

We are and take part into the Cooperativa Integral Catalana (Catalonian Integral Cooperative). The idea that we promote is linked with the emancipation from capitalism in order to get out of the systemic dependence and be self-sufficient in all aspects of life.

2.-How do we see health?

Health is a social and cultural construction. “Illness and health” are two concepts defined by man in his attempt of explaining phenomena that goes beyond his understanding.

Making use of this paradigm, they led us to believe that we are not capable of keeping our health in an autonomous way: which is nothing but a way of control and authority. Life is an individual experience. Each cell of our body has the necessary information to keep this life, it is life in itself. That`s why it is so important that we go back to listening to and connecting with this natural intelligence; it is essential that we free ourselves from the oppression to which we are submitted in order to achieve a status of independence and freedom that allows us to selfmanage our lives.

Health is, to us, the very existence lived with the necessary freedom and responsibility to develope the human essence.

3.-Which is our aim?

To eliminate the idea that illness and health are conditions and to build a society that relates life style straight with quality of life.

4.-Which is the strategy that we follow?

An integral revolution, a conscious transformation at all levels (political, social, cultural, emotional, spiritual, ethical, economic,...)

Walking towards this transformation, we take part in the process of the Cooperativa Integral Catalana, a proposal of transition towards the construction of a model of society based on self-management in all aspects of life as a way of covering the basic material and inmaterial needs of every person and where, for this reason, health plays an important role.

5.-The allopathic hegemonic sanitary system: health, medicine and sanitary care.

We are nowadays living what is known as “the crisis of public health care”, under which we can clearly identify the failure of the reductionist hegemonic state model. Its corporative policies have created a health market where the human being has become a patient/client that demands for a system of sanitary intervention even in processes that follow their natural course.

To throw light on the full extent of the current health system is the first resposibility that we have to assume; we can not continue to ignore or turn our backs on the real intentions behind the current structural adjustments. Health is conceived as a key sector within the capitalist system, the same that generates and chronifies diseases as part of its strategy, it being an extremely significant economic factor. The ill human being is a determining factor in the economys value chain of capitalism. To maintain the use of the health centres is a matter of profitability, and what is public doesnt provide any profit.

6.-What is the Cooperative Public Health System (SSPC)?

It is a model based on construction and participatory action as part of the individual’s human development in all its dimensions and as a collective process of the group. It involves a social investment in human capacities for people to be able to work in a synergetic and creative way in order to gestate a free society.

The conversion of patient-object (where the concept of disease is emphasized) into person-subject (where the most important is the human being) means a qualitative leap towards health as a right. This humanization demands creating emocional bonds among people in the active search of good assistance.

That’s why this system incorporates the figure of the Health Facilitator, which is a person with the necessary tools for accompaning another one in the process of building awareness of her/his life style as well as of the quality of life she/he wants to achieve, so that, gradually, she/he’d be able to self-manage it (it’s been two years since we started an education and training program based on this philosophy).

Quite schematically, these are the main features of the system:

-A humanization of health.

-A bio-psycho-social-cultural-ethical-spiritual model that gives priority to prevention and promotion of health.

-A system where the person is an active and resposible individual for the maintenance of her/his health.

-A unification of medicine according to the needs of the person and not those of the market.

-An effective use of resources: a reduction of institutions, technologies and medicines, except when they are really necessary.

-A direct involvement of the community in health matters.

To divulge this proposal we are preparing an Introduction to the Cooperative Public Health System, that’s one of the iniciatives that we wish to finance with this campaign.

7-How does a course for Health Facilitators work?

36 attending hours and 180 of individual workload. The learning process is a participatory-active one and is open to anyone who feels motivated by the proposal, without any need of previous studies in the so-called conventional or alternative medicines.

The methodology consists of: mentorship, workshops, seminars, laboratory practices.

It is divided in twelve modules that include a continuous non quantitative evaluation.

A new participant can join the course at any point.

Another aim of this campaign is to publish the Handbook for Health Facilitators of the SSPC.

8-How would a health centre be according to the SSPC model?

1) A person that comes asking for help needs to be welcomed in a quiet place, one that stimulates a close relationship. At the first visit, she/he would fill in a form configured from an holonic viewpoint (bio-psycho-social-cultural-ethical-spiritual) within the SSPC’s software. Thereafter, the person will provide access to the health facilitador considered appropriate. Unlike the oficial system, it is the very person that manages her/his data.

With this campaign, we also wish to cover the cost of the software we are presenting.

2) The person evaluates her/his lifestyle taking into account all the circumstances of her/his environement and, together with the health facilitator, they reflect on the possible changes that would approach the desired quality of life.

3) Once the situation has been evaluated, they will come to an agreement upon which would be the best strategy to follow. If necessary, the health facilitator will consult the rest of the team or consider refering to other centres, always taking into account the active participation of the person.

4) Health facilitators of each centre will meet once a week to share the evaluations made and the doubts arousen in each case, going further into the best way to accompany each person, coming to a collective agreement for each situation, and hoping that these agreements reach the person in the form of proposals. She/he will always be the absolute central figure in every decision making. Among the health facilitators there will be people with experience in the different medical schools (allopathic, eastern, natural,…)

5) The person that approaches the health centre will have at her/his disposal several options that will help her/him in her/his personal process. For example, AureaSocial, the first pilot health centre that’s being prepared to start up this model, already provides osteopathy, yoga, tai-chi, pilates, psychology, homeopathy, chinese medicine, quantum, dance, physiotherapy, polarity therapy,…

Other resources will be the dinamization of learning and mutual support groups among people that share vital experiences.

9.-How do we organize ourselves?

A Health Office has been created as coordination point. The office is an autonomous assembly-based organ that guarantees the development of the SSPC.

It is organized in several working groups that carry out tasks such as:

-Revising the SSPC’s philosophy and the general principles of the Cooperativa Integral Catalana with referente to health.

-Interwining and supporting the different health nodes in the catalonian territory that share the SSPC’s phylosophy and the general principles of the Cooperativa Integral Catalana.

-Managing information and developing a software in line with the SSPC.

-Promoting Participatory Action Research and health education.

-Communicating and spreading information on the SSPC as well as welcoming every person and project interested in participating.

-Managing economic and financing tools.

10.-What do we want to achieve with this crowdfounding campaign?

We want to raise the necessary funds for publishing 5000 copies of an information booklet on the cooperative public health system and 2000 copies of a usefull handbook for the task of health facilitators.

Furthermore, we want to launch the software that we need for managing the relationships among people and the different health centres connected to the SSPC.

With all this, we want to give a major boost to the realization of this dream that’s already making its way, this Nueva Salud (New Health), public and cooperative.


There are none published yet.

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  • David García

    David García

    over 11 years

    Quiero felicitarlos por su proyecto, que parece muy interesante e innovador. Acá en México estamos formando una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje para promotores de salud con perspectiva crítica y estaremos atentos a su proyecto. manantialdenubes.org

  • Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    over 11 years

    ¡Muchas gracias!

    ¿podríais facilitarnos un mail para ponernos en contacto y ver de qué manera podemos colaborar?

    Gracias y hasta pronto

  • Colectivo Intlapa´tianime (Las sanadoras en náhuatl)

    Colectivo Intlapa´tianime (Las sanadoras en náhuatl)

    over 11 years

    Más bien es un comentario, ¡ felicidades¡, ojala en algún momento podamos intercambiar experiencias, nuestro colectivo forma promotoras en salud en zonas rurales y urbanas.

  • Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    over 11 years

    Hola Belén,

    se engloba dentro de un proyecto público pero no en el marco del sistema estatal sinó que busca una autogestión del mismo de manera horizontal des de la base. Las personas que participan del sistema (cualquiera puede hacerlo) pueden hacer aportaciones en euros, moneda social o trueque, pero en ningún caso se niega la atención a las personas que no pueden realizar algún tipo de intercambio.


  • Belén


    over 11 years

    No me queda claro si vuestro proyecto se engloba dentro de una sanidad pública, gratuita y universal, o si estáis hablando de un proyecto privado.

  • Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    over 11 years

    Hola Denís,

    pots enviar-nos el text al següent correu:

    [email protected]

    Moltes gràcies,

    Oficina de Salut

  • Denís


    over 11 years

    Hola! volia fer un comentari més llarg que 250 caracteres i aquí no puc, on puc enviar un email amb més text?

  • Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    over 11 years


    som al C/ Sardenya 263, Barcelona (entre València i Diagonal).

    AureaSocial està obert de dilluns a divendres de 10 a 21h.

    L'horari d'atenció de l'oficina de salut és:

    dimarts i dimecres de 16 a 20h

    divendres de 10 a 14h

    Fins aviat!

  • pau


    over 11 years

    On esteu geogràficament?

  • Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    Cooperativa Integral Catalana

    over 11 years

    Hola Andrés,

    en función de tu situación geográfica podemos encontrar una manera u otra de colaboración. Sería genial que pudieras pasar por la Oficina de Salud para hablarlo con más precisión, el horario de atención es el siguiente:

    Martes y miércoles de 16h a 20h

    Viernes de 10h a 14h

    Puedes mandarnos un mail a [email protected] para concretar una cita.

    Muchas gracias por tu interés,

    Oficina de Salut

#05 / Seguim!

Des de l’Oficina de Salut us agraïm molt la vostra participació al projecte tot i que aquesta vegada no s'hagi assolit l'objectiu sol·licitat. Tot i això continuem treballant per desenvolupar el software que servirà per fer-ne un ús comunitari i, per tant, el podrà sol·licitar qui vulgui.

Ja s’han iniciat els preparatius per la creació d'un centre d'antenció primària a AureaSocial, basat en el Sistema de Salut Pública Cooperativista.

Per qualsevol dubte podeu enviar-nos un missatge al correu [email protected]

Gràcies per la vostra col·laboració i el vostre suport.

Oficina de Salut - CIC


(abaix en català)


15 de octubre de 2012

La otra salud ocupa Barcelona

Este martes 16 de octubre "La otra salud" tomará Barcelona, en una serie de acciones callejeras o performance que se prolongarán hasta el sábado 20, día en que se dará por finalizada la campaña.

Las acciones se centrarán en la promoción de la salud, mediante la realización de talleres de danza (danzARTE), música (musicARTE), teatro (teatrARTE), pintura (pintARTE) y poesia (ARTEpoesia). A través de un escenario improvisado y montado para la ocasión, se buscará la interacción con las personas que se aproximen y se comprometan a TOMAR SU SALUD.

Estas acciones tienen dos objetivos principales:

1.-La denuncia pública de los recortes en los servicios estatales y corporativos de salud, para favorecer la reestructuración y modernización de los… read more

#03 / Salud de los pueblos - Salut dels pobles

[castellano] català a baix

La otra Salud. Pública, cooperativista, del bien común.

Doce años después del inicio del tercer milenio, la humanidad se enfrenta a grandes desafíos en su desarrollo integral como individuo (sujeto) y como especie (sujeto colectivo), de ahí la necesidad de una eminente revolución integral en su hacer y estar en la vida.

El desarrollo de la ciencia y las tecnologías no ha propiciado en las últimas décadas un crecimiento de las ventajas para nuestros pueblos, como se les dijo, sino todo lo contrario. Las ciencias de la salud, sobretodo la biomolecular aplicada a la medicina, no han resuelto los grandes problemas con que se ha hipotecado a las personas de la llamada civilización moderna.

En 1978, en la Conferencia del Alma Ata, ministros de 134 estados

miembros, conjuntamente con la OMS y UNICEF, lanzaron la

proclama de “Salud para Todos al Año 2000” y escogieron los cuidados

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#02 / Organigrama

[castellano] català a baix

Hemos colgado como imagen en la página principal del proyecto un esquema organizativo que visualiza como la Oficina de Salud está trabajando en el desarrollo del Sistema de Salud Pública Cooperativista.

También podéis acceder a dicho esquema desde el siguiente enlace:


En esta fase inicial las asambleas son de una periodicidad semanal, el horario de reunión es el jueves de 16 a 19h.

Las comisiones de trabajo se reúnen durante la semana i trabajan de manera autónoma respetando los acuerdos de las línias de acción políticas aprovadas en la asamblea.

Recordamos que el horario de atención al público de la oficina es:

martes y miércoles de 16 a 20h

viernes de 10 a 14h

en su sede de AureaSocial, en la calle Sardenya 263 de Barcelona.

Oficina de Salud - CIC”

[català] castellano arriba

Hem penjat com a imatge en la pàgina principal del projecte un read more

#01 / AureaSocial

[català] castellano abajo

AureaSocial, projecte pilot de centre de salut

AureaSocial és un espai obert i autogestionat.
És a l'hora la seu de l'oficina de salut que està promovent el Sistema de Salut Pública Cooperativista.

AureaSocial és un projecte autònom d'iniciativa col·lectivitzada que forma part de la Cooperativa Integral Catalana, una de les múltiples iniciatives que s'interrelacionen en xarxa, connectades i diperses en el territori. És, a més, un espai comunal que ens pertany a totes i a tots. És de tots i totes aquelles persones que fem ús de l'espai, dels que ens trobem en ell, els que el cuidem i respectem, els que fem possible que perduri en el temps, els qui el promovem, col·laborem i participem en les activitats que realitzem. A AureaSocial practiquem l'autogestió, és a dir, ens organitzem de manera autònoma i horitzontal, les decisions les prenem de manera assembleària i mantenim l'activitat a l'espai mitjançant grups de treball permanent.

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