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Mireia Fowler's debut album: reliEved

Finally my first and most intimate personal project is almost ready. Can you help me get it done? Thank you!

Mireia Fowler

A project of


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From 2.750€
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reliEved, Mireia Fowler's debut album

Finally my first and most intimate personal project is almost ready!!

The 12-song album is the result of a slow-cooking process with a very personal recipe that has allowed me to satisfy the need to express, to free myself, to empty -me i refill me again. With "reliEved" I share personal experiences, from the most corrosive to the most transformative, which have shaped it and allowed me to turn it into an art that expresses the deepest of my essence.

“ReliEved” can be carried out with contributions from volunteers who will receive a series of rewards adapted to all types of pockets. Can you help me get it ready?

About rewards

  • Acknowledgments with your name inside the disc.
  • Digital Disc Download.
  • Physical disk custom signed.
  • Tote Bag of the album.
  • Ticket for the album presentation with the option to receive your rewards in person.
  • Access to the Backstage of the album presentation concert, or in case you are unable to attend, any other concert where you can experience with us the whole invisible process that goes on behind the scenes before a performance.
  • Duo concert (piano and voice) or band for everyone who wants to listen to us again in private, or for organizations and groups that organize concerts and activities of any kind.

All the rewards will be given by hand in Barcelona (point to be specified or presentation concert); if you want it sent home, you will also need the Shipping option.

Who are we

Mireia Fowler was born from the need to express in art form what I am passionate about, through the grouping of all those experiences that I have been embodying in paper and music over the years.

The project consists of four members:

Mireia Fowler on voice, composition and production; Marcos Giménez on piano and production; Dani Aragües on the bass; and Samu Salazar on drums.

I’ve had the good fortune to meet these three magnificent musicians along the way who have helped me give my songs the way they deserve.

Concert a Alp, Juliol 21
Concert a Alp, Juliol 21'


Your contributions will be used mainly to cover the production costs (disc, totebags ...), recording (recording, mixing, master ...) and disc design (photographs, covers ...)

In the event of a higher figure, the rest will be used to cover advertising and broadcasting, as well as live and video recordings.

Scheduled calendar

The recording of the album will take place in February and will be released and presented in the spring of 2022.


You can also follow us on the networks to keep up to date with the posts and news that are being posted.

Concert a Alp, Juliol 21
Concert a Alp, Juliol 21'

Concert a Grava Pals, Juny 21
Concert a Grava Pals, Juny 21'


There are none published yet.

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  • Laura


    about 2 years

    This is from Aunt Karen

  • Michel


    about 2 years

    Per una bona causa...

  • Margarita Buxaderas

    Margarita Buxaderas

    about 2 years

    Molta sort! :)

  • Alfred Cairó

    Alfred Cairó

    about 2 years

    Molta sort i molts èxits amb el projecte, Mireia!

  • fdougherty


    over 2 years

    Good luck!!

  • Gabriel Redondo

    Gabriel Redondo

    over 2 years

    Felicidades Mireia!! Te deseo un gran éxito con este primer álbum!! Un abrazo

  • Joan Carles Pereiro

    Joan Carles Pereiro

    over 2 years

    El cd ja me'l passareu quan pugeu per la Cerdanya!...Endavant 💪💪

  • Mireia Fowler

    Mireia Fowler

    over 2 years

    Thank you so much! Gràcies a tothom!!!!

  • Cfowler0


    over 2 years

    Congratulations, Mireia! Very excited for you! Cathy and Martin

  • Gisela Carmona Segarra

    Gisela Carmona Segarra

    over 2 years


#02 / TRAPPED - nou single!

Bones a tothom!!!

Estem treballant molt per tenir totes les recompençes aviat!! Quines ganes tinc que ho tingueu ja a les vostres mans i orelles!

De moment, porto una notícia! Divendres 29 a les 22:30h sortirà "TRAPPED", el nou single amb videoclip inclòs!

Podeu fer pre-save a Spotify amb el link que us ajudnto per guardar-vos la cançó abans de que surti i així un cop ja sigui divendres ja la tindreu guardada al vostre perfil d'Spotify i la podreu escoltar en bucle i posar-la a totes les vostres playlist! A part, que m'ajuda molt amb els algoritmes, ja que mostraràn que és una cançó d'interès!


Moltíssimes gràcies i espero que us agradi molt!

Una setmana!!!


Gràcies a totes les persones que heu aportat el vostre granet de sorra a aquest projecte, sense vosaltres això no hagués estat possible.

Us vull donar les mil i unes gràcies.

Ara tocarà esperar amb ganes per rebre les vostres recompenses. M'entrestant em posaré amb contacte amb cada una de vosaltres.

Una abraçada!

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