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FOCO - a performance from Desatadas Company

Circus, poetry, illustration and live music. A journey through vulnerabilities and fears.


A project of


Created in

From 4.450€
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Foco is a performing arts production that combines live aerial circus, graphic arts, music and poetry. It was born with the intention of representing a journey through vulnerabilities and fears, inhabiting pain through art.

Foco represents a collective biography, which explores our knots, fears and emotional processes. In a society where "happiness" and "productivity" are presented as almost obligatory, unlimited and accessible to all, it is increasingly more difficult to stop and feel, and pay attention to everything that our bodies go through on a daily basis. We want to pay attention to this, and give it a place in the public sphere. Our aim is to offer experiences that shed light on a single story: ours; that of all of us.

About the rewards

To believe in a project is to begin creating it.

Thanks to your collaboration we will be able to make this production a reality. And, as a thank you for your help, we want to offer you exclusive rewards, specially prepared for the Verkami, such as tickets to see the play (April 2022) and other great options like:

• Poetry wallpapers
• Stickers (2 designs)
• Dedicated brochures of the production
• A5 designs from the illustrator @mamarrachx
• A4 designs from the illustrator @mamarrachx
• Screen printed tote bags (2 designs)
• Original works of @mamarrachx
• Aerial circus classes with @ana.albitar
• Tattoos from @mamarrachx

original artwork
original artwork

In addition, all contributions will receive a special mention of thanks on our social networks. And, those who collaborate with contributions of a higher economic value (+150€) will be mentioned as co-producers of the production.

All of the packages will be sent with certified delivery, that is, you will have a tracking code so that you will know where it is at all times. If you do not live in Spain, the delivery will incur an additional cost.

Who we are

We are Cía Desatadas.

Ana and Raquel, pleased to meet you.


In December 2020 we began to imagine doing something together, to share our experiences and emotions. The Desatadas Company was born out of mutual inspiration, admiration and affection for our respective artistic disciplines.

Our main objective has always been to address emotionality through our artistic languages. We wanted (and still want) to generate a space for both individual and collective reflections on pain, its repression and its lived experience.

Our resources are graphic arts, poetry and circus as tools for experimentation, awareness building and care. Our foundation: our own experience; everything that has gone through us and goes through us on a daily basis.

We know they are not unique experiences,

which is why we want to bring them to light.

What we will use your donations for

The production is currently in the initial-intermediate phase of creation, and will be developed further during 2022.

1st OBJECTIVE: 4,450€

With this objective we will be able to guarantee the possibility of creating the production with the support of a paid artistic director that would help us to represent and organise our ideas on stage, and using rehearsal spaces where we can develop it. At Cía Desatadas we believe in the need to give value to the work, energy and time of each person, which is why most of the funding is destined to pay those who take part in this project.

With this first objective, we would also be able to recover the expenses incurred by the creation of this campaign (including the design and production of the merchandising, shipping costs of the rewards, consultancies…).

Artistic personnel (symbolic remuneration for the performers and salary for the artistic director)
Creation (rental of rehearsal spaces)
Publicity and image (photography, video, posters and promotion)
Design, production and delivery of rewards

2nd OBJECTIVE: 5,950€

Achieving the second objective would allow us to make the necessary material investments for the creation of the performance.


  • Circus: rope, slings, carabiners...

  • Illustration: pencils, paint brushes...

  • Costume: simple garments but with an aesthetic representative of the production.

• Simple scenography.

Artistic personnel

  • Revaluation of the salaries for administration, music and graphic design.

3rd OBJECTIVE: 7,650€

With the intention of optimising fundamental aspects for the premiere of the piece, this third objective will allow us to cover the costumes of the 3 performers and the technical resources necessary to complete the performance. Both alter the environment of the piece and will allow us to create the atmosphere of Foco. In a production like Foco, light is fundamental, and we want to play with it, with shadows and chiaroscuros, as well as taking advantage of the sound effects of everything that is generated live, including the music, the breathing and the emotion. If we achieve this objective, we will create an immersive and attractive stage production.

Artistic personnel:

  • Light and soun design: remuneration for those who work on the technical aspects of the production.

  • Revaluation of the salaries: for the artistic director, administration, music and graphic design.

• High quality costumes.
• Improved scenography.

Planned timetable

Once the Verkami has finished (and, hopefully, the objectives have been achieved) we will get down to work with scheduling and sending all the rewards. Our idea is that you will be able to receive them in February 2022.

We think it is important to briefly remind you how Verkami works, to explain why it is essential that you help us to make this campaign visible and share it on your social networks, with your friends and family. All of this is because, if we don't reach the campaign's goal, we won't receive any of the money that has been contributed (it will be returned to you).

Once all the rewards have been sent and the campaign has closed, we will work on Foco in order to premiere the play at the beginning of 2023.

creating foco
creating foco

+ Info

Follow us on social media to learn more about the team and the project. On our social media pages, we share our creative process so that you can feel it is also yours:)

Instagram Desatadas

Facebook Desatadas

Twitter Desatadas

Material audiovisual


There are none published yet.

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  • Antonio


    over 2 years

    Mucha suerte!!!

  • Talal


    over 2 years

    Qué proyecto tan chulo!!!

  • Toño


    over 2 years

    Mucha suerte!


Hola a todas,

¡¡Esperamos que estéis muy bien!!

Nosotras queríamos anunciaros que ya hemos llegado al final de la campaña y estamos muy muy emocionadas. Nos daba mucho miedo dar este paso y ahora que lo hemos hecho estamos muy agradecidas de la participación y apoyo recibido. Gracias por creer en nosotras y por demostrar tanto cariño por el proyecto. Estamos deseando que os lleguen las recompensas y que podáis ver Foco el día de la representación.

Aún no tenemos fecha, pero os diremos algo bien prontito!! También avanzaros que la siguiente semana empezaremos a empaquetar y preparar los packs, de manera que os iremos escribiendo para facilitar las entregas y envíos.

Gracias de nuevo a todas, por confiar, por sumar...

Hasta pronto ❤


#01 / Comunicado: nuevos cambios en el proyecto

Querida familia y amigas:

Llevamos una semana de intensidad analítica, reflexiva y emocional, pensando y encajando las nuevas necesidades que han surgido en la compañía. Os contamos una serie de cambios importantes:

El pasado 11 de diciembre presentamos Foco, un work in progress de lo que habíamos creado hasta la fecha. En él conseguimos unir circo, poesía y música en vivo. No ha sido un trabajo fácil, pero le hemos puesto todas las ganas y toda la verdad para que llegara el mensaje.

Foco nació de nuestra voluntad de poner la emoción en el centro, lo improductivo, oculto, vulnerable… en definitiva, de ponernos a nosotras mismas en el centro. Queríamos hacerlo, aunque fuese de forma artística y efímera, porque confiamos en el poder político de mostrar una obra escénica cuyo “foco” sea el dolor. Hablar de él y que el público se fuese a casa con la sensación de haber visto algo real.

Después de un año de creación estamos orgullosas de haberlo conseguido.

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