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PLAYLIST: mi lista de favoritos

“PLAYLIST: mi lista de favoritos” es una microserie documental para y sobre Internet de 30 capítulos de 7 minutos de duración. Explica cómo Chi, actriz multimedia de 30 años en plena crisis, intenta encontrar su lugar en la red pidiendo consejo a los artistas más destacados del ciberespacio.

Miguel y Chi

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“PLAYLIST: My Favorites” is a 30 chapter documental microserial of 7 minutes each for and about the Internet. It tells how Chi, a 30 years old multimedia artist, tries to find her place in the net seeking for advice to the most cyberspace prominent artists.


Chi is a Taiwanese multidisciplinary artist that has been working with and for the net for 8 years. Her “cyberspacial” projects haven’t had much impact up to now. When she is 30 she realizes that life goes quickly and decides to perform her best to achieve for once and for all that her artistic projects find a place in the Internet.

To achieve her goal she will know at first hand the experience of people who did have success through the Internet.

Chi will interview the most famous figures in the Internet, artists who had developed their work in the net (music bands created in the Internet, illustrators and journalists with very visited and discussed blogs, Internet comic or novel creators, Internet fiction serial creators…) to know them and to actively take part in their projects and, at the same time, to create her own character in the Internet and to straighten out who she is and what she wants in life once in her 30.

The serial consists of 30 chapters of 7 minutes each one. In a parallel way little capsules with 2 minutes of extra contents will be edited. Chi will travel to interview 10 people and will stay 48 hours with each one.

“PLAYLIST: My Favorites” talks about the Internet, about projects to be done, about artists and about the midlife 30 crisis

“PLAYLIST: My Favorites” is not a documental serial nor a fiction serial nor an interview show… it’s nothing and everything at the same time


1. Create yourself a place in the net

Chi is a child of the 80s and hers is a generation between lots of things.

She was late for the “movida” (80’s nightlife) and too early for the digital age. She had a childhood without e-mail and now she’s fully inside a very digitalized labour market and immediate future. Some of her generation don’t know how to send a compressed file while others stand out in the Internet with their multimedia projects. “Get a move on or you’ll lose the last train”, that’s the situation. She has to learn and at the same time she has to make this media evolve.

To dedicate oneself to some artistic, creative, communicative or cultural area is still more difficult. As consumer habits change you have to adapt yourself to the new broadcasting channels if you want people to consume your proposals. Moreover, if you want to earn a living with that, you shall discover a new much more complex formula… or perhaps the solution is not to try to earn a living with that? To what extent has everything changed?

Since 8 years ago Chi has devoted hours and efforts doing fiction “microserials” addressed to be consumed through the Internet. She has adapted formats, polished her language and worked in blogs and Facebook profiles. However, her serials have had little impact. Why? Are they low quality serials? Doesn’t she know how to use the Internet? It’s all about a matter of luck? Does her way of doing not empathize with the audience? She knows that the Internet is the present and the future, but she still doesn’t move with ease in this environment.

To deal with these issues she was determined to start a new project. She wants to know the mechanisms that rule the Internet to apply them to her work and her professional career. Which is the best way to do it? Knowing people’s real cases whose personal and artistic projects do work in the net, do have success, and do stand in an important position.

Chi will meet these well positioned people in the net and will spend some days with them to learn and try to take part actively in their projects.

With their pieces of advice and what she learns she will keep creating the "Chi" of Internet. She will open all the existing broadcasting channels and will try to have a position in the net.

2. Midlife 30 crisis

The creation of this Internet Chi and the interviews in depth of the beings that happily live in the net come hand in hand with another reflection, the one that has to do with her personal midlife 30 crisis.

Chi is 30. She’s not an inexperienced young girl full of ideas with her entire career ahead of her but she’s neither settled into the audiovisual world. She’s halfway again; she doesn’t know who she is.

She is not able to know who she is and what she wants of life but feels that she ought to have everything clear. That’s why she is somehow in a hurry, in a hurry to do everything right now without wasting time. She feels like she’s at the platform waiting for the last train to come.

With PLAYLIST she will try to straighten out these conflicts as she looks for her place in the net. Maybe the solution comes hand in hand with another. Maybe to define herself and to find her place are the same thing. Maybe the last train will take her where she wants.


There are none published yet.

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  • Mapache cabron

    Mapache cabron

    almost 13 years

    Cuanto hay que poner para que el finde que viene me deis un buen abrazo... ;D

  • Miguel y Chi

    Miguel y Chi

    almost 13 years

    Los 1850 bastan

  • fraaaaan


    almost 13 years

    ¿cuanto hay que pagar para acostarme con el creador y posiblemente casarme con el algun dia?

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