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In this project we will portray the eternal conflict between men and wolves in a town in Asturias.


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From 2.500€
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In Asturias and other areas of Spain there is an old conflict between cattle ranchers and wolves. The locals are very angry over a new law, which will ban their hunting and consider it a protected animal. Some farmers and hunters base their hatred towards the animal on their stories and anecdotes, influenced by their cultural unconscious. But even a large part of our society continues with this stigma in its inner core, projected in stories and legends.

Humans and wolves share the same space, a terrain that in recent decades has been modified and mostly controlled by man. In the difficulty of coexistence lies conflict. That is why the place has to reflect tension and violence. Mystery and mysticism will be reflected supported by formal elements such as OST, photography and montage.

The inhabitants, their thought, the places and their actions emanate their reality. But the narrative will convey the cultural fear carried away for centuries through the word, rooted in the gaze of the inhabitants of the area. The "wild" territory, where "the enemy" is hidden, will transmit in a sensory way the danger and the emotions of those who enter it.

Who are we:

We are a group of students who are doing their final grade work. Passionate about nature and ecology, we decided to learn about the Iberian wolf and discover the controversy following the new law approved this year in Spain.

Through interviews with environmental experts, we understood the tensions between dynamics that are historically problematic and seem to be coming to an end. So we decided to meet those directly affected by the presence of wolves, and we found some small villages in Asturias where wolf attacks are persistent. An isolated area, dominated by the feeling of neglect and incomprehension on the part of urban society.

We are interested in observing, understanding and portraying their experiences, their world and their way of understanding the environment. To learn where we came from, the origin of the conflict and possible solutions. Livestock and hunting are issues that today arouse quite polarized opinions. We want to open a window for the viewer to know, reflect and broaden their opinion as we are doing.


Director: Marina G Andreu (4º DOCU ESCAC)

Coach of non-actors: Eduard Peyró (4º DOCU ESCAC)

screenwriter: Nicolau Mallofre (4º MONTAJE ESCAC) y Marina G Andreu

DOP: Xavi Oliva (Master de foto en ESCAC)

Aux DOP: Alex Sueiras (4º FOTO ESCAC)

Chief of production: Aleix Singla (4º PRODU ESCAC)

Aux direction and production: José (Chamo) V. Rodríguez (5º DOCU ESCAC)

Editing: Javier Coca (4º MONTAJE ESCAC)

AUX of editing: Eduard Romero (4º MONTAJE ESCAC)

Direct sound and soun design: Manel Ávila (Bande à Part)

What your contributions will be used for

We need a minimum of 5,000 euros for the production of the documentary. €1,800 will be provided by ESCACfilms; we hope to get €2,500 from the Verkami sponsors and the rest will be provided by the team members.

Attached graphic with more detailed breakdown: 125€ Verkami; 300€ rewards; 2345€ subsistence and stay; 1235€ transport and consumables; 500€ hard drives; 300€ extra photography material

Planned Calendar

The project is in research phase and cohabitation with the characters. Our director, Marina G. Andreu, will spend two months with the people of the villages of Somiedo, along with several visits from the team.

In November there will be workshops and rehearsals with non-actors and filming will last 10 days.

Post-production (assembly, colour and sound design) **will end at the end of January*. The release date of the documentary is scheduled between February and March 2022, and we intend to do a long tour of festivals.

Patrons will receive their rewards at the end of March. We will manage packaging, packaging and its contents with great care and detail. That is why we intend to be as individualized as possible and we will try to send all of them in March, and also to facilitate the digital viewing link of the project already completed.

+ Info

Attached the dossier for those who want to broaden the vision of the project.

Créditos extra:

Dibujos en acuarela: Francesca Andreu

Dibujos de siluetas para la bolsa y el tòtem: Anna Llargués

Collages y fotografías analógicas: Marina G Andreu

Otros dibujos: Jose Vasquez


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  • Miguel Ángel Grau

    Miguel Ángel Grau

    over 2 years

    Esperando hasta el último momento por una recompensa DVD, pero aún así había que aportar. Enhorabuena por el proyecto

  • Tysonika


    over 2 years


  • Japichulo


    over 2 years

    Muy interesante el proyecto, sobre todo después de la prohibición de la caza del lobo. ¡¡¡Ánimo!!!.

    P.D: Hecho en falta alguna recompensa que tuviera el documental en formato físico (CD/DVD)

  • Maria José Perona Muñoz

    Maria José Perona Muñoz

    over 2 years

    Este es un hermoso proyecto donde mi hijo es el montador. Lo comparto con vosotros por si es de vuestro interés y os apetece apoyarlo. Gracias!

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