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¡MÍRAME! de nuevo

A hymn to changing views on diversity. A fun and moving visual poem told through lights and shadows.

Sinespacio Teatro

A project of


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From 2.000€
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¡MÍRAME! de nuevo, it is a show that immerses us in the universe of dreams, desires and aspirations, and the challenges we face to achieve them.

The project was born from a collective creation between professionals of the performing and visual arts and a group of young people from Prodis Foundation . We are part of the Art for Change program of "la Caixa" Foundation.

Multidisciplinary project

"A visual poem, an ode to the imagination"

Using shadow theatre, puppets, dance, and audiovisuals, we ARE creating a poetic, imaginative and suggestive universe. The show is a visual poem, an ode to the imagination, a sensory, moving and thought-provoking experience.

The story

A dark shadow hangs over the inhabitants of a city, terrifying them into inaction.

A curse? An alien attack? Climate change?

No, it's actually a GIANT CAT, suppressing their desires, aspirations, and dreams.

An investigative news team travels to the scene to break the story and help the residents bring the city back to light.

Our Premiere

On November 4, 2021, we are performing at Pendientes de un Hilo, the international puppetry and object theatre festival in Madrid. This is a fantastic and reputable festival and a great opportunity for us and our collaborators to be part of.


"We only understand, embrace and love what we are taught"

In addition to the beauty of a live performance, our show seeks to contribute to the change of views in society and to allow the participants to be part of emotional and performing experiences they otherwise wouldn't have.

¡Mírame! de nuevo. El documental

Alongside the project, we are filming a documentary.

The film intends to use the performance as a background to understand and get to know some of the participants and their struggles with learning disabilities during their day to day life.

It will be a sensitive and funny window into a world that we don´t normally get to experience, as we will follow the characters as they try to achieve their dreams in the face of the difficulties they encounter in society.

Premiere: March 1, 2022, Zero Discrimination Day

About us

"We are creative energy. We transform and expand views towards equality and diversity"

We are Sinespacio Teatro. We make visual theatre.

We are a committed, intercultural, and intergenerational team made up of professionals working in the performing and visual arts, management, and cultural mediation.

At the heart of this project are Almudena, Pili and Beatriz, three women united by the desire to create, to learn and the passion to make a better world.

But this project is only possible thanks to the talent, support, and generosity of many people ...
... our professional partners: Alba Vergne, Andrea Jiménez, Juan José González Ferrero, Pablo Pita Romero, Luis Álvarez ...

and our cast: Cristina Rodríguez, Beatriz Paredes, Miriam Aguado, Ignacio Osende, Marta Gómez, Alba Barragán, Cristina Martínez, David Díaz, Raúl Fernández, Diego Sánchez-Cortes, Lorena Taboada, Belén Menéndez ...

and the team from the Prodis Foundation

... and now to your help!

How can you help?

Participate in this crowdfunding and become our patron!

Your contribution will make our dreams come true and you will receive different gifts: a copy of the storyboard of the show, tickets to attend the premiere or being part of an exclusive shadow theatre workshop.

Thank you very much for helping us make our project and our dreams come true!

How will your contribution be used?

Our work needs dedication and plenty of resources. Your support (grano de arena) is essential to bring it to life. We will use your contribution in different ways:

• set design
• Technical requirements: lights, projectors, screens
• Costume design
• Taxes
• Crowdfunding platform commission

Storyboard del show
Storyboard del show

Follow us!

Dive into our universe and experience the rehearsals, the creative process, meet the team and much more!

Instagram: @sinespacioteatro3

Facebook: @MirameDeNuevoArtforchange

E-mail: [email protected]

Support is essential to take steps towards change

"Let's work together towards change and social integration. Diversity makes us richer"


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  • Sinespacio Teatro

    Sinespacio Teatro

    over 2 years

    Muchísimas gracias a todo el mundo.Nos vemos el 4 de noviembre

  • Primi


    over 2 years

    Espero que el proyecto se haga realidad. Ya estáis más cerca. SUERTE!!!

  • Sinespacio Teatro

    Sinespacio Teatro

    over 2 years

    Muchísimas gracias. El proyecto es realidad gracias a personas como vosotras! En dos semanas retomamos la sala de creación para ponernos manos a la obra hacia la recta final...seguimos activas en nuestro Instagram y fb para que vayáis viendo la evolución y conozcáis más de cerca el proyecto.

  • Lola Díaz

    Lola Díaz

    over 2 years

    No necesito recompensa. Que el proyecto sea realidad es ya un sueño cumplido

  • Alicis


    over 2 years

    Me encanta vuestra iniciativa

  • Sinespacio Teatro

    Sinespacio Teatro

    over 2 years

    Seguimos creciendo gracias a vuestra generosidad. Definitivamente el arte no tiene barreras, de hecho las rompe. Muchísimas gracias mecenas!

  • JesusMontero


    over 2 years

    El arte no tiene barreras. J. Montero

  • Erika


    over 2 years

    Que alegria! Soy Mecenas

  • Sinespacio Teatro

    Sinespacio Teatro

    over 2 years

    Muchas gracias! Estamos contentísimas de la acogida (ya tenemos 10 mecenas!!) y los comentarios tan bonitos que nos estáis haciendo en redes sociales. Nos da mucha fuerza para seguir avanzando. Es muy emocionante ver a este proyecto crecer con en el apoyo de todos y todas.

  • mayca@sky.com

    [email protected]

    over 2 years

    Maravilloso proyecto!!!

#02 / Ya somos 10 en la comunidad MÍRAME! de nuevo

Muchísimas gracias a nuestros y nuestras mecenas. Nos sentimos muy emocionadas por vuestra generosidad y porque, como nosotras, creáis en este proyecto y queráis ayudarnos a darlo vida.

Os iremos contactando para las recompensas!

Un abrazo muy fuerte



Hola Teresa!

Muchísimas gracias por tu aportación.

Nos hace muy felices y nos emociona que formes parte de nuestro proyecto. En especial, siendo la primera mecenas!!!!

Te contactaremos para la entregas de las recompensas.

Un abrazo con mucho cariño,

el equipo de ¡MÍRAME!de nuevo

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