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What do the most famous paintings in history sound like?

Bringing the Great Paintings of History closer to society, schools, our elders, Hospitals, like no one before, together with my Music.


A project of


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From 11.000€
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About us

My name is Eva Cayetana Somolinos Olmo, I was born in Ferrol in the year 2001 and I am a graduate of the Professional Conservatory of Music of Ferrol in the Instrumental Specialties of Piano and Viola as well as a student of the Art History Degree at the University National Distance Education.

As you can imagine, I am passionate about music and art, as well as other things, such as horse riding and teaching children.

The seed of the project began when my father gave my mother a reproduction of Las Meninas for its Anniversary, when I saw it a melody came to me and that afternoon I began to compose it.

I have always listened to music in colors and I have seen colors in music, for me it is something normal because it has always happened to me.

But when I started with the Project and composed works for all these paintings, I realized that it was not something normal, that it did not happen to everyone and I did not know why.

Researching I came to painters like Kandinsky, Van Gogh, Mondrian or David Hockney and musicians like Liszt, Scriabin or Rimsky-Korsakov.

Analyzing studies on what these synaesthetics saw and heard, I realized that I was too, since the same thing happened to them and we agreed in many aspects, I have Chromatic Synesthesia.

Tabla comparativa Korsakov-Scriabin. Sinestesia.
Tabla comparativa Korsakov-Scriabin. Sinestesia.

Kandinsky Sinestesia
Kandinsky Sinestesia

Thus I am able to create exclusive musical compositions for each painting that I see, since each one is unique and has its own range of colors and therefore its own notes and tones.

With the help and family support "Proyecto AcercArte" emerged, the process of creation, the selection of paintings, the work of noting what each of them sounded like, the composition, the details, the web, disk ...

You can see everything in www.acercarte.es or follow us on:
Facebook Proyecto AcercArte
Instagram @proyectoacercarte

Purpose of the crowdfunding campaign

The main objective of this Crowdfunding is the creation of the ** AcercArte Foundation **.

According to Spanish Law 50/2002, of December 26, on Foundations, the foundation must have an initial foundation endowment as a patrimonial substrate. The Law indicates that said endowment must be adequate and sufficient for the fulfillment of the foundational purposes, although the endowment whose economic value amounts to 30,000 euros presumes sufficient.
This contribution to the foundation endowment can be monetary or non-monetary.
If the endowment is monetary, the subsequent disbursement is allowed, and at least 25% of 30,000 euros must be contributed at the time of incorporation and the remainder must be paid within a period not exceeding five years.
The law regulates the assumption in which the endowment is of less value than that amount. In this case, the founder must justify the adequacy and sufficiency of it for the foundational purposes by presenting the first action program, together with an economic study that proves its viability using exclusively said resources.
If the endowment is not monetary, it may consist of goods or rights of another nature susceptible of economic valuation.

In this way, the minimum objective of this Crowdfunding is established to reach 35%, that is, about 11,000 euros necessary for its constitution and implementation of the initial Action Plan, but understanding that the real objective we seek is to achieve 100% , that is, 30,000 euros.

For my part, I will donate to the Foundation everything related to the Project, the 25 reproductions that make up the exhibition part of it, as well as my Compositions and all their rights.

This part will be presented as a non-monetary contribution and will have to be assessed by an independent Expert, who will establish its sufficiency or not.

Regarding the initial Action Plan, a feasibility project will be presented to the Protectorate of Foundations that will cost approximately 9,000 euros for the Province of A Coruña next year.

Fundación AcercArte Its main mission will be the Promotion and Dissemination of Art and to achieve this, a series of actions will be marked, among which will be the holding of Concert-Exhibitions in the different City Councils of the National territory, in their schools and Universities, so that the maximum of Possible people can admire these paintings and offer them a different way of seeing them, immersed in my music, they will be able to feel the experience of being there, of participating in the paintings, of imagining the action that the painting represents, in short, they will experience an unforgettable experience, that will change the way you feel about Art.

Fundación AcercArte It also intends to collaborate with other Foundations in their different fields, it wants to take the Concert-Exhibition to the Hospitals, where so many patients are alone, to bring them a different museum, to help them cope with those hard times.

The Project, being a unique multisensory experience, has a lot of projection in the field of Music Therapy for Alzheimer's patients, an area in which we are closing a collaboration with the Day Centers of the Province of A Coruña, which I hope will come true thanks to this Crowdfunding at the end of this year.

How the "AcercArte Project" came about

The idea of creating ** "Proyecto AcercArte" ** arose in 2019. It was from the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 when we dedicated all our time to develop it, we began with the selection of paintings and with the creative process of composing the musical works inspired by each one of them, in order to offer a different experience, beyond visiting a museum, offering a multisensory experience that allows the visitor to the Concert-Exhibition to be able to live in the vision of the paintings in a different way, to be able to see them with another sense, the ear, through my feelings as a composer.

The music inspired by the different paintings is unique, it is for them, it does not fit in another context and allows the visitor to somehow enter the history that accompanies each painting, imagine the scene, give life to the painting.

El Jardín de las Delicias. El Bosco.
El Jardín de las Delicias. El Bosco.


To date, the following actions have been carried out:

• Concert-Exhibition CEIP Maciñeira de Neda for a week.

CEIP Maciñeira
CEIP Maciñeira

• Concert-Exhibition at the CEIP San Isidro de Neda for a week.

CEIP San Isidro
CEIP San Isidro

• Concert-Exhibition at the Casa de las Palmeras de Neda for 3 weeks.

Casa de las Palmeras.
Casa de las Palmeras.

The students of the CPR Jorge Juan de Narón attended the latter.

During these 5 weeks, more than 1,000 people attended the Concert-Exhibition.

• A Conference was held in which I had the honor of being a Godmother in the Master of Art History taught by AuricaArte in México, which dealt with Total Art and Synesthesia embodied in the AcercArte Project.

You can see it here:

For me, the emotions that my compositions generated were shocking and gratifying.

• Active participation in the I Illustrated Festival of the English Way where I had the honor of interpreting a Mozart Divertimento.

I Festival Ilustrado del Camino Ingles
I Festival Ilustrado del Camino Ingles

An educational project is also being carried out with the students of the Middle Grade Training Cycle of Video Disck-Jockey and sound of the IES Saturnino Montojo for which explanatory videos of the different paintings are being made, with their voice over and my music , like this one from The Annunciation by Fra Angelico, available on our website ( www.acercarte.es )

Currently, a series of Contests inspired by the Project are being organized, the first in order to promote Young Composers, students of the different Professional and Superior Conservatories of Music, where they will have to compose Works on a previous selection of paintings, which will later be incorporated to the Concert-Exhibition, and the second for Young Designers, so that they create a garment or accessory based on the History of Fashion, which is reflected in the Exhibition.
• From August 25 to 31, a Concert-Exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Hall of the Port Authority of Ferrol-San Cibrao, at the Curuxeiras Pier, with free access.
• On September 4 and on the occasion of the celebration of "Las Meninas de Canido", I will play live with former colleagues from the "Xan Viaño" Conservatory of Ferrol, the Composition I made for this wonderful work by D. Diego de Velázquez, "The Family of Felipe IV ".

A work that will be interpreted by two Violins, me playing my Viola, a Cello and a Piano.

About the rewards

The main reward that our Patrons will find is the collaboration with a ** Solidarity Project ** which, as the contributions destined to make up the ** Foundation Endowment ** of the ** AcercArte Foundation **, are subject to tax relief at 80% of the first 150 euros and 35% of the rest, that is, a Patron who contributes 150 euros, 120 euros can be deducted in the Income of that year, if the contribution is 200 euros, 137,5 can be deducted in the income of that year.

Another of the most important Rewards for us is Music, to be able to offer the dedicated album and headphones to the Patrons who contribute the amount of 20 euros in the first 48 hours. It is a CD with 71 minutes of music, designed with a retro character imitating a vinyl.

We also want to offer the possibility of having a personal conference with Eva to talk about the Project lasting approximately one hour.

We also value that a Patron has an interest in having an exclusive Composition for a painting owned by her.

Auriculares AcercArte
Auriculares AcercArte

In this way, we offer the option of making a purely economic contribution, for those Patrons who want to benefit from Tax Relief, who will be sent a Certificate with which they can justify said relief.

And a series of contributions for Rewards that adjust to the normal operation of a Crowdfunding in Verkami.

What will we allocate your contributions to?

The money raised in this Crowdfunding will be for the Foundation Endowment of the ** "AcercArte Foundation" **, it will be the basis with which we can start our work and go, in principle, through the different City Councils of the National Territory, offering the Concert- Exposure, both to its citizens and to its schoolchildren, we can go to the different Hospitals, to help create a different moment for our patients and we can start with Music-therapy.

The Project is easily scalable, that is, it can be multiplied to cover more areas, and I am currently still composing, here is a sample of two of my latest creations, for Ghirlandaio's "Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni" and for "La Joven de la Perla" by Vermeer.

Now I'm working on Van Gogh's "Starry Night", which is my little sister's favorite painting, and on Delacroix's "Liberty Leading the People".

As you can see, we keep moving forward without rest because we are convinced that "Proyecto AcercArte" can offer a new vision of Art that will revolutionize it from the depths.


"Project AcercArte" is underway, we have everything we need to carry out Concert-Exhibitions, we lack the financial and institutional support to continue.

The funds that we currently have are very limited and finite.

If we achieve the planned objective, we will initiate the procedures to establish the Foundation, procedures that last approximately 8 months.

For the delivery of Rewards, we estimate a maximum delivery time of 2 months.

See you soon at AcercArte ...



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  • Christian


    over 2 years


  • Maria Rosa

    Maria Rosa

    over 2 years

    Encantada de participar!! Creo que es un proyecto con mucho futuro

  • perlegrino


    over 2 years

    Acabo de conocer el proyecto por la newsletter, me ha fascinado... Soy historiador del arte, y profesor en IES, siempre trabajo integralmente el arte y la música... estoy deseando escuchar tu cd... gracias por la iniciativa!!

  • adrisanlas98


    over 2 years

    Tiene buena pinta este proyecto. ¡Ánimo con tu trabajo!

#01 / ¡¡¡Nueva recompensa!!!

Buenos días a todos.
¡¡¡Nueva Recompensa en vkm.is/acercarte!!!

Van pasando los días y a pesar del empeño que estamos poniendo todos no parece que el Crowdfunding vaya avanzando a buen ritmo, así que hemos decidido añadir una recompensa más.

Una camiseta diferente para vestir el Arte, con mi música, la partitura.

El diseño es para Las Meninas, con la Infanta Margarita sobre el pentagrama de mi Composición y en la espalda el código QR donde podrás escuchar la misma.

Espero que os guste.

¡¡¡Un saludo y nos vemos pronto en AcercArte!!!

Camiseta Meninas.
Camiseta Meninas.

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