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Impronunciable - Ares Gratal's first solo album

"Impronunciable" is my musical interpretation of my grandfather's poetry and that of other poets. It's a one way ticket to my world.

Ares Gratal Martínez

A project of


Created in

Berlin, Germany
From 7.500€
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View project in Castellano, Català and Deutsch

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How the project was born

Hi, my name is Ares Gratal and I am a musician.


The pandemic has led me to delve into the composition of new songs, perhaps in response to the search for places to hide, escape to or just enjoy.

It all started with the musicalization of some poems that I liked, while trying to give them a personal touch that could highlight some of their nuances.

This was followed by what has ended up being the central part of "Impronunciable (Unpronounceable)", the musicalization of my grandfather's poems. A journey through time, an intimate connection with that person, so important for me, whom I now think I know, if possible, a little better.

My grandfather was also a painter!
My grandfather was also a painter!

Songs written entirely by me, a solo journey of reflection and introspection, are also part of the project.
"Impronunciable" is completed by two covers: a traditional song in Sephardic Spanish and another one in Hebrew, two pieces that I love. That makes a total of 11 songs .

Music video of "Desolación", one of the songs included in the album, with lyrics by Chilean Nobel prize winner Gabriela Mistral, July of 2021:

Recording of "Impronunciable"

It is my desire to play that leads me to decide to record my songs, with the hope of sharing my music with more and more people.

The album will be recorded between September and October this year at Jonas Fehrenberg's studio in Berlin, and will feature great musicians: I will be accompanied by Pablo Camus on guitar, Philipp Kullen on drums and Jonas Fehrenberg on bass. The music producer of the album, the accordionist Ira Shiran, will also participate as an instrumentalist and I will accompany myself too on the saxophone. There will be other surprise collaborations that will give, I think, a very special color to my compositions. The styles you are gonna hear in this album vary from pop and folk to Spanish copla and Latin American music. In this project I sing in Spanish, Catalan, Sephardic Spanish and Hebrew.

Manuscript of my grandpa
Manuscript of my grandpa's poem, which gives the album its name.

This project involves a significant expense and for that reason I invite you to help us make it happen in exchange for some attractive rewards that I will make with great care.

What you can get

Among the rewards there are:

  • The album in digital format and / or the VINYL or CD designed by Begoña Claveria,

  • I will record a cover of a song of your choice,

  • A handwritten songbook with my songs and chords,

  • I will compose a song using your poem or text and, finally

  • A private concert, online or in person, together with one of my colleagues.

The rewards will be delivered in person in Berlin, Lleida and Barcelona, ​​and by post to anyone residing in another city.

Where will your contributions go

The recording and mixing of the songs, the mastering, editing and design of the vinyl and the making of promotional material (photos, videos ...).

If we exceed the goal, which covers the most basic expenses of the album, the rest will be used for expenses related to the online presence, copyright of one of the songs, advertising... and also for organising a release concert in Lleida, my hometown, where I would like to deliver the rewards in hand.

Summer of 2020, one of the very few concerts.
Summer of 2020, one of the very few concerts.


We are still in the preparation / rehearsals phase ... we plan to record between September and October of this year and it would be a dream come true if the album could be out for Christmas, but, just in case, let's think we'll have it around January :-)

Who I am

I am a singer and instrumentalist from Lleida living in Berlin for more than 10 years, where in addition to music I work as a translator.

I have played the accordion since I was 5 years old and now I am specialising in the study of saxophone and jazz on the one hand and, on the other, in singing and composition. These are two different projects that I am currently running in parallel, although sometimes there are meeting points.

My main musical influences are The Beatles, Queen, Billie Holiday, Chet Baker, Janis Joplin, Joaquín Sabina, Jorge Drexler, Extremoduro, Spanish copla and many other things.

+ Info

On my Web you can find more information about me and my projects.

You can also follow my Facebook and my Instagram profile to keep up with everything that I do, listen to my music, find out about concerts...



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  • Ares Gratal Martínez

    Ares Gratal Martínez

    over 2 years

    Mis queridísimas mecenas, ya hemos grabado más de la mitad de los temas y estoy convencida de que va a ser un gran disco, que no habría sido posible sin vuestra participación. Es también vuestro disco y espero que os guste tanto como a mí. Muchísimas gracias.

    Estimadíssimes mecenes, ja hem gravat més de la meitat dels temes i estic segura que serà un gran disc, que no hauria estat possible sense vosaltres. És també el vostre disc i espero que us agradi tant com a mi. Moltíssimes gràcies.

    My dearest patrons. We already recorded more than half of the tunes and I am sure it is gonna be a great album, which would not have been possible without your help. It is also your disc and I hope that you will like it as much as I do. Thanks very much.

  • Ares Gratal Martínez

    Ares Gratal Martínez

    over 2 years

    My dearest patrons! the campaign has just finished and I wanna thank you all again for your support! there are gonna be enough funds for producing a fabulous album and I am so grateful and hope you’ll all enjoy the outcome ❤️

    Estimats mecenes! la campanya ha finalitzat i us vull donar les gràcies una vegada més pel vostre suport! tenim finançament per fer un gran disc i us estic molt i molt agraïda, alhora que espero que gaudiu del resultat 😌
    ¡Mis queridísimos mecenas, la campaña ha finalizado y os quiero volver a dar las gracias por vuestro apoyo! tenemos financiación para hacer un gran disco y os estoy muy agradecida, y espero que disfrutéis mucho del resultado 🥳 GRACIAS, DANKE, TODAH, TACK, THANKS, MERCI, GRAZIE, GRÀCIES, OBRIGADA

  • Ariadna Gabarrell

    Ariadna Gabarrell

    over 2 years

    Guapa! Sempre a últim moment, em sap greu no poder donar més ara mateix pero almenys eñ meu granet de sorra😘

  • AleixGG


    over 2 years

    Molta sort amb el projecte!

  • Eulàlia Santacreu

    Eulàlia Santacreu

    over 2 years

    Ànims Ares! Esperem el disc amb molta il•lusió!

  • Ares Gratal Martínez

    Ares Gratal Martínez

    over 2 years

    (EN) My DEAREST PATRONS, we made it!!! the goal was reached and now the rest of the work starts. I'll keep you posted about the release dates of the album in the different formats and of course about your other rewards. There is still a week of crowdfunding left, so if you know someone who could like my work, it'd be great if you can help me share it. In any case, the expenses for most of the work are already covered and I say THANKS SO MUCH, again, for helping me make my dream come true, I feel very happy.
    (ES) Mis QUERIDOS MECENAS, ¡¡¡lo hemos conseguido!!! hemos llegado al objetivo y ahora empieza la otra parte del trabajo. Os iré informando sobre las fechas de presentación del disco en los distintos formatos y por supuesto sobre las otras recompensas. Aún queda una semana de Crowdfunding y, si sabéis de alguien a quien le pueda gustar mi trabajo, os lo agradeceré si me ayudáis a seguir compartiéndolo. En cualquier caso, los gastos de la mayor parte del proyecto ya han quedado cubiertos y vuelvo a daros las GRACIAS por ayudarme a hacer mi sueño realidad, me siento muy feliz.
    (CAT) ESTIMATS MECENES, ho hem aconseguit!!! Hem arribat a l'objectiu i ara comença l'altra part de la feina. Us aniré informant sobre les dates de presentació del disc en els diferents formats i, evidentment, també sobre la resta de recompenses. Encara queda una setmana de crowdfunding i, si sabeu d'algú a qui li pugui agradar el meu treball, us ho agraïré si m'ajudeu a seguir compartint-lo. En qualsevol cas, les despeses de la major part del projecte ja han quedat cobertes i torno a donar-vos les GRÀCIES per ajudar-me a fer el meu somni realitat, em sento molt feliç.

  • Esther Girabet

    Esther Girabet

    over 2 years

    Per molts més discos! Una abraçada gegant estimada Ares!!

  • flipul


    over 2 years

    Mucha mierda!!

  • Montse Cervera

    Montse Cervera

    over 2 years

    Aresusan! Sé que arribaràs lluny, molts èxits, bonica! Montsesan

  • Ares Gratal Martínez

    Ares Gratal Martínez

    almost 3 years

    Casi a la mitad del crowdfunding, llevamos ya un 89%, ja portem un 89% i encara no hem arribat a la meitat del temps! GRÀCIES A TOTHOM, DANKE VIELMALS, THANK YOU SO MUCH, MIL GRACIAS!!

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