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Eterna, Saüc's first album

Saüc are a hard rock/metal band from Balaguer (Catalonia), we need your help to release our first CD, Eternal.


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From 1.500€
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Saüc are a hard rock/metal band from Balaguer (Catalonia), formed by five experienced musicians from different bands, who decided to get together to compose new music singing in Catalan language. In 2019 we were finalists of the Pepe Marín Rock contest, and in 2020 we were winners of Makot Rock and awarded at the Mur Fònic Festival.

Our style is based in different currents of metal and rock, due to the various influences of the components, which gives us a stylistic and sonic diversity that we clearly emphasize with our great live energy.

The best thing is that you could listen our music:

After many concerts, we have decided to publish our first album, but we need your collaboration to finance this project.

About the rewards


Our first album includes 8 songs, all recorded at Nomad Studio.

We will have the collaboration of some friendly artists, such as Gou Capdemetall from the brutal band Siroll who collaborates singing in our song "Revolta". Also Sangtraït's guitarist Josep Maria Coromines “ Coro” in a cover of " El Guerrer ", and finally the collaboration of the incredible Blaze Out singer Gerard Rigau on the song" Doctrina mundial ".

The cover of the album and the spectacular drawing of the harp on Balaguer were made by the recognized artist Delfoco.

The songs you will find on the CD are:

  • Viatge

  • Morfina

  • Harpia

  • Paraules del mestre

  • Doctrina mundial

  • Arrels

  • El guerrer (Sangtraït cover)

  • Serem Revolta


We have several packs so you can choose the one that interests you most. Some of our packs include the great craft beer Saüc, from the Matoll brewery with a unique flavor, with an exclusive and limited edition for this project. Do not stay without tasting!

Digital Download 5 €. Includes Digital Download + Acknowledgments

Eterna CD € 12. CD + Guitar Prick + Digital Download + Acknowledgments

Revolta Pack € 20. CD + Guitar Prick + Matoll Saüc Special Edition + Digital Download + Acknowledgments

Doctrina Pack € 25. CD + Guitar Prick + T-shirt + Digital download + Acknowledgments

Morfina Pack € 30. CD + Guitar Prick + T-shirt + Matoll Saüc special edition + Digital download + Acknowledgments + CD Strats Vol2 as a gift

Arrels Pack € 40. CD + 2 Guitar Pricks + 2 T-shirts + 2 Matoll Saüc special edition + Digital download + Acknowledgments + CD Strats Vol2 as a gift

Eterna Pack 55 €. CD + Guitar Prick + 2 T-shirts + 2 Matoll Saüc special edition + Video clip appearance + Upcoming concert ticket + Digital download + Acknowledgments

Extra Pack € 300. Private concert.

expenses included to Spain, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands


If we reach € 1600, we will give a Saüc’s poster to all the packs from the Revolta pack.

If we reach € 2,000, we will raffle an electric guitar among all participants. It will be an Ibanez GRG121DX-BKF guitar.

guitarra sortejada
guitarra sortejada

We will use your contributions for:*

Recording, mixing and mastering at Nomad Studio.

CD manufacturing.

Manufacture of verkami merch, t-shirts and the special edition of Saüc beer by the great artisans Matoll.

Planned schedule:

Once the verkami will be finished and we would have the album in our hands, we will get ready to order CDs copies for you, and could prepare all the merch to send the packs as soon as possible. We calculate that about the month of May or June you could receive your rewards.

Any modification in the calendar or news regarding this project will be notified through our official channels and on the project page.

Foto de PonentRock
Foto de PonentRock

La nostra web


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  • meda


    almost 3 years

    som-hi nois!! endavant!!! 🤘🏻

  • Jordán Allende Fernández

    Jordán Allende Fernández

    almost 3 years

    Animo desde Asturies!!!

  • Javi


    almost 3 years

    Enhorabona companys !!!

  • Javi


    almost 3 years

    Talla S pel crio !!

  • Natàlia Gómez Giménez

    Natàlia Gómez Giménez

    almost 3 years


  • Jon Marom Project

    Jon Marom Project

    almost 3 years

    Venga ànims! Tot el meu recolzament en el vostre primer disc que s'ha fet esperar!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • Quimwells


    almost 3 years

    Trini guapo

  • carlotarue


    almost 3 years


  • Pep Bataca

    Pep Bataca

    almost 3 years

    Som-hi cracks!! Us quedarà bestial ✊🍻

  • Víctor Navarro Aixalà

    Víctor Navarro Aixalà

    almost 3 years

    Una de les millors bandes locals de metall en l'actualitat, grandíssima porjecció.

#03 / En marxa el CD!

Bones a tots!

Ja tenim en preparació el cd, i esperem que a mitjans de juliol comencem a fer els enviaments.

Volem anunciar, que a mitjans de juliol penjarem un single en format videoclip, com avançament del disc Eterna, estigueu atents!


¡Buenas a todos!

Ya tenemos en preparación el cd, i esperemos que a mediados de julio empecemos a realizar envíos.

Queremos anunciar, que a mediados de julio colgaremos un single en formato videoclip, como avance del disco Eterna. ¡estad atentos!

#01 / Primer desbloqueig!

Infinitament agraïts i sorpresos de la resposta rebuda fins ara!!!

Anunciar-vos que ja ha quedat desbloquejada la primera de les recompenses que rebreu de forma gratuïta tots els mecenes a partir del pack "Revolta"

Es tracta del pòster en mida A3 d'un acrílic de l'artista local delfoco


imatge del pòster
imatge del pòster

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