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La Cascada de Lutour, música i natura

Our choir will record a video-concert to premiere this work based on the poem dedicated by the Catalan poet Joan Maragall to nature and love


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From 7.000€
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A love poem by Joan Maragall.

An unpublished musical work by composer Brando Borràs for mixed choir, mezzo-soprano and orchestra.

A video-concert recorded in a natural setting.

We started the project in October 2019, and despite the many constraints of the pandemic, we are determined to complete it


Friends, we have achieved our first goal thanks to all the patrons who have helped us.

But we don't want to stop here! We want our video to be even better, an artwork like the music of Brando Borràs and the poetry of Joan Maragall.

For now, you can taste the making off of the audio recording, which took place on May 8th and 9th ... isn't it exciting?


Since it started in 1984, Font d'en Fargues Choir has grown to become a cultural reference in the neighborhood of Font d'en Fargues and in the Horta-Guinardó district of Barcelona.

During these thirty-seven years we have performed a varied repertoire that incorporates many styles of music, both in our own concerts and in co-productions with other choirs and musicians, from singing a cappella to working with amateur musicians as well as professional soloists and orchestras.

Since 1995 our conductor has been Marta Finestres, who is from the Font d’en Fargues neighborhood herself. Marta is a music educator and professional director. Under her direction the choir has not only grown in numbers, but also and especially in musical quality and sensitivity.

This is the video of the confined concert of Christmas 2020 that we recorded at Casal of la Font d'en Fargues

One of the choir's missions is to support young talents. Since 2012 Brando Borràs has been with the choir as pianist and arranger. As a result of this collaboration, we have the opportunity to premiere and promote his symphonic work La Cascada de Lutour.

We were originally joined in this project by other choirs - about a hundred singers in total - and an orchestra made up of both professional and amateur musicians.

Given the circumstances we have been in since March 2020, during which the other choirs and orchestra have often been unable to rehearse, we decided to redesign the project. Our new idea is for Font d’en Fargues Choir to make a video concert of La Cascada du Lutour, and in this way we can not only continue to enjoy the piece ourselves, but also allow many other people to enjoy it too.

In the video, the choir will perform La Cascada de Lutour for the first time. Due to current health restrictions, we will record each section (sopranos, contraltos, tenors and basses) separately.

The recording studio will be the theatre of the Casal Font d'en Fargues, and Brando himself will record the audio using his own recording equipment

Casal Font d
Casal Font d'en Fargues

He has also orchestrated the work himself using virtual instruments from the BBC library https://www.spitfireaudio.com/bbcso.

Subsequently, we will record a video in a natural setting, with the entire choir singing over the audio tracks. Given the Covid-19 restrictions and the financial constraints of the choir, we have three options:

A. Record in a natural setting in Catalonia, and obtain photos and videos of the waterfall of Latour to integrate into our video.

B. Send a small team to France to record the waterfall, and then edit the video with the images of the choir in a natural environment in Catalonia.

C. Take the full choir to the waterfall of Lutour and record the video there.

Our objective in each case is to produce a professional, twenty-minute video of the highest musical and aesthetic quality.

To achieve this goal, we need backers. Will you help us?

We would love you to make a pledge to support us. By contributing to this project, you would also be helping us to continue working in our neighborhood to promote community through music.

Who are we?

Marta Finestres

Marta Finestres
Marta Finestres

Music teacher and educator with a postgraduate in speech therapy to correct voice disorders. She has a long career as a conductor and teacher of music theory, musical notations and choral singing. She is also a mezzosoprano and has sung in choirs and groups with different styles, such as the Madrigal Choir, Musdeveus and Gospel Train, which she also conducted. Since 1995 she has been the director of the Font d'en Fargues Choir and since 2016 the artistic, pedagogical and musical director of the Alella Municipal Choir. She believes deeply in the therapeutic power of music and its strength as a tool for change and social transformation. That is why she has always been committed to grassroots culture linked to the social context and is actively working to increase the standing of the world of music and culture in general.

Brando Borràs

Brando Borràs
Brando Borràs

Composer, pianist and music teacher. Master in Music for ENTI-UB Entertainment Experiences. Degree in Music and Composition from the musicians' workshop. Director of the soundtrack "Tibidabo Park Magical Christmas" for the 2019-20 theme park season. Pianist and arranger of Font d'en Fargues Choir and of the Alella Municipal Choir. He is the author of the symphonic poem La Cascada de Lutour.

Llorenç Oliveras

Llorenç Oliveras
Llorenç Oliveras

Audiovisual producer with more than thirty-five years of experience as a video director, photographer, camera operator and video technician.

Coral Font d'en Fargues

La coral en ple assaig al Casal
La coral en ple assaig al Casal

We currently have forty singers, who find choral singing an enjoyable and stimulating experience. The choir is a cultural reference both in the neighborhood and the wider district. We received the Horta-Guinardó Prize in 2006. The makeup of the choir is diverse and includes a good number of people with little theoretical music knowledge and few technological resources. Together we prepare our repertoires through rigorous but at the same time motivating practice.

What will we do with your contributions?

Your contribution will make it possible to cover all the production, pre and post-production costs of the video, as well as the fees for the virtual orchestra, and possibly the costs of the trip to the waterfall, as well as the cost of rewards to backers.

To achieve our goal we need at least seven thousand euros. If we achieve more, we will be able to improve the objectives and the quality of the project.

Composition 600 €

Travels 750 €

Management and Micro-patronage 950 €

Musical direction 2,200 €

Video 5,500 €

Cost distribution
Cost distribution

Planned Timescale

The timescale for this project is dependent on how the Covid-19 pandemic evolves.

While we cannot accurately predict the end date of the video concert, our goal is to finalise it by the end of July 2021, and we’ve set ourselves a final deadline of October.

We will premiere it on a very special day: the twenty-second of November, the day of Saint Cecilia, patroness of music!

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    almost 3 years

    A només dotze hores de tancar el projecte, només us volem dir una cosa:

    MOLTES GRÂCIES A TOTS per la increïble resposta que hem rebut i pel suport que ens heu donat.

    Ens permet dur a terme el projecte de La Cascada de Lutour, que ens ha mantingut vius des del Març de l'any passat, però també ens anima a seguir endavant a la recerca de noves fites, més units, més forts, millor cantants, millor persones. Moltes gràcies!

  • laura de mello

    laura de mello

    almost 3 years

    Qué bueno que hayais podido llevar a cabo este hermoso proyecto!

  • yolanda corominas

    yolanda corominas

    almost 3 years

    Es un gusto para mí colaborar con el Coro y la cultura.

  • Rosa Soriano


    almost 3 years

    Aporto el meu suport per aquest projecte tan bonic. Felicitats

  • celia encabo duro

    celia encabo duro

    almost 3 years

    Què faríem sense música?

  • mmaixenchs


    almost 3 years

    Ànims Emilio i Companyia!

  • Paula Fabricant

    Paula Fabricant

    almost 3 years

    Carmentxu: estoy contenta de aportar a la Coral.

  • Paula Fabricant

    Paula Fabricant

    almost 3 years

    Cantar es lo más!

  • Julio Diaz

    Julio Diaz

    almost 3 years

    Aquesta aportació l'hem feta conjuntamente Isabel i Julio. Salutacions

  • Olga López Martínez

    Olga López Martínez

    almost 3 years

    Excel-lent projecte

#07 / Objectiu complert! !Objetivo cumplido! Goal acomplished!

40 dies, 240 mecenes, 240 amics! Estem preparant les recompenses i aviat et contactarem per saber com et va millor que te la donem. Una abraçada!

40 días, 240 mecenas, 240 amigos! Estamos preparando las recompensas y pronto te contactaremos para saber cómo te va mejor que te la damos. Un abrazo!

40 days, 240 patrons, 240 friends! We are preparing the rewards and we will contact you soon to find out how you do better than we give it to you. A hug!

Fins aviat / Hasta pronto / See you soon!
Fins aviat / Hasta pronto / See you soon!

#06 / A punt de tancar! ¡A punto de cerrar! About to close!

Gràcies / Gracias / Thanks!
Gràcies / Gracias / Thanks!

Quan només queden dotze hores per tancar el projecte, us volem dir una sola cosa: MOLTES GRÂCIES A TOTS per la increïble resposta que hem rebut i pel suport que ens heu donat. Ens permet culminar el projecte de La Cascada de Lutour, que ens ha mantingut vius des del Març de l'any passat, però també ens anima a seguir endavant, a la recerca de noves fites, més units, més forts, millors cantants, millors persones. Moltes gràcies!

Cuando solamente faltan doce horas para cerrar el proyecto, queremos deciros una sola cosa: MUCHAS GRACIAS A TODOS por la increíble respuesta que hemos recibido y por el apoyo que nos habéis dado. Nos permite culminar el proyecto de La Cascada de Lutour, que nos ha mantenido vivos desde Marzo del año pasado, pero también nos anima a seguir adelante, en busca de nuevas metas, más unidos, más fuertes, mejores cantantes, mejores personas. Muchas gracias!

read more

#05 / Cap al següent objectiu! ¡Hacia el siguiente objetivo! Towards the next goal!

Amics, hem aconseguit el nostre primer objectiu gràcies a tots els mecenes que ens heu ajudat. Això ens permetrà cobrir les despeses de gravació d'àudio i vídeo, filmant el cor en un paratge natural proper.

Però no volem aturar-nos aquí! Volem que el nostre vídeo sigui encara millor, una obra d'art com la música d'en Brando i la poesia de Joan Maragall.

Si ja ets mecenes, MOLTES GRÀCIES! Ajuda'ns una mica més amb la difusió del projecte. I si encara no ho ets, fes-te'n i col·labora!

De moment, pots assaborir el making off de l'enregistrament d'àudio, que es va realitzar el 8 i 9 de maig ... a que promet?
Realització de l'enregistrament d'àudio

Amigos, hemos logrado nuestro primer objetivo gracias a todos los mecenas que nos habéis ayudado. Esto nos permitirá cubrir los gastos de grabación de audio y video, filmando el coro en un paraje natural cercano.
read more

#04 / Quins nervis! ¡Qué nervios! We are so nervous!

Bon dia! Quins nervis! només a un 7% de l'objectiu! Quins nervis! Ajudeu-nos a fer l'empenta final! Només manca el 7%!.

Volem compartir amb nosaltres aquest bonic video de la nostra història d'amor amb el Casal del nostre barri.
Casal i Coral: una història d'amor a la Font d'en Fargues
¡Qué nervios! Ayúdanos a dar el empujón final! Solamente falta el 7%!.

Queremos compartir con nosotros este hermoso video de nuestra historia de amor con el Casal de nuestro barrio.
Casal y Coral: una historia de amor en la Font d'en Fargues

We are so nervous! Help us to make the final push!

We want to share with you this beautiful video of our love story with the Casal of our neighborhood.
Casal y Coral: a love story in the Font d'en Fargues

Concert a l
Concert a l'antic Casal l'any 2001

#03 / Som tendència! Somos tendencia! We are trending topic!

Seguim a tota velocitat cap a la nostra lluna de Verkami: avui s'ha activat el pagament per Bizum i ja hem arribat al 74% de l'objectiu!. Estem molt contents: si seguim així entrarem en l'òrbita lunar en pocs dies més de navegació! Gràcies per propulsar-nos!

Seguimos a toda velocidad hacia nuestra luna de Verkami: hoy se ha activado el pago por Bizum y ya hemos llegado al 74% del objetivo!. Estamos muy contentos: si seguimos así vamos a entrar en la órbita lunar en pocos días más de navegación! Gracias por propulsarnos!

We continue at full speed towards our Verkami moon: the payment with Bizum has been activated today and we have already reached 74% of the objective. We are very happy: if we continue like this we will enter the lunar orbit in a few more days of navigation! Thank you for propelling us!

Som tendència! We are trending topic!
Som tendència! We are trending topic!

#02 / Anem molt bé! / Vamos muy bien / It's going fine!

Estem molt contents: en 10 dies de projecte ja sou més de 100 mecenes i gràcies a tu hem arribat al *60% de l'objectiu previst!
**Estem molt a prop, i *si ens ajudes un cop més
contactant amb els vostres amics amants de la música, segur que arribarem.


La Cascada de Lutour
La Cascada de Lutour

Estamos muy contentos: en 10 días de proyecto ya sois más de 100 mecenas y gracias a ti hemos llegado al 60% del objetivo previsto!

Estamos muy cerca, y si nos ayudas una vez más, contactando con sus amigos amantes de la música, seguro que llegaremos.


We are very happy: in 10 days of the project we have been helped by more than 100 patrons and thanks to you we have reached 60% of the planned goal!

We are very close, and if you help us once again by contacting your music-loving friends, we will surely arrive.


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