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LA CORRIENTE - A film written during the Covid-19 lockdown and inspired in real stories.

We've shot most of this beautiful story! Join LA CORRIENTE and help us finish the shoot and the post-production.

Jesus Lloveras

A project of


Created in

From 25.000€
Contribute to the project
View project in Castellano, Català, Français and Italiano

Choose your reward

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Donate to the project without receiving any reward:


Your contribution is very important so that we can finish this movie.

It is also very important that you help us to give visibility to this campaign and this project. Let your friends, family and anyone who wants to support cinema, culture and young entrepreneurs know.

Follow us on our social networks and share our enthusiasm. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!


Last October, in the middle of post Covid-19 lockdown, an ultra-small team managed to shoot most of this film for 3 weeks in Ibiza. Now we need one last push to be able to shoot the missing part in Barcelona and Madrid (5 days in total) and complete the post production.

La Corriente is a romantic drama inspired by true stories. Set in the post-covid19 lockdown of last summer, this film tells us about three people in search of hope. Three human beings who have lost loved ones before their time and who travel to Ibiza in search of the strength to carry on in a still uncertain pandemic environment.

Even in the darkest moments there is always a little light or as one of the characters would say: despite everything, this world can be wonderful.


AUGUST 2020. The lives of Carlos, Alba and Julio intersect in post-COVID19 lockdown Ibiza where they will try to find themselves and move on.


We have prepared some beautiful rewards for our patrons of this campaign. Unique and exclusive designs, and experiences that will not be repeated.

We hope they help you to let yourself be carried away by La Corriente and be part of this beautiful film.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA THANKS: We'll thank you on our social media and website.

  • YOUR NAME IN THE CREDITS: Your name will appear in the final credits of the final cut of the film in all its formats (Cinema, TV, DVD, Digital platforms, etc ...).

  • HD DIGITAL PHOTO PACK: We will send you a pack of digital photos (film's originals) in high definition for you to use as you want. :)

  • ONLINE VIEWING: We will send you a temporary link so that you can watch the film online.

  • POSTCARD WITH PERSONALIZED DEDICATION: We will conduct a survey to find out which is the patrons' favorite image and the director will dedicate it personally to you.

  • CLOTHING BAG: The classic Tote Bag made of fabric with an exclusive design for this campaign.

  • ORIGINAL DIGITAL SCRIPT: We will send you the original script in digital format to your email.

  • EXCLUSIVE DVD WITH EXTRAS: A special DVD edition exclusively for this campaign that will include some extras such as: provisional trailer, making of, etc...

  • EXCLUSIVE BluRay WITH EXTRAS: A Bluray edition of the highest image quality, special and exclusive for this campaign that will include some extras such as: provisional trailer, making of, etc...

  • INVITATION TO THE PRE-PREMIERE IN BARCELONA OR MADRID (+ PARTY?!): We will do, at least, 1 * pre-premiere in cinema * for our patrons each city and you can choose which of the you two want to go. We will also try to organize a party after each screening if conditions allow it.

  • ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK: We will send to your e-mail a downloadable file with the original music of the film composed by Marc Timón, guest composer at the Palau de la Música in Barcelona this season.

  • VISIT THE SET! (Only Barcelona): Come to the filming with a companion and enjoy the making of a film with the director up close. We will take professional photos and videos that we will send you later, but from the filming set you will leave with your Polaroid photo as a souvenir with the team (or whoever you want!).

  • DEDICATED PHYSICAL SCRIPT: We will send you the movie script bound and dedicated by the director and the actors.

  • UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT: If you have chosen this "reward", we can create a pack with the previous rewards that you like the most. :)

  • PRIVATE SCREENING: Do you want to organize a private screening in your facilities with the director (and maybe more part of the team)? No problem! We have thought it mainly for associations, schools etc... But everything is possible: contact us and let's make it happen!

  • FEATURED CREDITS: You will appear in the opening and ending credits of the film in large sign as the heads of each department. We will also include you in our IMDB (the largest and most popular database of world cinema).



The cast of the film comes from various parts of the national and international territory.


  • Gonzalo Bouza: Julio

  • Alicia Lorente: Alba

  • Jesus Lloveras: Carlos


  • Ferran Lahoz: Joan

  • Alicia Fernandez: Natalia

  • Lili Lloveras Wang: Lili

  • Juan Frendsa: Javier

  • Isaac Gallego: Father Genaro

  • Nikol Kollars: Kana


Behind the camera is a great little technical team!

As it is an independent production in which resources have been very limited, and due to the continuous restrictions that we have had to adapt to, our shooting was developed with a minimal technical team that with great effort has made a spectacular work. Now, in this last stage, new professionals have also joined to complete the team that is gradually growing. We present each of the members that make it up so far.

  • Direction & script: Jesús Lloveras

  • Script: Joan Lloveras Mora

  • Production: Beatriz Lloveras

  • Direction of Photography: Iván Rubio

  • Assistant Director: Paula Baviera

  • Costume Design: Natalia Benavente

  • Sound mix and Design: Albert Guimerà

  • Sound mix: Ignacio Puigdollers

  • Assistant Camera: Iván Romero

  • Gaffer: Maxime Combes

  • Editing: Pau Morell

  • Original Sound Track: Marc Timón

  • Original Song: Celia Pallí

  • Color Grade: Marc Insa

  • Teaser Trailer Music: Dani Trujillo

Visit our OFFICIAL WEBSITE to get to know them better.


Thanks to the money raised in the campaign, it will be possible to finish filming and carry out post-production of the film. We explain in broad terms what we will need for each stage:

• Filming 25%: Technical material for photography and sound, costumes, makeup, travel, diets, Covid-19 protocol, insurance, permits, etc.

• Postproduction 60%: Editing, sound, sound mix, music, color, etc...

• Rewards and Others 15%: Dvd, Blu-ray, Tote bag, postcard, preview invitations, Verkami expenses, etc.


After successfully completing the campaign, we will start filming at the end of May, and once the filming is finished we will start post-production as soon as possible, which will last around five to six months approximately. We would like to have the film finished by the end of the year (November-December) and to be able to organize the rewards and the preview in Madrid and Barcelona for the first quarter of 2022.

• Filming - May / June 2021

• Postproduction - Summer- Winter 2021

• Rewards and (Pre) Premiere - First quarter of 2022.


If you have any questions or need any clarification, do not hesitate to write to us at [email protected]


There are none published yet.

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    almost 3 years

    OBJETIVO ALCANZADO!!! Mucho ánimo a todo el equipo de LA CORRIENTE!!

  • SakiSaki


    almost 3 years

    So much love to you and all your magic.

  • Xavi Mañé

    Xavi Mañé

    almost 3 years

    Enhorabona! Felicitat i molt d'amor!

  • Guillem


    almost 3 years


  • Bright House

    Bright House

    almost 3 years

    Making it happen with faith and gratitude

  • BeaEspina


    about 3 years

    De parte de Sergio Italiano Espina que es y será un gran fan de todo vuestro esfuerzo y trabajo

  • Lucas Avram

    Lucas Avram

    about 3 years

    A por todas, tio! Damn proud of you and the crew!

  • Oscar Foronda

    Oscar Foronda

    about 3 years

    My best wishes! Oscar Foronda

  • Luís Fructuoso

    Luís Fructuoso

    about 3 years

    Muchos ánimos, os mando todo mi apoyo!!! Powah! 😬

  • Emily Gardt

    Emily Gardt

    about 3 years

    Much love from Los Angeles!!! 🥰

#06 / GRACIAS! Thank you!

Queridos mecenas,

No hemos dejado de trabajar duro durante todos estos meses y están pasando cosas bonitas. ¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia!

Hoy vamos a presentar La Corriente en el Festival de Cine de Almeria y hace dos días que llegamos a un acuerdo con una distribuidora española. ¡Estamos muy contentos!

A partir de ahora se da el pistoletazo de salida al circuito de festivales de cine y el año que viene llegaremos a cines y plataformas.

Como ya sabéis, esta es una película verdaderamente independiente y el proceso es más lento de lo que nos gustaría. Todo esto es por un bien mayor y para que las aportaciones y el esfuerzo de todos haya valido la pena. ¡¡¡NO NOS OLVIDAMOS DE VOSOTROS!!! Prepararemos un buen pre-estreno comercial y todo el resto de recompensas con el máximo cariño, no lo dudéis.

Estaremos más activos en las redes sociales para que no perdáis ninguna novedad y esperamos poder contactaros muy pronto para celebrar juntos La Corrienteread more

#05 / 7 & 92%!!!



Después de muchos días de campaña, hemos llegado a la recta final. Quedan solo 7 días y hemos logrado el 92%. ¡Vamos a conseguirlo!

Després de molts dies de campanya, hem arribat a la recta final. Queden només 7 dies i hem aconseguit el 92%. Anem a aconseguir-ho!

After many days of campaigning, we have reached the final stretch. There are only 7 days left and we have achieved 92%. Let's do this!

Après plusieurs jours de campagne, Il ne reste plus que 7 jours et nous avons atteint 92%. C'est parti!

Dopo molti giorni di campagna elettorale, siamo arrivati ​​al tratto finale. Mancano solo 7 giorni e abbiamo raggiunto il 92%. Facciamolo!

#04 / 85%!!!!!!!


¡Ya sois casi 200 mecenas y nos falta solo un 15% para alcanzar el objetivo! Todavía quedan unos cuantos días... Animaos a compartir este proyecto con amigos, familiares y conocidos, y que así también puedan formar parte de esta bonita historia que habla de amor, amistad y esperanza en tiempos de pandemia.

¡Viva el cine!

Ja sou gairebé 200 mecenes i ens falta només un 15% per assolir l'objectiu! Encara queden uns quants dies ... Animeu-vos a compartir aquest projecte amb amics, familiars i coneguts, i que així també puguin formar part d'aquesta bonica història que parla d'amor, amistat i esperança en temps de pandèmia.

Visca el cinema!

You are already almost 200 patrons and we are only 15% away from reaching the goal! There are still a few days left… read more



Castellano / Català / English / Français / Italiano

¡ESTA SEMANA LAS APORTACIONES CUENTAN EL DOBLE! Un maravilloso productor igualará la recaudación que consigamos esta semana hasta el domingo 18 por la noche. Ayudarnos a darle el empujón definitivo a esta campaña.


AQUESTA SETMANA LES APORTACIONS COMPTEN EL DOBLE! Un meravellós productor igualarà la recaptació que aconseguim aquesta setmana fins el diumenge 18 a la nit. Ajudeu-nos a donar-li l'empenta definitiva a aquesta campanya.


THIS WEEK CONTRIBUTIONS COUNT DOUBLE! A wonderful producer will match the gross we get this week through Sunday night the 18th. Help us give the final push to this campaign.


read more

#02 / 19 días, 19 dies, 19 days, 19 jours, 19 giorni!



Quedan 19 días, somos mas 140 y ya hemos conseguido el 44% de lo que necesitamos. Ayudadnos a que llegue a mucha más gente. Animad a amigos y familiares, compartid nuestras publicaciones... Toda aportación es importante y se puede colaborar desde 10€. ¡Juntos lo conseguiremos y valdrá la pena!

La Corriente será una película maravillosa.


Queden 19 dies, som mes 140 i ja hem aconseguit el 44% del que necessitem. Ajudeu-nos a que arribi a molta més gent. Animeu a amics i familiars, compartiu les nostres publicacions... Tota aportació és important i es pot col·laborar des de 10€. Junts ho aconseguirem i valdrà la pena!

La Corriente serà una pel·lícula meravellosa.


read more

#01 / 10 DIAS, 100 GRACIAS y BIZUM!


Ya hemos cumplido 10 días de campaña y somos más de 100 en el equipo, ¡GRACIAS!

Y a partir de ahora también se puede COLABORAR A TRAVÉS BIZUM! :)

Os seguimos animando a compartir esta campaña con amigos y familiares a ver si, entre todos, conseguimos llegar a mucha mas gente. ¡SEGUIMOS!

Ja hem complert 10 dies de campanya i som més de 100 a l'equip, GRÀCIES!

I a partir d'ara també es pot COL·LABORAR A TRAVÉS BIZUM! :)

Us seguim animant a compartir aquesta campanya amb amics i familiars a veure si, entre tots, aconseguim arribar a molta més gent. SEGUIM!

We have already completed 10 days of campaign and we are more than 100 in the team, THANK YOU!

And from now on you can also COLLABORATE THROUGH BIZUM! (if you have the app) :)

We continue to encourage you to share this campaign with friends and family to see if, together, we can reach many more people. LET'S CONTINUE!

read more

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