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THE WINE TRUCK 100% Catalan wines on a nomad wine bar

A wine bar in motion! Enjoy the best catalan wines in parties, fairs, events from the hand of a winelover.

Sara Fernández

A project of


Food / #8m

Created in

From 2.900€
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View project in Català

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Imagine in the middle of the village festivities, near the sea, in the mountains or in a garden with friends or family .. when suddenly in a corner you find a magnificent setting with a beautiful trailer where you will discover a careful selection of the best wines.

@thewinetruck.cat a la platja de Tarragona
@thewinetruck.cat a la platja de Tarragona

The assortment of 100% Catalan wines from all areas of Catalonia and always giving preference to small producers that we do not find in big retailers.

The DEMOCRATIZATION of wine. Everyone can enjoy it, amateurs, winelovers, professionals… without complexes.

Discover the world of wine with the help of a passionate winelover, always with a smile and without paraphernalia.

Also for those small wineries or rural accommodations, who want to have on special occasions an original staging, which takes care of the smallest detail and facilitates good service.

With THE WINE TRUCK begins a new adventure with the intention of sharing the passion for discovery and wine with you, are you ready?


WINE BAR By the glass or by the bottle. Sale of wines.

PUBLIC EVENTS Pop ups, Festivals, Fairs, Concerts, Cultural Events.

PRIVATE EVENTS AND FOR CELLARS AND ACCOMMODATIONS Personalized and tailor-made service. Afterwork, seminars, weddings, birthdays… The Truck will be available to your winery or accommodation with the option to customize it. A press presentation, a meeting with distributors in the middle of the vineyard, if you can imagine it we can work on it.



With the support of professionals from various fields we want to create a mobile bar with character, versatile and customizable that can fit your events.

Sara Fernández, ideologue and "new entrepreneur" a foodie and winelover in equal parts.

With the background of a Tourism student, with a fine nose and a passion for wine, at the end of November 2020 set herself the goal of bringing one of our country’s great products:

WINE, for all audiences and anywhere.

She has worked on wine tourism projects, in a winery in Tarragona and the Priorat and in wine shops, more than 15 years in the world of wine, so imagine what it runs through his veins ;)
Here his personal account on Instagram @wineandfoodtours, where you can gossip about their tastes and adventures.

She will help you to discover what is behind the area, the vineyard and the winery and the colors and aromas of each wine. The specialized but warm advice will help you to find the right bottle or glass of wine (the one that suits your tastes, food, occasion, etc.) among hundreds of references ... And above all find it in the right time!

Sara Fernández @wineandfoodtours
Sara Fernández @wineandfoodtours

A wide range of collaborators who have crossed paths in Osona, Priorat, Tarragona, the Penedès, in old jobs or on social networks are supporting the project.

Alba Pallejà is our Community Manager and graphic designer. Get to know her on Linkedin

Super campaign photos by @lish_photo

And with the funding we hope to have Berta Artigal painting a cool mural on the Truck.

In the header you saw that we already have wineries too!

You will find more details here on our blog, although we hope to have many more, here are a few:

*Celler Josep Foraster, Mas Vicens, Celler de l'Era, Gritelles Winery, Celler Rialla, Baldufa Vins, Celler Sanromà, Vins Petxina,Perinet Winery, Celler La Placeta, Mosts Mostatxo, Juve y Camps, Llivins, Sons de Tardor, Celler Pascona, Baluard del Montseny, Vins Desantesos,Celler Avenc del Garraf, Vins Abadal, Can-Vi, Larural,Entrebosc,Gerida Vins, Vinya Janine, Parés Baltà,Caves Cuscó Berga, Comalats, Rim Empordà,Can Morral, Most Mostatxo *


In order to make our great Wine Truck able to reach everywhere, we need a lot of things, you can already imagine!

We will work in stages to get the total amount:
€ 2900

We already got the little trailer with our savings.

The first stage

-Creation of a web page.

-Marketing: logo and style book, cards, photo shoot, portfolio, ...

The second stage

-Mural by Berta Artigal. As a backdrop to take some really cool photos.

Berta Artigal
Berta Artigal

-Electrical installation to be independent and get wherever you want.

-Reusable and personalized plastic glasses (unfortunately glass cups will not be able to be present at all events for safety)

-Basic materials for good service, corkscrews, ice buckets, dropstops, ..

Your investment will be used for this, otherwise the project could not see the light or reach its premiere in all its splendor in the spring of 2021.

** This Wine Truck will be a bit yours, so we count on you and thank you in advance for being part of and making the wine culture in Catalonia bigger. **


Once the campaign is over and thanks to your wonderful support in just over a month we will have the rewards ready.

We will do the experiences as soon as the situation allows (the forecast is the inaugurations in June and July)

+ Info





  • Can I buy more than 1 reward?

    Of course! you can accumulate as many as you want.

    Who can resist visiting a winery but also receive 2 bottles of wine and an amazing corkscrew?

    Or do you want to receive 4 bottles? if you take 2 rewards we will make you a pack with a very cool selection. : D

  • Is shipping cost included?

    Yes! all of Catalonia included, and at no extra cost.

    You will also have the option of picking them up directly at one of the 2 opening parties we will be holding in Tarragona and Barcelona.

  • What means my name on the truck?

    We want to remember who has collaborated with us so on one side of the truck we will have a vinyl with your name, your company, or whatever you want.

    When the campaign is over we will send you a form where you can write in detail what you want there.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

  • jordi estrada

    jordi estrada

    about 3 years

    Fantàstica iniciativa per promocionar el nostres vins! Som un pais de vins!

  • Enpeudejoc Edicions

    Enpeudejoc Edicions

    about 3 years

    Moltes felicitats per arribar el primer objectiu!!!!

  • Maria Bassegoda Torres

    Maria Bassegoda Torres

    about 3 years

    Enhorabona per la iniciativa! Molts èxits! 🍷❤️

  • Toni Solé


    about 3 years

    toni solé

  • Marta Martorell Angosto

    Marta Martorell Angosto

    about 3 years

    Gran projecte! Molta força!

  • Clifferg


    about 3 years

    Always with people who loves wine

  • xavi padró

    xavi padró

    about 3 years

    Hola!!nosotros somos los de LARURAL!!! Si ha de sortir un nom que sigui aquest!!merci guapus!!😘😘

  • Lluís Prats

    Lluís Prats

    about 3 years

    Aportar a idees i projectes a qui ens agrada aquest mon, fa il.lusió. Salut !!!

  • Míriam


    about 3 years

    Espero assoliu els vostres objectius amb aquest projecte tant xulo!

  • Raul


    about 3 years

    Ànims! Idees noves i emprenedores! Ganes de un "xin-xin" amb vosaltres!

#05 / 7 dies per acabar la campanya.... SORTEIG pels mecenes :D


Queden ja només 7 dies i acaba la campanya...

Ens ha encantat fer el camí amb tots vosaltres i ens hem trobat amb gent apassionada com la Nuria de SARMIENTO_wine and maps que ens ha fet veure que no estem sols, que som una colla que ens encanta el nostre país de vins.

Així que la Nuria ens ha ofert un dels seus mapes per sortejar entre tots els mecenes!

*Mapa infogràfic amb les 12 Denominacions d'origen de vins i caves de Catalunya.

Dissenyat al detall per descobrir les particularitats de cada territori, els seus climes, i les diferents varietats que marquen el caràcter dels grans vins catalans.

D'estil infogràfic i en format pòster, és ideal per a decorar a casa, penjar en restaurants i cellers, o com a regal per a amics i familiars.

Si ets amant de Catalunya i els seus vins, aquest mapa és per a tu.

Format: 70 cm x 50 cm o bé 70cm x 100 cm

Paper estucat semimat de 170g.Textura extremadament llisa. Certificat PEFC 100% (certificació forestal).

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#04 / Arribant al final del Crowdfunding... Moltes coses en marxa!

Hola a tots,

Queden 2 setmanes perquè acabi el crowdfunding i com ja sabeu, hem assolit l’objectiu i l’hem sobrepassat, superant totes les nostres expectatives.

Sou 96 els mecenes que ens esteu acompanyant!!!

També un GRÀCIES ESPECIAL als mecenes que estrenaran el Truck en un esdeveniment exclusiu per ells:

Celler La Placeta, amb vins de la DO Montsant

Vins Petxina, amb vins de diferents DO

Les Voltes, apartament rural a Barberà de la Conca

Wine Aspects, Escola presencial i online, cursos d’anglès i vi.

New Group Maquinaria Moderna, com suggereix el seu nom, el necessari per la producció de vins.

Aprofiteu si voleu una festa per vosaltres, una celebració, una trobada… estem super contents perquè ja tenim alguna reserva! I amb el Verkami teniu un preu super especial!

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#03 / Nou objectiu i recompensa EXTRA per TOTS si l'assolim



Anem a per un SEGON!


Molt abans del que esperàvem, en menys d’una setmana, i gràcies a tots vosaltres hem aconseguit assolir el primer objectiu de campanya.


Com que encara ens queden molts dies per acabar el Verkami hem decidit plantejar un segon objectiu, arribar fins a 3.900€

Si l'assolim afegirem 1 val per 1 copa de vi i una postal impresa amb un fragment del mural que la Berta Artigal farà a The Wine Truck.

És a dir, si arribem a 3900€ TOTS els mecenes tindran 1 val per 1 copa de vi en qualsevol dels esdeveniments del truck, repetim:

¡Tots els mecenes tindran 1 copa de vi + 1 postal super xula!

S’afegirà a la recompensa que ja hagueu adquirit automàticament. I la rebreu a casa o la podreu recollir el dia que ens trobem al truck.


I pensareu... què en volen fer del recaptat en aquest segon objectiu?


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Moltes gràcies a tothom!

Un èxit inesperat assolir el 50% en les primeres 24h.

Seguim endavant per aconseguir encara més millores.

Gràcies pels esforços i la difusió que n’esteu fent, aviat brindarem plegats.

Salut i vins!


An unexpected success reaching 50% in the first 24 hours.

We move forward to achieve even more improvements.

** Thanks for your efforts and outreach, we'll be toasting with you soon. **

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