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Juego de Cartas Elmbiest, los Elementales de la Magia. 2 a 4 jugadores, 9 a 99 años. 4 mazos de 50 cartas c/u

Divertido Juego extragalático de cartas, 200 cartas en total, con atractivo diseño intuitivo. Basado en la historia y personajes de Ornix775


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"ELEMBIEST, The Elementals of Magic", is a card game, made up of 4 basic factions: fire, water, air and earth, each faction composes a deck of 50 cards each. In these decks you will find characters related to the story on which the game is based, energy crystals, depending on the factions, as well as spells and special abilities to equip your characters.

It is designed so that you can combine the different factions, building your custom deck, according to the characters and skills you prefer among the entire world of Elembiest.

We are a team of creative, entrepreneurial, proactive and passionate people. We have started this Crowfunding Campaign to achieve the production of our card game “ELEMBIEST. The Elementals of Magic”, because we cannot cover the production costs with our own resources. It has already been almost completely designed, it is in the Beta testing phase with some groups of players, looking for adjustments in the game dynamics.

In addition, it is a great opportunity to share with the world this game we have created, combining our creative talents to conceive the characters, strategies, illustrations, design, game mechanics, expansions and everything related to it.

The Story Behind the Game

The Elembiest game is based on the story created by Ornix775 (pseudonym) a very talented teenager with Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder. She has created a world on the planet Hoaghk, Homeworld, where a large number of beings of anthropomorphic appearance inhabit, among whom are the Ifternians. A peaceful and harmonious civilization, thanks to magic and the balanced handling of the elements of nature. 

The Empress of Evil, Thefiarkia, begins to conquer the continents of Hogahk, in order to save their lives, Ifternians and other inhabitants of the planet had to flee through mystical portals to other galaxies. Many of them came to Earth, now hiding among us, modifying their true appearance to protect their magic and ancient knowledge. They make up the Elembiest Resistance, fighting the Anaxke Legion, followers of Thefiarkia.

Through this story, Ornix775 has developed an explanation of the possible reasons for the misunderstanding and rejection of neurodivergent people, such as with Asperger's syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ADHD: they are beings from other planets . Although they have human appearance, adapting to Earth language, customs and behavior is extremely difficult for them.

Have you ever thought about the possibility that a person with autism comes from another planet?

It is not about psychoanalyzing the author, or making a judgment about the possibility of extraterrestrial life or interdimensional travel. What we want is to share this vision of the world of a person with autism and how, through creativity and ingenuity, they have been finding ways to communicate effectively and affectively, in a productive way, one that can encourage other people with autism and their families to share their particular worlds.


We are a group of creative and enthusiastic people, who have combined our passion and

our talents to design an entertaining game with an original story. We love to play, create, have fun, imagine and share our worlds with people.



All the illustrations and characters of the game have been made by ORNIX 775, a Venezuelan teenager with Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Spectrum disorder. Also, the story behind the game comes from his creativity. She has more than 5 years developing this fantastic world.

Graphic Design

The layout and design of the cards and the rewards is by Carmen Elena Peña, designer and visual artist with more than 25 years of experience.

Ejecutive Production

Production is under de direction of Jihana Rafe and Jomir Castro.

*Game Mechanics *

Yuri Abrahan Castro and Jorge Vasquez, Official Magic: The Gathering judge, Gamers and experts in role-playing and board games, designed the game mechanics and instructions.


Game production team composed of editorial consultants, responsible for game, translation, impresions, perks and management of social networks: Jose "Chepe" Castro, Wilmore Silva, and others.


There are none published yet.

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    over 3 years

    Gracias a todos aquellos nos apoyan en este proyecto, principalmente a Daniel Espinoza (Cementerio de Noticias), Nachete VB Gamer, Mirakjuego y Freekdom. Es muy importante para todo el equipo de Elembiest.

  • Daniel Espinosa (Cementerio de Noticias)

    Daniel Espinosa (Cementerio de Noticias)

    over 3 years

    Gracias por proponer un juego tan personal e interesante; desde "Cementerio de Noticias" os apoyaremos en todo cuanto esté a nuestro alcance..., ¡un fortísimo abrazo e infinito éxito! ^^


Estamos muy contentos con una entrevista que nos ha hecho NACHETE VB GAMER en su canal de Youtube, donde hemos compartido con un nuevo amigo, explicando el origen del juego, la mecánica, la campaña de Verkami y otras cosas que salieron a la luz durante la conversación.

Mucha emoción durante la entrevista
Mucha emoción durante la entrevista

Muchas gracias por el apoyo y a continuación el video, visiten su canal, tiene material muy entretenido sobre juegos de mesa y videojuegos.

Momento de la entrevista
Momento de la entrevista


#01 / ¡Agradeciendo a los primeros mecenas!

¡Muchas gracias a los primeros Mecenas!

Acabamos de iniciar nuestra Campaña y ya los mecenas más veloces están aprovechando las promociones de las primeras 72 horas.

Gracias por sus aportes para acercarnos a la meta de tener el juego de cartas Elembiest, Los Elementales de la Magia en las mesas para jugar y divertirnos.

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