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Crossing the Antipodes by foot

If everything goes good soon I’m gonna make the biggest adventure of my life, 3.000 km walk to cross the whole country of New Zealand.


A project of


Created in

Akaroa, New Zealand
From 2.500€
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New Zealand by walk, this is the plan and my dream! Travel the 3,000km that separate Cape Reinga from Bluff, the north and south ends of the country.

Writing in one sentence sounds easy doesn’t it? But it will be 4 months minimum of effort and adventure to achieve it! Walking an average of 25 km daily, sleeping and camping along the route and with a backpack on the back hoping it doesn’t weigh much more than 8kg. Ever since I discovered the “Te Araroa” track I told myself that someday I would, but someday it’s too long, so I decided I had to do it now!

Everything is almost ready ... all I need is the material I'll need for the expedition! And that’s when this whole project begins. Collaborators who help me carry out this adventure in exchange for rewards, having 40 days to reach the goal.

(You have a summary of what, why, how and when in the video)

About the rewards

This will be my way of thanks to all collaborators involved in this passionate project :)

  • Poster size A2 from the corners of New Zealand so you can take a piece from the other side of the world. You can choose from four different models, these are my four favorite photos I took during my stay here.

Here are the four poster models:

In order from left to right at the top: On the way to the fjords of Mildford Sound. Driving the west coast of the south island.

In order from left to right below: Boy playing in Wharariki Beach. Sunset at Tahunanui Beach (Nelson).

  • Cloth bag so you can carry whatever you need :) Did you know that our antipodes (Spain) are New Zealand? And so the design came out.

Produced by @tallertartera. Manual screen printing and ecological ink.
Produced by @tallertartera. Manual screen printing and ecological ink.

  • Acknowledgments: thanks for all your support is the least I can do, so your names will be included in the acknowledgements of the final video I'm gonna make. If you don't want your name to appear you can always put a nickname and continue feeling that you are part of this project:P

  • Postcard from New Zealand. I will send you a direct postcard from some point along the route. Writing to you in my own handwriting the joys and not so joys of the adventure!

The rewards that can be collaborated from anywhere in the world are the acknowledgments and postcards.

For what I'll use your contributions?

The contributions will be used to finance all the material needed for the trip + the campaign costs (production + shipments).

Here you have the material list that I will need with all its costs. Remember that it's a 5 months track, I start from scratch, since when I came to NZ I never imagined that I would end up doing this.


Not knowing yet a specific day, the month of December 2020 if all goes well I'll be on the track! Why can’t it be later or sooner? Considering the route can take 5 months... the winter in the south hemisphere would catch me and it would be dangerous to do the route. It is recommended to start during October-November, but I'll start it as late as possible in order to save as much as I can until then.

Who I am

My name is Mercedes. The truth is that is hard for me to describe myself, but they recently gave me the best compliment they could ever have told me, and I think it describes me very well right now: "Tough girl in a tent with no roof" (there's a story behind). That's how I am, always willing to take risks and take a small or big step to get where I want to be!

After graduating I didn’t see myself at home, but discovering the world. I was lucky to get the working&holiday visa from New Zealand and here I am! The plan was to come back after a year, but this place has caught me.

+ Info

If you want to stay tuned about the adventure you can follow me at merce.maso.

For any questions you can contact me at my email [email protected], either about the project or if you plan to come in the future and need + info. Write to me :)

To Achieve the last Te Araroa steps depends on me, but with your contribution, no matter how small or big is being, it will help me to be able to do the first step. Thank you so much if you got here.

A deep and infinite gratitude, from the bottom of my heart!


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  • Angela Maria Arroyave

    Angela Maria Arroyave

    over 3 years

    Buena suerte Merce

  • Angela Maria Arroyave

    Angela Maria Arroyave

    over 3 years

    “Caminante no hay camino,se hace camino al andar”

  • Diego De la Garza

    Diego De la Garza

    over 3 years

    Vamos por todo!

  • Diego De la Garza

    Diego De la Garza

    over 3 years

    Vamos Merxe! Tu puedes lograrlo!

  • aleino0609


    over 3 years

    Mercè, primii, molta sort!! Ets molt valenta, et trobem a faltar moltíssim. Molts petons i abraçades meves i del Sergi. T'estimem ❤️

  • Cristina Franci

    Cristina Franci

    over 3 years

    A disfrutar de la super experiència 😍Esperant la teva tornada per a que ens ho expliquis tot!

  • TomasSR


    over 3 years

    Des de Bellpuig, la Carmina i el Tomàs et desitgen tota la sort del món! Gaudeix!

  • idiyu


    over 3 years

    Només amb l'emoció amb que ho expliques ja fas entrar ganes a qualsevol d'animar-se a fer-ho i ja val la pena col·laborar! Estic segur que serà una aventura que mai oblidaràs! Molts ànims! :)

  • Elisenda


    over 3 years

    Recorda que molta gent petita, en llocs petits, fent coses petites, pot canviar el món!!!

    Com tu dius sempre estàs disposada arriscar-t’he i a deixar petjada allí on vagis, des de Catalunya se’t troba molt a faltar Merxeeeee :)

  • Shawn Zhang

    Shawn Zhang

    over 3 years

    Wow how can I describe my recent state that some parts of my mind were died years ago but your video and your words encourage and inspire me and also recall me the time that I also had a dream to cycle the whole NZ with a bicycle, now I’m thinking about it again, I’m not sure if I will do it or not now but I will keep it in my mind until the day I start it like what you do right now.

    And I wanna you know: YOU ARE SO BRAVE AND PRETTY!! You are able to do everything beyond your imagination. Enjoy your trip Merceee!!

#01 / Kia oraaaaa! Objectiu aconseguit :)

El que va començar com una idea de "tant de bo algun dia...." és ara una realitat! Comença l'aventura!! Gràcies a cada una de les persones que ho ha fet possible, sí, molt típica la frase, però no pot faltar!! Family, millors amigues, amics, coneguts i desconeguts, a cada un, infinits milions de gràcies per haver participat en aquest projecte.

En dos dies finalitza oficialment la campanya i serà quan t'enviaré un formulari per saber les teves dades per fer-te arribar la teva recompensa. Si vas escollir pòster, serà llavors quan em podràs dir quin model vols!

una abraçada!!!!! :)

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