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Vallcarca will be rural or it will not be

CREATING URBAN ALLOTMENTS in Vallcarca (Barcelona) to provide people with fresh food as well as to fight against the climate emergency.


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If we do not do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable (Murray Bookchin)


Vallcarca is a neighbourhood in Barcelona which, after the failure of the latest urban planning, saw most of its old nucleus being demolished and turned into empty lots.

Nuñez y Navarro, together with the Barcelona city council, held most of the responsibility for the so-called “barricidi” (neighbourhood destruction).
Nuñez y Navarro, together with the Barcelona city council, held most of the responsibility for the so-called “barricidi” (neighbourhood destruction).

To this day, the lots are still there, but the neighbourhood has reappropriated them and transformed them into parks, small allotments, vineyards ...

L'Hort de Farigola, built on the ground of one of the demolished houses.

With this Verkami we want to go one step further and make a firm commitment to urban agriculture.


"Vallcarca will be rural or it will not be" is more than a simple slogan. We think that the days of cities as we know them are numbered.

During the past few years, climate change has become an ever more present issue, due to increasing temperatures and the growing energy consumption of a cruel system which prioritises profit over life. Agriculture is one of the main contributing factors to these changes, together with deforestation, the degradation of the soil, the depletion of water and the loss of biodiversity.

As humanity continues to deplete natural resources, we must return to that which is most essential, most proximate. In a future without cheap fuel, how absurd will it be to bring kiwis from New Zealand? How will we feed the millions of people living in cities when society collapses under its blind delusions of infinite growth?

We will find the answer at the local level. As was demonstrated by the Cuban experience after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we will have to cultivate in every corner, in every patch of grass, we will have to break open the concrete and make our way to the ground if we do not want to starve.

The walls in Vallcarca are a fountain of wisdom: "If we keep growing we are going to collapse, if we do not grow we will also collapse. What if we start thinking about what to do when collapse comes?"
The walls in Vallcarca are a fountain of wisdom: "If we keep growing we are going to collapse, if we do not grow we will also collapse. What if we start thinking about what to do when collapse comes?"

Given the current context of a global pandemic, the climate emergency and general hopelessness, we believe that it is necessary to bet on projects that bring back hope.

This is why we decided to start this project. WE WILL CREATE A NETWORK OF ORGANIC GROWING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY. We want to demonstrate that such a thing is possible, as well as being necessary.

"El Patatal", one of the recently recovered spaces.
"El Patatal", one of the recently recovered spaces.

The orchards will be managed by Desenruna and other collectives that wish to do so. The harvested food will partly go to these groups and, partly, to meet neighbourhood needs such as popular meals or support for vulnerable families from la Xarxa d'Aliments (Food Bank) or el Sindicat d'Habitatge (Housing Union).


The main objective of this Verkami is to finance everything we need to be able to grow food well.

Firstly, we will allocate a small part of the contributions to buy BAGS FOR DEBRIS, to fill them up with all the rubble that urban speculation has left in Vallcarca.

Once the rubble is removed, we will bring the COMPOST SOIL. We will buy 30 tons of fertilised soil to cover the plots we want to cultivate.

Each BigBag of fertilised soil costs 80 €.
Each BigBag of fertilised soil costs 80 €.

Once the soil is ready, we’ll want to start working it. For this, we will acquire HAND TOOLS such as hoes, picks and shovels, IRRIGATION MATERIAL and SEEDLINGS

We will also buy OLIVE TREES.

Olive tree seedlings have a price of 4 € per unit.
Olive tree seedlings have a price of 4 € per unit.

Olive trees are a symbol of resistance. We will buy a hundred olive tree seedlings and will plant the first olive field in Barcelona.

These are the proportions in which we will use your contributions:

46% Compost Soil ; 9% Olive Trees ; 9% Tools ; 9% Irrigation material ; 9% Rewards ; 8% Taxes and Verkami contributions ; 6% Seedlings ; 4% Bags for debris


We will use part of the money allocated to tools to rent some electrical ones. Although we will work the land following agroecology and permaculture principles, urban agriculture has its peculiarities and sometimes it is necessary to dig through layers of cement, remove rubble from underground or open holes in very rugged places. This is why, from time to time, we will use tools such as the PNEUMATIC HAMMER

Toolson Martillo demoledor PRO-AH 43
Toolson Martillo demoledor PRO-AH 43

During May 68, Parisian folk used to say: Under paving stones, the beach!

We think they were wrong. Under the paving stones, actually, there is the soil that will feed us tomorrow. And the pneumatic hammer is the tool that will allow us to reach it.

We don't rule out the possibilty of resorting to the use of an excavator, if necessary, to continue removing debris or preparing the plots of land. In a neighborhood like ours, where bulldozers have been entering for years only to destroy, we believe that it would be poetic justice to use them to do just the opposite: To Create.


We are an organized neighborhood. Desenruna, the group that promotes this Verkami, is made up of residents of Vallcarca who are passionate about agroecology with the support from and coordination with the rest of the social movements of Vallcarca. Among others:

Vallcarca Assembly
Heura Negra, Libertarian Assembly
Vallcarca Youth Assembly
Vallcarca Food Bank
Feminist Strike Committee


We have been working on the neighborhood plots of land for some time, continuously opening new allotments. This Verkami will give a great boost to the work that has already started.

We are launching the campaign in winter to be able to have the land and other resources ready for spring 2021.

We will continue to report through our social networks on all the events that we organize, the collective work sessions and any project related news.


Twitter: @RuralSera

Email: [email protected]


“Nuñez y Navarro, responsible for the destruction of Vallcarca. We don’t forget, and we don’t forgive.”
“Nuñez y Navarro, responsible for the destruction of Vallcarca. We don’t forget, and we don’t forgive.”


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  • Desenruna


    over 3 years

    Hola Carles, rebut! Sí que pot ser :) Moltes gràcies

  • Carles Flores

    Carles Flores

    over 3 years

    apadrinament d'una segona olivera, si pot ser anomenar Gaeliana

  • Carles Flores

    Carles Flores

    over 3 years

    Apadrinament d'una olivera, si pot ser nom Arletiana

  • Michaela Plettinger

    Michaela Plettinger

    over 3 years

    Molt bona iniciativa i molt necessària

  • Venneto


    over 3 years


  • ju


    over 3 years

    grande! quina bona iniciatvia! gracies

  • Francesc


    over 3 years

    He amadrinat una olivera i m'agradaria posa-li de nom MARTINA.

  • Alex Miquel

    Alex Miquel

    over 3 years

    Hola, hem amadrinat una olivera i ens agradaria venir a plantar - la amb la família i posar-li nom si pot ser. Gràcies

  • Alex Miquel

    Alex Miquel

    over 3 years


  • Tika


    over 3 years

    Hem amadrinat dues oliveres amb ma mare i volem que es diguin Carme i Josep.

#05 / La gran plantada de primavera

Hola mecenes!

Com ja us hem vingut informant, aquestes tres últimes setmanes hem estat descarregant terra i col·locant-la als tres horts oberts fins ara.

Una vegada col·locada la terra, el proper dissabte començarem ja a plantar. Encara ens queda terra per descarregar però ja tenim prou bancals a punt per començar amb la plantada de primavera. Hem estat preparant planter amb llavors locals:

A més de plantar, aquest dissabte també:

-Acabarem de posar adob a les oliveres.

-Començarem a muntar el sistema de rec automàtic.

Dissabte 27 de març a partir de les 10h a "l'hort de la Fuste" (davant del metro de Vallcarca).

Gràcies pel vostre suport i, una vegada més, us convidem a venir!

Tant si voleu venir a donar un cop de mà com si simplement voleu passar a veure els progressos que estem fent.


#04 / La gran cadena 2.0

Després de l'èxit de "La gran cadena" i el primer camió de terra, aquest dissabte 13 de març repetim amb "La gran cadena 2.0".

Novament, gràcies per fer-ho possible i convidadíssimes a participar.

Us deixem la informació de la convocatòria.

🗓 Dissabte 13 de març a les 10h. Al metro de Vallcarca.

⛏ "La gran cadena 2.0": Continuem escampant la terra que hem pogut aconseguir gràcies al Verkami.

🥗 Aquesta vegada no prepararem dinar, però sí que hi haurà dinar de traje. Si voleu quedar-vos a dinar, porteu alguna coseta i compartim. Hi haurà plats i coberts a disposició, això sí.

🥦 Barris vius, horts combatius!

PD: Fans de les cianotípies, la setmana vinent us escriurem per fer-vos arribar la vostra. I a les persones que vau triar la recompensa del pack complet samarreta+llibre+cartell també us escriurem perquè la pugueu recollir/rebre.


#03 / Comencem a portar la terra!

Després d'haver aconseguit l'objectiu del Verkami gràcies a l'ajut de tots vosaltres, aquest dissabte comencem a portar la terra als horts.

Gràcies per la vostra col·laboració. Seguim treballant en les recompenses que us arribaran ben aviat, si no us han arribat ja!


#02 / Entrevista a ràdio Contrabanda

La superfície de la terra ha estat empresonada a base de capes de formigó.

Enllaç a vídeo

Aquí teniu un vídeo realitzat pel nostre meravellós equip audiovisual, basat en una entrevista que van fer a Desenruna des d'Assemblea de Majaras, a ràdio Contrabanda. Podeu sentir el programa sencer aquí:

#01 / Lot de llibres sobre pedagogia llibertària i alternativa

La Biblioteca Social Conxa Pérez, antigament allotjada a l'Ateneu l'Entrebanc (C/ Urgell, Barcelona) ens ha fet donació d'una part de la seva biblioteca perquè poguem donar-la com a recompensa del Verkami.

La biblioteca social Conxa Pérez va formar part d'un projecte d'ateneu de l'Eixample Esquerre. S'encabia dins la xarxa de biblioteques socials i volia especialitzar-se en pedagogia llibertària. Portava el nom d'una miliciana anarquista durant la Guerra Civil Espanyola, a més d'activista antifeixista incansable durant tota la vida.

Conxa Pérez.
Conxa Pérez.

Podeu consultar l'antic blog de la biblioteca en aquest enllaç (en desús):


En dissoldre's, una part de la biblioteca social Conxa Pérez va ser destinada al Banc Expropiat de Gràcia i una altra anirà destinada a la… read more

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