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Como Agua de Mayo

COMO AGUA DE MAYO means when you come across something or someone at just the right time.


A project of


Created in

From 2.500€
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And so it is when Eva appears in the life of our protagonist, Lucía, a teenager suffering from anisomastia, a condition meaning noticeably different size of breasts. Things will change when she is dragged by her mother to spend a few days in a spa, and there she meets Eva. Eva is her mother's Watsu therapist, and seems to have everything that Lucia wants for herself. As a result of this brief encounter, a friendship will be born as a spark leading towards Lucía’s self acceptance and love of her body.

Title: Como Agua de Mayo | Shortfilm | Duration: 20 minutes | Format: Digital

The standards of beauty for adolescents are subjective constructions that mean no help and, sooner or later, tend to disappear.

I didn't have anisomastia but I didn't need it either. My wide hips, too frizzy hair, and unbreakable belly where, and are, more than enough. At Lucia's age I fantasized with ideas such as having breast surgery or following absurd diets to lose weight. I never did either of those but I did do lots of nonsense. Nevertheless, time passed and I grew up, and meeting people led me to know myself. Years later, I no longer see those facts as defects but the unique features that make my self.

If Lucía wants to get closer to Eva, she will have to start putting her insecurities in the background.

This is an outward and also inward journey, about either dropping our defenses to get closer to others or continuing in the safety of our isolation. How difficult it is sometimes to love oneself is what we want to talk about in this project.

The ideal of breast size is something that has varied according to the time but breasts themselves have always remained tenaciously representative of women.

The Spa

There's something very noticeable about these places where people share space and privacy: we expose ourselves to strangers even more than we normally do around relatives and known people. A spa is the location that gives rise to Lucia's conflict but also the place that will mean the beginning of a new stage, when she meets Eva. The spa becomes a third main character, it is a wide and hostile space in which our protagonist feels small and exposed. This space is therefore crucial to our history, which is why we are dedicating time and effort to find the perfect location.

What will we use your help for?

This is a final degree short film that has the support of ESCAC Films. They provide equipment and support in the production and post-production processes. However, we need your input to fund the entire project.

  • Diets and transport of the crew to the spa.

  • Setting up locations.

  • Prosthetic makeup.

  • Rental of production equipment, sound and film.

What can you take for contributing?

We have designed different rewards, all beautiful and useful, designed by the artist Enric Sant

Totebag and Towel
Totebag and Towel

Whichever is your contribution we want to thank you, so all the patrons will have your memory of the project!

In case of not being able to attend the premiere we will provide a link to watch the short film online.


  • We will shoot “Como Agua de Mayo” from November 27th till December 7th, 2020

  • The post-production process will begin in December and end in May 2021. (Approximate dates)

  • Premiere: Date to be confirmed.

  • Delivery of the rewards will take place on the day of the premiere of the short film in Barcelona. If you cannot attend at the event, we will find a way to get it to you.

How can you help us?

  • Collaborate financially, Click on "Contribute to the project" and choose one of the rewards we offer. Previously, you have to register in Verkami. Finally, enter the card details and confirm your contribution. Your contribution will only be charged once we reach the established goal.

  • Share the link of the project to those who may be interested and want to collaborate with it.

  • If you have a company and you want to collaborate with us in any way, you can send us an email.


[email protected]

Thank you very much,

Team of "Como Agua de Mayo".


There are none published yet.

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  • Steigles


    over 2 years

    Hi! We'll still received the rewards? What's the status of this project? Feeling a bit fooled...

  • Berta Salafranca

    Berta Salafranca

    over 3 years

    Una ayudita de Blanquerna. Amb mil ganes de veure el resultat final, segur que tot va genial, teniu proyectazo.

  • Rafagalapago


    over 3 years

    Muchos éxitos equipo y salud, en especial Irish simpatia, Saludos Rafa Gallego ;)

  • Martí Herrera

    Martí Herrera

    over 3 years

    Bona sort!!

  • Fina Carrasco

    Fina Carrasco

    over 3 years

    Que et vagi bé. Iris

  • Fina Carrasco

    Fina Carrasco

    over 3 years

    Que et vagi bé. Iris

  • Anna Moragriega Farrés

    Anna Moragriega Farrés

    over 3 years

    Molta sort equipazo!!!!

  • Bestragues


    over 3 years

    Potrina for presideeeent

  • Alex


    over 3 years

    Make your dream come true, glad I could participate

  • Ramón


    over 3 years

    Faltan Extras???



Hola a tod@s!

Hemos estado un tiempo sin contaros nada …. pero, como algunos ya sabréis, hemos sufrido un parón importante después de que no pudiéramos rodar en las fechas que teníamos previstas. A una semana de empezar a rodar, tuvimos que cancelarlo todo por temas derivados de la situación pandémica.

Durante este tiempo de ausencia, permanecimos estudiando las distintas opciones que nos quedaban y al final, optamos por apartar este proyecto por un tiempo y abordar el Proyecto Final de Grado con otra historia, más adaptada a los tiempos que corren. Ha sido un proceso complejo y duro, estábamos muy cerca de ver esta historia contarse pero finalmente ni 2020 ni 2021 van a ser los años para hacerlo.

Así que, os queremos agradecer a todos y todas el apoyo e interés que habéis mostrado por “COMO AGUA DE MAYO” y estaremos encantados de contaros… read more



¡¡Muchas muchas gracias!! 🎉¡Ya llegamos al objetivo!🎉

¡La verdad que estamos súper felices de haber llegado tan rápido!🥳 ¡¡Esto nos permite cubrir los mínimos de la producción y además tener unos cuantos días más de Verkami para intentar conseguir un segundo objetivo y mejorar aún más!!

¡Seguimos! Pronto os contamos más notícias ;)

¡Un abrazo!


Thank you so much!! 🎉We've reached the goal🎉!

The truth is that we're super happy, we arrived so fast🥳! This allows us to cover the minimums of production and also have a few more days of Verkami to try to achieve a second goal and improve it even more !!

We keep going! Soon we will tell you more news;)

A huge hug!

#01 / ¡Gracias a los que os vais sumando a esta aventura!

¡Hola a tod@s l@s mecenas que nos estáis apoyando con el proyecto! Muchas gracias, ¡nos hace mucha ilusión ver como cada día os vais sumando a esta aventura!💕

Hoy es nuestro primer post en el blog del Verkami y es para comunicaros que, debido a las restricciones que han ido apareciendo a lo largo de estas semanas, nos hemos visto obligados a retrasar las fechas de rodaje.

Esto nos complica algunos asuntos pero a la vez nos permite seguir rodando. Por ahora las fechas se han quedado del 11 al 21 de diciembre, justo antes de las vacaciones ;)

¡Esperemos que no se complique nada más y al fin podamos dar vida al corto antes de que acabe el año!🍀

Una vez más, gracias a tod@s, sin vosotr@s esto no sería posible,

Un abrazo enorme de todo el equipo, ✨¡¡seguimos!!✨



Hello to all the patrons who are supporting our the project! Thank you very much, we're very excited to see how people is joining this adventure every day! 💕

read more

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