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S.O.S. Senegal Artist

We will record a musical theme in collaboration with several artists from Senegal and Spain to alleviate the economic losses due to Covid-19

Asociación GolpeArte

A project of


Created in

Dakar, Senegal
From 850€
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We have decided to help a group heavily punished by the Covid-19 measures taken by the Senegalese government: the artists. All sectors have completely recovered their activity, with the exception of artists, who today and since March, still do not have the right to work. All forms of entertainment and shows are prohibited.

Due to our relationship with the country and with many of these artists, we have thought that it would be a good idea to mobilize mainly our followers (and everyone who wants to join) so that, together, we can help them with an economic amount while they resume their activity. At this point we want to remember that it is a country in which its inhabitants live every day, almost no one has savings.

We have a recording studio in Dakar (Senegal) and all the material and means necessary for a good result. Contributing artists from outside Senegal will be recorded in their studios or rehearsal rooms and everything will be mixed digitally.

We are ready. We just need your support!

Your contribution has different rewards:

In all contributions, by the simple fact that you support us, you will be a member of the GolpeArte Association for a year with all its advantages (special prices in classes, workshops and organized events).


We will name you as SPONSOR of the project on the website of the GolpeArte Association, and you will become a member of the association with all its advantages and part of our projects in Senegal. Thanks for your support!


You will receive a personalized email thanking you for your collaboration in the project, you will appear in the credits of the video that will be published on all platforms, we will name you as MECENAS of the project on the website of the GolpeArte Association, and you will become a member of the association and part of our projects in Senegal. Thanks for your support!

About us

El Hadji Mbaye

Senegalese artist and musician very committed to the current situation of his colleagues. With more than 20 years of international experience on stage, a keyboard player by profession, he has performed with the greatest artists of his country. It is the main promoter of the project in Senegal.

Miguel Ángel García

Founding member of the GolpeArte Association. Creator of the musical show Thiono Rerul where more than 20 Senegalese artists (dancers and percussionists) participated. Afro-Brazilian percussion teacher since 2005. Together with Irma Espartosa he organizes the Festival Aiwa! Playadrums since 2012.

Irma Espartosa

President of the GolpeArte Association, pianist and good connoisseur of the musical culture of Senegal. Organizing for more than 15 years in Spain together with Miguel Ángel García a multitude of events, festivals and shows in favor of the musical culture of Senegal. Regular collaborator of the shows of the Ballet Jammu from Senegal.

To what will we allocate your contributions

All the money from the collection will be used to cover the costs of recording in the studio, a small cache of the artists who participate and need it, as well as the subsequent editing work. It is about creating a job opportunity and remunerating all Senegalese artists involved in the project.

If we exceed the requested budget, the money raised will go to family support for all Senegalese artists that we can, after analyzing their personal circumstances.

Planned schedule

We look forward to offering the rewards during the month of October 2020.

+ Info

You can learn more about us and our actions through the following links:

Our website

Article in the blog where we talk about the project


There are none published yet.

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  • Asociación GolpeArte

    Asociación GolpeArte

    over 3 years

    Ese es nuestro deseo, Virginia, ¡gracias por tu aportación!

  • Virginia


    over 3 years

    Esperamos seguir disfrutando de la cultura Senegalesa!!

#06 / ¡Te necesitamos ahora!

Quedan solo 15 días y aún nos queda un poco de camino para alcanzar la cifra. Si estás interesado en que el proyecto salga adelante, ¡no lo dejes para el final, te necesitamos ahora!


#04 / ¡¡24%!!

Y lo hemos conseguido en solo 5 días de campaña.

Sabemos que muchos estáis haciendo un gran esfuerzo porque son tiempos malos para todos.
¡Gracias por vuestra solidaridad!

#03 / ¡SEGUIMOS! 14%

Aún estamos lejos de nuestro objetivo... pero la verdad es que estamos entusiasmados con la acogida. Gracias a los que ya habéis contribuido. Aquí en Dakar tenemos todo listo... ¿y tú estás listo? ¿Nos ayudas?


Ya tenemos 3 seguidores comprometidos con le proyecto y estamos muy contentos. Es la primera vez que lo organizamos.

Sabemos que sois más los interesados en colaborar, ¡ánimo y a por ello!

Gracias a todos.


¿Quieres formar parte del proyecto organizado entre España y Senegal más importante de todos los tiempos? Una canción grabada en Dakar con participación de artistas repartidos por todo el mundo gracias a la tecnología digital.

Tu aportación supone mucho, es un medio de vida para los artistas mientras el gobierno autoriza la reanudación de la actividad artística tras las restricciones Covid-19.

¿Nos ayudas?

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