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"On començo jo" - Gessamí Boada

Crowdfunding for my second album "On començo jo" Thanks for being there! <3

Gessamí Boada

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From 3.500€
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"On començo jo" is my second album as a songwriter. New songs that talk about evolving, the climate change and connectig to oneself in order to be able to connect with the other.

Again, like I did in my first album "White Flowers" (2018), I counted with the producer and pianist searching for a new musical aesthetics. Eleven pop songs in Catalan, Spanish and English that express my deepest emotions and thoughts.

It's my first time starting a crowdfunding campaign and I am very excited! Will you join me?

Foto Alícia Rey
Foto Alícia Rey

About the rewards

There's all kinds of rewards if you are willing to collaborate in the project. You can download the album in mp3 alongside a pdf of the lyrics. You can order the physical album that will be sent dedicated to you. If you don't have it yet, you can also get a copy of my first album "White Flowers".

There's also tote bags with the title of the album with a drawing by Mirea Mpm and blue mugs with the line: "It's up to you to decide who you are, who you wanna be". Or take the pack to get all the merchandising.

As many of you know, I am also 'vocal coach', so you can book singing online lessons.

Also, you can ask for a cover of your favourite song and I will recorded with my voice and piano. Nice idea for a present too...

The private concert is only available for Catalunya (SPAIN).

I hope you like the rewards!

Who are we?

My name is Gessamí Boada, I am the singer, songwriter and leader of this project. I love being on stage singing and expressing how I feel the world through my songs. The pianist, producer and good friend Kquimi Saigi has helped me at giving shape to my melodies and found a new sound. We have produced the album together. You will also hear Arnau Figueres on guitar and bass and Darío Barroso on guitar. There's also some amazing singers that I will reveal soon...

We have recorded the vocals at Medusa, Dept17 and Sotrack Records in Barcelona with the sound engineers: Àlex Carretero, Miquel Cuxart (Sotrack Records) and Marc Salvador (Dept17). Arnau Figueres has mixed and mastered the album in Tandem Records.

My dearest friend Ana Cano has taken the cool pics.

Estel Boada, my sister, is in charge of the delicate design of the album.

"On començo jo" will be published by Segell Microscopi.

Where will the money go?

"On començo jo" is a self-financed album. I think it is very important to keep on creating culture regardless the pandemic crisis. Making an album is a long process, we have been working on it for almost two years, with a lot of love and pacience.

Your money will make it possible to release the album. It will be destined to cover part of the promotion campaign, the physical production of the album and recording, producing, mixing, mastering and designing expenses.

Thank you so so much!!


At the beginning of October we will publish two singles and the full album will be released in November 2020.

+ Info

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  • Roigé


    over 3 years

    Felicitats i endavant Gessamí! Ganes d'escoltar-lo en directe! abraçada

  • Djanira cortesao

    Djanira cortesao

    over 3 years

    Felicidades Gessamí!

  • Pau Gorrias Pons

    Pau Gorrias Pons

    over 3 years

    Molta sort!!!!

  • Nina Goicoechea

    Nina Goicoechea

    over 3 years


  • Rosa Borrell

    Rosa Borrell

    over 3 years

    Esperant escoltar les cançons!

  • Emili Cuenca


    over 3 years

    Que vagi molt bé! Una abraçada!

  • Nicola


    over 3 years

    Un piccolo aiuto per un grande sogno! Zia Mary Zio Roberto e Martina

  • Nicola


    over 3 years

    Sarà un successo! Gli zii Ade Zaira e Alessandro

  • Nicola


    over 3 years

    Di cuore un piccolo contributo alla tua arte zia Paola e zio Gabriele

  • Nicola


    over 3 years

    Un piccolo pensiero per una grande artista Zia Anna

#05 / GRÀCIES!!

Família, ja està!!! Campanya de verkami finalitzada i superadíssima!
•105 aportacions
•3 concerts reservats
•2 packs de classes de cant
•2 covers
•10 packs complets
•12 packs bossa @inkingboutyou
•15 packs tassa
•12 packs 2 Cds
•2 packs tassa+bossa
•34 cds "On començo jo"
•13 descàrrega digital

Heu tingut una paciència infinita... M'he sentit recolzada en cada moment del procés. Amics, companys músics, alumnes, fidels seguidors... Gràcies per participar, compartir, animar-me!! Sé que són moments difícils en molts sentits, així que gràcies per seguir apostant per la música.

Si reviseu el mail, veureu que teniu un missatge en relació a la recompensa que heu demanat. Com que heu sigut super generosos, intentarem enviar les recompenses abans del previst! Us demanem que ompliu el formulari per poder donar per finalitzat el projecte.

Gràcies per tot, salut!

JA HEU VIST EL NOU VIDEO "In the Shadows of Your Mind"?


Hem arribat a l'objectiu!!!!!!!!!🤩 MOLTES, MOLTES, MOLTES GRÀCIES!!

Estic saltant d'alegria, gràcies a les vostres aportacions podrem tirar endavant el meu segon disc!! Podeu seguir col•laborant fins el dia 11/10. Ens poseu un nou objectiu? Arribem als 4.000€? 💚💚💚

Quin dia... single i verkami aconseguit! 🌺 🎊


We made it! Verkami accomplished! Thank u so much! You can still participate until the 11/10! 💚🎊

Ja podeu escoltar "Com si no fossis ningú" a totes les plataformes, espero que us faci volar!

una abraçada enorme

#03 / Ja podeu veure el videoclip de "Com si no fossis ningú" <3

Bon dia família!

Demà 6 d'octubre surt el primer single a totes les plataformes, però el Diari Ara n'ha estrenat el videoclip en exclusiva! Ja podeu veure i escoltar "Com si no fossis ningú"

Espero que us faci volar,

gràcies per tota l'ajuda rebuda! Queden 6 dies i ja estem al 90%! Som molt aprop de l'objectiu, m'ajudeu a fer córrer la veu per poder arribar-hi? <3

#02 / Escolta el primer single abans que ningú!

Ja pots pre-guardar el single "Com si no fossis ningú" Així el podràs sentir just quan surti dimarts vinent 6 d'octubre!

Per cert, ja hem passat dels 3.000€! Cap als 3.500€, GRÀCIES!! <3


You can pre-save the single "Com si no fossis ningú" so you can listen to it the second it's out next tuesday the 6th of October!

Btw, we have reached the 3.000€, we're closer to the goal!



Bon dia!

Estem a 15 dies de finalitzar la campanya i us volia donar les gràcies. Gràcies per creure en la música, en la cultura, en la creativitat. Gràcies per creure cegament en el meu segon disc, que ni tan sols heu sentit encara. Aquest projecte no és només meu, implica una xarxa de professionals que materialitzen el que tinc al cap i sense els quals no podria tirar endavant. El Verkami és per ells.

Poc a poc, aneu sabent més cosetes d'"On començo jo", com que hi col·laboren Elena Gadel, Alessio Arena i Henrio o que podreu sentir el primer single, "Com si no fossis ningú", el 6 d'octubre!

Agraeixo cada comentari, cada mostra de suport que estic rebent. No podria sentir-me millor acompanyada!

Seguim, MIL GRÀCIES <3

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