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New album from L-R

Leticia y Rubén

A project of


Created in

From 2.500€
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The COVID-19 confinement has been the "total experience" for us. We live together and have a little child. We have been raising and creating at the same time. In this period new things was born: new sensations and we have left many things behind. We have become strong and free people, but above all, a new important thing was born, a thing that we had inside: our new album: N.O.S.

New old stock refers to merchandise being offered for sale which was manufactured long ago but that has never been sold at retail.
New old stock refers to merchandise being offered for sale which was manufactured long ago but that has never been sold at retail.

After our first approach to the concept "post-folk", in which we had talked about the "voice without name" -a reference to this people who disappear under the term: "traditional"-, in N.O.S. we try to continue with the dynamics of oral tradition, creating new melodies and lyrics reflecting our personal life. Our objective is try to follow the creative way of these women (and men) who learnt and composed songs, reformulating and adapting them to their particular experience. This a legacy that continues to be passed down from generation to generation.

The N.O.S. project supports Asturian traditional music but from an actual perspective and close to new forms of contemporary music. Our main goal is to enjoy the tradition music and at the same time, improve new ways to integrate traditional music in society.

Our values are the same: We understand traditional music as a living entity which evolves in time according to the new influences.

About us

L-R are Leticia Baselgas (vocals, tambourine) and Rubén Bada (elec- tric guitars, looper, effects). They create a unique sound, deconstructing and reinterpreting Asturian traditional music. Their mission is to retain the integrity of the tradicional Asturian dance rhythms whilst embracing 21st century technology. They combine the sounds of their native Asturias with blues, rock and jazz. L-R call their music post-folk.


The concept post-folk-asturianu was the title of our first album, it was also a tag or a hashtag which everyone could use. Post-folk-asturianu is a kind of attitude, critical thinking, activism and, of course, unconditional love for Asturian music.

Rubén Bada

Ruben Bada was born in Aviles, in the northern coast of Asturies, and raised in the Cape Peñes area, where the Asturian language and culture are still healthy and alive. He began playing guitar at the age of 14, learning both bouzouki and fiddle soon after. Ruben started his recording career in 1998 with the band Xeliba with whom he recorded two albums. Shortly after, he became a highly sought after studio musician and producer, working with Asturian acts such as, Mari luz Cristobal, N’arba, Corquieu, Tejedor, Dixebra, Llacín Pipe Band, Ú?, Alfredo González, and DRD. In 2000, Ruben won the Asturian Traditional Music Contest on fiddle and in 2006 he was awarded “Best Instrumentalist” in the Asturian Music Awards. Ruben has recorded on numerous high-profile albums including John McSherry & Dónal O’Connor’s critically acclaimed album ‘Tripswitch’ and John McSherry’s award winning album ‘Soma’ in 2010. He is currently part of the groups L-R, Aú?, Alce y Navaya, Alfredo González and Pipe Band el Trasno de Cuaña.

Leticia Baselgas

Leticia Gonzalez (Baselgas) is a very well known traditional singer and tambourine player in Asturies. She has been part of ethnographic groups such as “Vezos Astures” or “Muyeres”, where the role of women in the traditional culture was reivindicated through music and dance. She’s also an accomplished traditional dancer and if you come to any “bailles” in Asturies you’ll probably meet here either dancing or providing songs and rythm for the dancers.

¿How you could help us?

Any contribution is important for us.

All the money that we collect will be used entirely on the recording, edition and production of the album. To give you an idea, this is our budget:

our goal is to achieve 2500 euros.

_Recording and production costs: 1000 euros

_Post-production costs: 1000 euros

_Expenses for rewards: 500 euros

What will be the rewards?

badges and stickers


Tote Bag

Face Mask

Pack post-folk

If you don't have our first album post-folk-asturianu yet, you can choose the post-folk pack with the first album on vinyl record or CD


The new L-R album will go on sale in the month of...

October 2020

  • You will receive your rewards in December.

+ Info


L-R / 2020
L-R / 2020


There are none published yet.

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  • pinzales


    over 3 years

    A bout de souffle!! (Irene y Pelayo)

  • Pabli


    over 3 years

    Sois de lo meyor qu'hai nel país. Puxa L-R y gracies por vueso arte. Ganones de sentivos y vevos en Cimavilla en setiembre

  • Leticia y Rubén

    Leticia y Rubén

    over 3 years

    Gracies a todxs! Tamos ya terminando y tamos aprovechando estos díes pa rematar los temes del discu y, namás que Rubén tenga el brazu curáu, entamamos cola grabación. Diremos comentándovos cómo va tol procesu.

  • Kike Suárez

    Kike Suárez

    over 3 years

    Buff nenos, casi se me pasa mecenear. Porque recordómelo Martín tarareando la xarra, menos mal

  • Esther barroso llavona

    Esther barroso llavona

    over 3 years

    Toi encanta, de poder echar un gavitu, a esta pareya.....

  • Anaroxa


    over 3 years


  • Norabona compañeros! A seguir trabayando por la música del país, un abrazu

  • Ilde


    over 3 years

    Hecho, me imagino que cuando salga me pedireis la dirección. Mucho ánimo y espero que sea un pasote, como el anterior!

  • Andres de Bual

    Andres de Bual

    over 3 years


  • maite rozada

    maite rozada

    over 3 years

    Yo yá! 💙

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