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El baile del estornino - Short Film

“I want us to be like two starlings away from the flock, continuing the flight with their own synchrony”. Directed by Bárbara Fdez.


A project of


Created in

From 14.000€
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View project in Castellano

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Poster made by Ipnosix Studio
Poster made by Ipnosix Studio


El baile del estornino is the story of a boy who had a relationship in the Madrid of the 80s in complete secrecy. The fear of flying away from the mass and of being seen from the distance, gave rise to a relationship in which everything was kept hidden.

His boyfriend disappears without a trace and the only memory he has of him are the letters that were never sent. Already in old age, he remembers that time and reflects on love and how society prevailed over their relationship.

We feel that it is a necessary film because, as time goes by, love is still taboo for many people. Love is not questioned, love should not be a secret.

About the team

El baile del estornino is a short film that was born inspired from a story written by Nacho Antelo. After having the critical eye of Bárbara Fdez., and reviewing it together, they created the project that we are presenting today. Currently, the team is formed, with great enthusiasm, by Marín Moore, as composer of the BSO; Leilah Pérez, as head of sound; Isabel Ortega, as art director; Alex Petrucci, as editor; and Laura Mato, as production manager.

Bárbara Fdez. Is the director of the film and Nacho Antelo is actively participating in the production and plays one of the main characters.

How can you help us?

Participate in the campaign! We are working with Verkami to do this crowdfunding campaign and, thus, be able to finance almost the entirety cost of the movie. You can help us with the contribution that best suits your pocket and, in exchange, you will receive a reward for the value of the amount you indicate.

A small contribution already helps us a lot!

Verkami is a platform that works with projects like ours in order to finance part or all of the project through crowdfunding. It is not exclusively altruistic donations: in exchange for your contribution, you receive an appropriate reward. With the minimum contribution, you can already enjoy the short film before the official premiere. In other contributions you can get up to a photo session with Bárbara Fdez., for example. Everything has been elaborated with a lot of love and paying maximum attention to detail. We believe that we should offer rewards according to the project, for which each member of the team has collaborated to create material that you can enjoy from home.

About the rewards

All the contributions include the possibility to watch the short film before the official premiere. In addition, you could get very special rewards:

  • The filming of a scene of your choice for your videobook or a corporative video to promote your company (Only during the first 72 hours). For only 50€ we provide you with a technical team to film, with the professional quality you need, a scene or video up to 4 minutes long. As soon as the campaign is over, we will be in contact with you to fix a date between December 2020 and March 2021. Only available in the Community of Madrid.

  • Photo Session with Bárbara Fdez. Don’t miss the opportunity to have professional photographies at a reasonable price. They could be for you or to give away. There are two options available!.

  • The Deluxe pack. Do you need to promote your company or organization? Then this is the pack you are looking for. You will appear on the final credits apart from the other acknowledgments so that you have more visibility between the people who watch the film.

It is an all or nothing: if we do not reach our goal (€ 14,000), no charge will be made to your card. You will only be charged if the project has enough money to carry on.

You can also help us with the dissemination of the campaign, sharing with your contacts so that they can also help us build El baile del estornino.

How will we use your contributions?

The budget for the short film is € 18,000 (with Verkami fees and corresponding taxes).

We want to reach the € 14,000 that would allow us to shoot the short film and use the surpluses to finance the distribution of the short film by national and international festivals.


  • July: Casting process.

  • End of August: Rehearsal with actors.

  • First week of September: Shooting.

  • September - October: Postproduction.

  • November: Short film finished.

  • January 2021 - January 2022: Distribution to national and international festivals.

When will the rewards be ready? All rewards will be received in December 2020, prior to the official premiere of El baile del estornino.

More info?

Email us: [email protected]!


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Fran Jiménez

    Fran Jiménez

    over 3 years

    Los mejores deseos, para este precioso proyecto, cargado de amor, sensibilidad, delicadeza, y valentía.

  • namicar59


    over 3 years

    Enhorabuena Nacho!! Objetivo conseguido. Que ganas de ver el corto!!

  • jorge muriel

    jorge muriel

    over 3 years

    A por ellos equipo!!! Tiene muy buena pinta!!

  • Federico Garcia Ruiz-Dana

    Federico Garcia Ruiz-Dana

    over 3 years

    Un placer ayudar en lo posible a este proyecto

  • macmsegovia@gmail.com

    [email protected]

    over 3 years


  • Cristina


    over 3 years

    Mucho animo, seguro que va a ser un gran proyecto.

  • Manualegre


    almost 4 years

    Mucho animo! Un proyecto muy interesante!! Con ganas de verlo 😘😘

  • Ima23z


    almost 4 years

    Mi rayo de luz a este fantástico y apasionante proyecto ;)

  • Paupau


    almost 4 years


  • Ketty García

    Ketty García

    almost 4 years

    Mucha suerte , y mucho animo!!!


¡Hemos conseguido nuestro primer objetivo!

Desde el equipo de el baile del estornino queremos dar las gracias a todxs aquellxs que habéis decidido aportar a nuestro proyecto. Estamos enormemente agradecidxs y entusiasmadxs con la acogida que ha tenido el cortometraje.

¡ El baile del estornino se hará realidad gracias a vosotrxs!

Queremos hacer una mención especial a La Coordinadora del Tercer Sector de la Comunidad de Madrid, con quienes hemos firmado un contrato de patrocinio recientemente, mostrando con ello su firme compromiso con la cultura y la visibilidad del colectivo LGTBIQ+.

En cuanto termine la campaña, nos iremos poniendo en contacto con todos los mecenas para poder entregar todas las recompensas prometidas.

Aún quedan 4 días. Se puede seguir aportando y todo lo que consigamos a partir de ahora costeará la distribución del cortometraje por festivales nacionales e internacionales.




Si estabas pensando en aportar pero todavía no lo has hecho, ¡es el momento! Tenemos que conseguir llegar a nuestro objetivo de 14.000€ antes del 10 de agosto para que podamos recibir lo recaudado y, así, poner en pie El baile del estornino.

Si quieres aportar pero tienes dudas, manda un email a [email protected] o a [email protected] y pregunta las dudas que tengas sin compromiso. Aportar es muy sencillo. En la página de nuestro proyecto tienes todas las opciones en la columna de la derecha, si es versión de ordenador, o dándole a "aportar al proyecto" en la esquina inferior izquierda, si es la versión móvil.

Hay recompensas muy interesantes que pueden ser para ti o para regalar ¡Échales un ojo!

A los que ya habéis aportado: Muchas gracias. Estáis colaborando en la creación de un proyecto artístico que habla, con mucho amor, de algo que nos toca a muchos.


#02 / ¡Hemos pasado los 5.000€!

Todavía nos queda mucho por hacer, pero queremos agradecer, de corazón, a todxs aquellxs que han aportado su granito de arena a nuestro proyecto.

¡Merecerá la pena!

Recordad que es un todo o nada, de momento no se ha realizado ningún cargo a ninguna tarjeta. Cuando la campaña finalice, si logramos llegar a nuestro objetivo, se realizarán los cargos que habéis especificado.

Gracias de nuevo y... ¡a seguir! 💪🏻

PD: Si todavía no has aportado, ¡echa un vistazo a nuestra campaña! Por tan solo 5€ estarás ayudando a crear "el baile del estornino".

Fotografía por Bárbara Fdez.
Fotografía por Bárbara Fdez.


Durante 72 horas podrás adquirir nuestra nueva recompensa "60 60 60", que incluye 60 minutos de sesión fotográfica en los exteriores de Madrid, comprometiéndonos a un mínimo de 60 fotografías en alta calidad y sin retocar. No hay máximo a entregar: ¡Podrían ser muchas más!

Te llevas todas las fotografías realizadas durante esa hora solo por 60€.

Disponible para modelos, prebodas, niños, actores, mayores... ¡Para todo el mundo!

¿Te quedan dudas? Manda un email a [email protected]

Fotografía de Bárbara Fdez.
Fotografía de Bárbara Fdez.

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