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The Weight of the World - New LP by Morningblind

Completion of the final stages of the LP: mastering, design & artwork, and duplication


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From 2.000€
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The Story So Far

The Weight of The World, an album of 11 original songs, represents the culmination of years of hard work; from the often jarring times of creation and composition to the painstaking work of the arrangements; from the long days of recording to the revelation of the mixing. Bringing us to the final stages of mastering, and the design and duplication of the CDs themselves. Each stage has involved the extraordinary craft and talents of a large number of people: Quico Tretze, capturing our sound in the studio; Nico Roig, raising the songs to new heights with the mix and contributing to the production with further recordings; and of course the musicians: Víctor Nin, Roberto Castillo, Oscar Fanega, Marc Mateu, Xavi Lloses, Juan Berbín and Nico Roig. This final stage (which we're hoping to finance with the help of this crowdfunding campaign) involves two more essential and highly experienced collaborators: The Exchange Mastering Studios and Anthony Christopher (original artwork).

About Us

Morningblind is a collaboration between singer and composer Sandra Bossy-Retti and lyricist Richard Hayden. We relish the challenge of breaking with the conventions of genre through bold songs each of which generates its own, unique soundscape.

What are we going to do with your contributions?

So far, from conception to the finished mix, we have been able to finance everything ourselves, but now we need some help to complete the process, specifically: the mastering, CD artwork & design, and the printing and duplication of the CDs. If we raise more than our target through advance sales of the CDs, we'll use it to help with the marketing, distribution and promotion of the album.

As far as possible, we want to include the name of everyone who contributes to the campaign in the "thanks" section of the CD leaflet; the sooner you buy a CD the more likely you are to have your name included!


Sandra: I would have loved to launch this album on my birthday: June 9. Realistically, though, it's going to take a little longer. Provided everything goes to plan, patrons should get their CD and/or digital version of The Weight of the World by the end of June or first half of July.

+ Info

Morninglbind website
Morningblind Facebook


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  • AlexYolanda_verkami


    almost 4 years

    Molta força!!!

  • Alicia Granados

    Alicia Granados

    almost 4 years


  • Alicia


    almost 4 years

    Molta sort!

  • morningblind


    about 4 years

    Moltes gràcies!

  • Alba


    about 4 years

    Molta sort tant a vosaltres com a gràfics Bildi

#01 / Moltes gràcies!/Thank you!

Ho hem aconseguit!!!!! Us volem traslladar el nostre més sincer agraíment per haver participat, per formar part del nostre projecte amb el vostre suport. Gràcies per les vostres aportacions, mil gràcies.

Estem a la darrerríssima fase, a l'espera dels últims requeriments abans de passar a la duplicació dels CDs. Tot rutlla segons el previst.

També aprofitem per comunicar un canvi a nivell de col·laboració, que apareix en la plana del verkami però ho anunciem pels qui vau contribuir abans de la rectificació. Hem hagut de reajustar la direcció del disseny del CD, que exposarà el treball d'un artista nordamericà, Anthony Christopher, amb qui ja havíem treballat en el passat. Sempre ens ha captivat la seva visió artística, que conflueix magistralment, pensem, amb la nostra.

Esperem que us agradi el resultat de la nostra diligent dedicació.

We did it!!! Our heartfelt thanks to everybody who has pledged to the project.

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