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Los no lugares (The non-places)

A memory. A change. A shortfilm.

Los No Lugares

A project of


Created in

From 3.500€
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WE HAVE A NEW GOAL! [read more]

Los no lugares (The non-places) is a shortfilm that is born as the Bachelor Final Project of four Audiovisual Communication students from the Pompeu Fabra University. It is a story about changes and our fear of them, about the influence the places where we grew up have on us, and how the people we surround ourselves with condition our past and our future.

Muna has always dreamed of being a photographer. The summer has just started and her dream is about to come true, but she is running out of time to face what she has been putting off: saying goodbye to her friends and to the promises they made in the place where they grew up.

Muna, Litus, Aziz and Ale are a group of four friends that have known each other since they were little.

Muna (22), played by Esmeralda Colette
Muna (22), played by Esmeralda Colette

Litus (22), played by Pau Rubio
Litus (22), played by Pau Rubio

Aziz (24), played by Khalid El Khattabi
Aziz (24), played by Khalid El Khattabi

Ale (21), played by Gerard Pérez
Ale (21), played by Gerard Pérez

Illustrations by Judith Briñol.

The story is situated in the northeast periphery of Barcelona, in the neighbourhoods of El Besòs and the municipalities of Sant Adrià del Besòs, Santa Coloma de Gramenet and Badalona.

These are urban areas resulting from the gentrification process of the last decades, which constantly struggle to maintain their identity and neighbourhood community; and have often been stigmatised when portrayed in the media.

These places are of big importance for the story, given that our main character struggles between wanting, and not wanting the same time, to get away from them because they remind her of those childhood and adolescence memories. That "non-place" is actually her personal situation, a transit space between two moments and two places.

We are four friends and classmates, with really different cinema tastes, but united by the movie Columbus (Kogonada, 2017).

Èlia Boqueras, Direction and Screenplay.

Passionate about Before Sunrise, secretly a blogger, and a cheesecake lover. Assistant director at Globomedia (part of The Mediapro Studio) in series like Estoy Vivo on TVE. Assistant director of the shortfilm El Banquete (2018) and the documentary Pasión Sho*w (2018). Director of the documentary FOUND (2019) and the advertising campaign #Ponteensupiel (2017). She studied for a year in Ireland, at University College Cork, where she specialised in Media Studies and Theater and Performative Arts. She actually wants to be an actress, but here we are.

Alicia Corpas, Direction of Photography and Screenplay.

Passionate about Wong Kar-Wai's movies, self declared backpacker traveler and beer pong lover. She is the director of the shortfilm El Banquete (2018), the documentary Amitabha (2017) and the advertising campaign #Ponteensupiel (2017). She has worked as a production intern in Mallerich Films. Her interest in environmental issues led her to study at The Danish School of Media and Journalism, in Denmark. To be honest, she actually wanted to make a roadmovie, but then she felt her neighbourhood call.

Laura Flores, Director of Production and Editing.

Passionate about The Miserables, the musical theatre and festivals lover. She has worked as a production and distribution intern in Magrana Arts & Media. She is currently part of the Communication team in Secretariat of Entities of Sants, Hostafrancs and La Bordeta. She has worked as a script supervisor in the pilot episode of Blanc Trencat (2019) and as an editor in the shortfilm El Banquete (2018). To be honest, her life could be a musical comedy, but it is actually a drama.

Mari Contreras, Art Director and Editing.

Passionate about Alice in the cities, addicted to sweets and lover of many music bands you have never heard of. She has worked as a production intern and cultural manager in Allegra Films. She has been part of the art team of the shortfilm El Banquete (2018) and the pilot episode of Blanc Trencat (2019), where she also worked as a sound assistant. She is currently taking part on a social mentoring project named enTàndem, driven by AFEV. To be honest, she hasn't done much more so far, but she is happy anyways.

Illustrations by Judith Briñol.

Gonzalo de Lucas: Professor at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. He is also director of the postgraduate program in Audiovisual Editing at BSM-UPF. Since 2002, he has been part of CCCB's Xcèntric training team.

Sergi Moreno: Lastor Media producer and associate professor at the Pompeu Fabra University. He has produced films such as Els dies que vindran, Petitet, 10.000KM and Júlia Ist.

Celia Rico: Director and scriptwriter of her first feature film Viaje al cuarto de una madre, awarded for Best Screenplay at the Gaudí Awards 2019, and nominated in the Goya awards for Best New Director.

Carla Simón: Director and scriptwriter of Estiu 1993, a feature film that won the Goya award for Best New Director in 2018; and Best Film, Direction and Screenplay at the Gaudí Awards.

Carlos Marqués-Marcet: Director and scriptwriter of films such as Els dies que vindran, Tierra Firme and 10.000KM, film for which he won a Goya award for Best Novel Direction in 2015. All three films are Gaudí awards winners.

We also have the support of some cultural associations and organizations from the neighbourhoods where our shortfilm is located. For instance civic centers, youth assemblies, etc.

Contributions go from €5 to €1.000, with rewards that are both physical (photographs, posters, etc.) and experiential (tour around the film locations, the possibility to appear in our shortfilm, etc.).

The experiential rewards will be given preferably between May and June 2020, since we cannot guarantee our availability after those dates. In the same way, the physical rewards will be sent during the month of September 2020, since we need some time to finish the post-production of the project.

The premiere of the film is planned to be in September 2020 in Barcelona, although this date may vary, depending on the distribution of the film.

It's important to add that all the patrons will receive a viewing link to the short film, once its distribution by different circuits is finished.

What we will use your contributions for:

If you are interested in our project, you have different ways to help us, including:

  • Collaborate financially with us through Verkami, where you can choose between the different rewards we offer. Your contribution will only be collected once we reach the established objective.

  • Share this link among family, friends and other people that could find it interesting and may want to be part of it.

  • Follow us in our social media, Facebook and Instagram. Give us your support and share our posts so we can reach more people.

If you have a company and would like to collaborate with us in any way, send us an email at [email protected].


The Los no lugares team.


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  • Jordi Corpas

    Jordi Corpas

    almost 4 years


  • Camila Gandolfi

    Camila Gandolfi

    about 4 years


  • Sandra Hernandez

    Sandra Hernandez

    about 4 years

    Molta sort boniques!!! :)

  • hectormarta


    about 4 years

    Venga Ali que lo conseguirás! Recuerdos mios y de Marta😍

  • Francesc


    about 4 years

    que tot vagi molt bé. Montse i Francesc

  • Roser Flores Clotet

    Roser Flores

    about 4 years

    Molta sort amb el projecte, ens farà molta il·lusió veure'n el resultat final! Roser, Sergi i Pau

  • JuliaHPla


    about 4 years

    aplauso aplauso

  • Laura Izarbez

    Laura Izarbez

    about 4 years

    Moltíssima sort, precioses!

  • FAMsupportDK/Alicia<3


    about 4 years

    Go Alicia and co.! Love from Denmark <3

  • Cristina Tercero

    Cristina Tercero

    about 4 years

    Molta sort!!!



Queridos y queridas mecenas,

Hace dos años, nos encontrábamos inmersas en la aventura que fue el rodaje de este cortometraje. Hoy, recordamos con cariño a toda la gente que nos ayudó a hacerlo posible, es decir, vosotros/as. Es por eso que os escribimos este mensaje para informaros del estado actual de Los no lugares.

Primero de todo, informar que la postproducción del cortometraje ya está finalizada! El cortometraje lo podéis encontrar en este enlace. Todavía no podemos compartirlo de manera totalmente abierta, puesto que aún se encuentra en el recorrido de festivales.

De hecho, el corto tuvo su estreno el pasado mes de abril en el Brussels Short Film Festival, bajo la categoría de Next Generation. Nuestras dos directoras, tuvieron el placer de acudir al festival, donde el corto tuvo un muy buen recibimiento.

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Queridos y queridas mecenas,

Primero que nada, pese a ir algo tarde, el equipo de Los no lugares os deseamos un feliz inicio de año, lleno de cine y salud.

Empezamos este 2021 con algo que anunciaros; y es que no solamente hemos hemos rodado ya nuestro cortometraje, ¡sino que también tenemos su respectivo póster terminado! Tanto la fotografía como la edición son obra del fotógrafo Satnof. Encontraréis la imagen al final del todo de este comunicado :)

Por otro lado, cabe añadir que actualmente contamos con el apoyo de la productora Playlab Films, la cual nos ayudará con la distribución de nuestro corto. Estamos deseando que lo veáis... ¡Queda muy poco!

Como podéis comprobar, estos últimos meses hemos estado bastante ocupadas con el proceso de postproducción, pero ahora ya podemos dedicarnos al 100% a vuestras recompensasread more



Queridos y queridas mecenas,

Como probablemente ya sabréis, ¡nuestra campaña de Verkami ha finalizado con éxito! Estamos muy felices y no podemos hacer más que daros las gracias infinitamente a todos y todas :)

Queríamos informar también que debido a la situación actual, todo el proceso de rodaje se verá aplazado a los meses de julio y/o agosto, dependiendo de cómo avance todo. Esto significa que las recompensas y el preestreno también se verán sometidas a un cambio de calendario, pasando a ser probablemente a finales de año, e incluso a principios del año que viene en el caso del preestreno. Aun así, no es preocupéis, ¡porque nos encargaremos de tirar esto adelante y que recibáis todos vuestras respectivas recompensas!

Disculpad las posibles molestias, confiamos que entenderéis nuestra situación. En cualquier caso, os dejamos aquí un vídeo que hemos compartido también en nuestro Instagram para que tengáis más información en caso que estéis interesados/as.

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Queridos y queridas mecenas,

Primero que nada, os queríamos agradecer muchísimo vuestra ayuda durante estos últimos días, ya que gracias a vosotros ¡hemos alcanzado nuestro primer objetivo de 3.500€! No podríamos estar más felices al respecto, la verdad. Sabemos que estos días están siendo complicados y confusos para todos, así que no podemos más que agradecer de todo corazón vuestro apoyo hacia nosotras, pese a la situación actual que estamos viviendo.

Por otro lado, tenemos un segundo anuncio a hacer en relación con nuestra campaña:

¡Hemos decido marcar un nuevo objetivo de 4.500€! Puesto que aún quedan 10 días más de Verkami y nuestra campaña sigue abierta a donaciones, hemos acordado que sería ideal para el proyecto poder alcanzar este segundo objetivo. Con esta suma de dinero añadida, podríamos invertir más y mejor en el material de… read more

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