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A les 9 en punt

First goal reached! Now we have another challenge for you. We want to reach complete self-funding, reaching €1200. Will you help us? 🤗💞

A les 9 en punt

A project of


Created in

From 800€
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Five moments. Five people. Five very different lives. All of them trapped in a specific amount of time: two minutes. All of them summoned at the same time: At 9 o'clock.

Produced by students of the Pompeu Fabra University, A les 9 en punt is a film that aims to test the concept of genre, and thus create an amalgam of experiences that culminate in a catharsis that happens, obviously, at 9 o'clock.

This short film presents the lives of different roommates in a fragmented flat. Isolated lives, each in its own way. But could it be that the hand of fate, or of someone, is moving them with a will of its own? They will find out, at the right time.

The history

A les 9 en punt explores the joys and dreads of living in a shared flat, from a perspective that can only be found in cinema. The goal is to make a fragmented exploration, with a division in the five chapters already mentioned, all with different characters, and different genres. All this, with a visual coherence and a common space, the flat, that connects all those parts, set up to conclude in a totally explosive way.

The intention is to create a puzzle based on these genre variations. This short film offers a range of radically different both emotionally and visually, made with care to avoid alienating the audience. To achieve these different scenes, we count on different cinematographers for each of the different sequences. From all these fragments we will make a story that culminates at the right time, with a meeting on which it depends much more than anyone can suspect.

The project is written and will be shot in Catalan. Subtitles in Spanish and English will be added.

The characters

Mateu, going through a tough moment
Mateu, going through a tough moment

Mateu arrived at the flat with the girl who then was his partner. The cruelty of time, and that of his moving, split them. Now they are doomed to live together, which causes a lot of frustration in Mateu. The pressure of having to live with her and who he suspects is her new partner causes him great stress, to the point where he can hardly breathe. But he is ready to make a final decision.

Àlex and Max, secretly loving each other
Àlex and Max, secretly loving each other

Alex is calm, cerebral, and eternally romantic. Her maturity drives her to improve the situation on the flat, but her affair with Max makes her unable to act on anyhting. Without causing trouble she became the unspoken the leader of the flat. She doesn't have to raise her voice, she knows how to organize the flat and she knows what to ask and when, even if the circumstances around her make no sense.

Max is cool. He knows it. You know it. We all know it, maybe too well. This makes him the most daunting, and the most unbearable of the group. However, the great irony of the universe lead him to be the warmest man in the world with respect to love. In private, of course. He is prepared to insult and offend anyone who comes before him.

Sergi, safe in his lair
Sergi, safe in his lair

Sergi lives in an apartment, but it is as if he lived in a burrow. His routine, less than exemplary, is based on fast food and sitting on his chair. In front of it, of course, the computer. And at its side, the controller. But Sergi has no malice, he never did. In his heart there is much space to be filled with friendship and love, he just needs to open it. And, perhaps, open the door more often.

Cinta, at her own pace
Cinta, at her own pace

How can one be young and not live in a state of perpetual happiness? Cinta asks herself this question every morning. She does it every day as she hops down the stairs of the building. And she doesn't just hop. She sings. And dances. And does whatever she can to be happy and have it be noticed by others. Is she drawing too much attention? Get used to it! She is the owner of her life (and her room) and if she wants to sing, she sings, and if she wants to dance, she dances. Everything that gets her to her naive idea of happiness.

Joan, a special envoy
Joan, a special envoy

Joan is someone who ... Wait a minute ... Who the hell is Joan??

The rewards

Acknowledgement in the credits

Your name will appear in the credits of the short film for being a person who helped us make this project possible.

Digital access to the short film

We will email you a link so you can see the final project.

Special invitation to the premiere

Well, the title says it all! With your contribution you will receive a ticket for the premiere of A les 9 en punt in a movie theater. The release is scheduled for early July.

Selfie from the team

You will receive a selfie photo of us. It may be a moment during the shoot, some rehearsal ... It will be a little surprise!

Digital access to the original soundtrack

We will send you a link through which you can access the original compositions of our friend and magnificent singer-songwriter Gerard Díaz, including the piece Cinta's Suite.

"A les 9 en punt" experience

Screening of the short film on a real student flat, decorated in the style of A les 9 en punt. Part of the team will be present, with a small dinner. Get this to feel closer to the experience of the film.

Signed copy of the screenplay

We will send you a physical copy of the script of A les 9 en punt, signed by the core of the team and the cast. That way you can see the changes, read the dialogues, and feel the meticulousness (and love) with which we wrote it.

Honorable mention

Your name will be specially acknowledged in the credits, in gratitude for your generous contribution. If you choose this reward, you will also receive an invitation to the screening, sitting next to the team, where we will thank you a thousand times for your solidarity.

Who we are

Valeri and Quim
Valeri and Quim

Co-director: Valeri Belbel Oliver

This project is our chance to create something that allows us to express ourselves through it. All my efforts and love for it exist thanks to the great passion that my colleague and, above all, friend infects me with every day we work. And we both want to get the best out of it.

Co-director: Quim Melchor Lleixà

Always willing to learn. I work hard on everything I set myself out to do. In this case, I seek to bring forward this beautiful project that is A les 9 en punt. Beautiful for what it stands for and beautiful for the people we are fortunate enough to have as companions on this journey.

Laura and Mar
Laura and Mar

Production Director: Laura Cabrera Marsiñach

I am an enthusiast. I love everything I do, every project, every shoot, every moment... The illusion makes the result richer, but above all the process. I am so happy to be part of A les 9 en punt as I can share the experience with brilliant people whom I also love.

Assitant Director: Mar Maduell Carbonell

Student with hopes for a future in fiction -either film or TV-. Organized, hard-working and very willful. After a short Erasmus stay in Finland, I'm looking forward to enhance my résume and filmography. currently based on shortfilms and videoessays, within the direction field.

Guillem, Laura and Guillermo
Guillem, Laura and Guillermo

Executive Producer: Guillem Lloret i Triola

Banyolí (20). Producer and distributor of "no has d'avorrir(-te) Vol.2 - els implicats" by Christina Schmutz and Frithwin Wagner-Lippok (2020), playwright and malnascut in "PARK08820 (Sin prisión no hay discoteca)" with rhe MALNASCUTS.PRT collective (2019-2020) and director, playwright and producer of "Valerie" (2018-2019).

Director of Photography: Laura Blanca Estellés

Photography is my passion and being able to work in this department is an honor. I'm ready to dream a thousand shots up and to shoot a thousand more. In addition to that, thanks to my culinary abilities, no one in the team will be hungry :)

Director of Photography: Guillermo Padrón Reyes

Técnico de Realización en Proyectos Audiovisuales y Espectáculos (Production Technician for Shows and Audiovisual Projects) and student. I like cinema and I consume a great amount of streaming-based TV. I'm looking forward to be part of shoots where I can learn and participate in projects where I can develop my knowledge about the fields I have studied.

Raúl, Miquel and Itziar.
Raúl, Miquel and Itziar.

Director of Photography: Raúl Pérez Lara

A film enthusiast and a hard worker. I guarantee good vibes. And good shots.

Director of Photography: Miquel Roig Piñeiro

I have been devoting a lot of time to photography for years. Capturing unique moments captivates me and I try to do more and do better. I am working on the production of this short film with great enthusiasm and effort.

Art Director and Designer: Itziar Lorente Esteban

I love everything related to art and I always give my best. I go into all the projects I can. I am really excited to get started on A les 9 en punt and to collaborate with a very talented group.

What your contributions will be used for

Your patronage contributions will be used, above all, in order to cover the production cost. Another part is reserved to be able to make an authentic and differentiated art design in each sequence, to express the different lives in the best way. Finally, we want to devote as much as necessary to equipment, such as cameras, lenses, lighting and sound equipment and whatever we may need, in order to achieve a state-of-the-art and professional look and feel.

Scheduled calendar

Right now we are deep in the process of pre-production. All preparation will culminate in an intense shoot on April 7, 8 and 9.

From here we will enter the editing phase, which will take us several months due to our constant perfectionism. To keep up the expectation, a definitive trailer and perhaps a preview of a scene will be made.

On July we will host the premiere of the short film. It will be at the beginning of the month, and all the rewards that have to do with it will be donated: acknowledgements, tickets to the projection and honorable mentions.

The A les 9 en punt experience will be held during the months of September-October, on a flat yet to be determined.

The rest of the rewards (selfie, soundtrack access, signed screenplay copy, digital copy) will be delivered throughout July and August.

+ Info

You can follow the project account on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook at @9enpunt (or by searching for "A les 9 en punt").

And you can follow the different members of the team on Instagram:


  • Wil the experience "A les 9 en punt" be in Barcelona?

    Yes, since it is the the workplace of most of our team and where the shooting will take place. For more information about screenings in other zones, see the FAQ about screenings in towns.

  • Will the film be screened in other cities?

    We want to screen the shortfilm in other towns (such as Girona, Lleida and Tortosa) so everyone has a chance to see it in a big screen.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • MiquelMasdeu


    about 4 years

    Quim puto plasta

  • Carlos Martinez

    Carlos Martinez

    about 4 years

    M'agrada mol el que he vist.

  • Gracie McCallum

    Gracie McCallum

    about 4 years

    Much love & support from the US, Quim! ❤️ Gracie

  • NanamiK


    about 4 years

    Valeri Belbel* 🙀

  • NanamiK


    about 4 years

    "¡No digas eso!" - Valeri Oliver, filmmaker

  • Roser Soler

    Roser Soler

    about 4 years

    Molta sort i bona feina

  • Albert Blay León

    Albert Blay León

    about 4 years

    Molta sort!!!!!

  • spagnoloarriza


    about 4 years

    Molta sort i ànims!

  • Ryan Sinclair

    Ryan Sinclair

    about 4 years

    The greatest Catalan auteurs since Albert Serra

  • Belén Puime Bao

    Belén Puime Bao

    about 4 years

    Molta sort, xentiña 💜

#02 / Anunci del segon objectiu 💕 Anuncio del segundo objetivo 💕 Second goal announcement

🔥⏳HEM ASSOLIT EL PRIMER OBJECTIU GRÀCIES A VOSALTRES! 🎉💞 Estem molt contents de trobar-nos a aquest punt de la preproducció i poder estar a punt de començar els assajos.

🙋🏻‍♂❗A partir d’ara obrim un segon objectiu de 1200€ per a poder pagar:

🎥 500€ de lloguer objectius de càmera
🌯 Dietes per l’equip de rodatge i actors
📽 Projeccions del curtmetratge a altres comarques

També volem anunciar que tant els que ja heu aportat diners com els qui ho feu a partir d’ara rebreu un pòster digital 🖼 del curtmetratge gratuïtament de part de l’equip 📸

Moltes gràcies i fins ben aviat, a les 9 en punt!⏳✨

🔥⏳HEMOS ALCANZADO EL PRIMER OBJETIVO GRACIAS A VOSOTROS! 🎉❤ Estamos muy contentos de encontrarnos en este punto de la preproducción y de poder estar a punto de comenzar los ensayos.

🙋🏻‍♂❗A partir de ahora lanzamos un segundo objetivo de 1200 € para poder pagar:

🎥 500 € de alquiler de objetivos de cámara
🌯 Dietas por el equipo de rodaje y los actores
read more

#01 / Primer objectiu assolit!!

MOLTÍSSIMES GRÀCIES!!🥺💞 Estem molt contentes d'anunciar que ara mateix estem al 100% de l'objectiu de finançament. Però això no s'acaba aquí.

En breus, ampliarem la campanya amb un segon objectiu que, en cas de ser assolit, oferirà recompenses addicionals a tots els i les mecenes.

Per tothom qui no tingui entrades per l’estrena o l’experiència, us recordem que les podeu seguir comprant durant aquest mes, a la pàgina de Verkami d’A les 9 en punt. Mil gràcies a tothom. Seguim❤️

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