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''Forget You''

Forget You aims to be a fusion of artistic disciplines framed in one piece, as was did in "Got My Talent".

Peter Gynt

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Peter Gynt

is a project born from the music career of Pere Martí Farré, singer and original funk performer.

With all this thrilling career to run ahead, they begin to produce what will be the first single for the aspiring artist Peter Gynt, dubbed “Forget You”, produced by Jakkie The Fox (labeled by Cycling Records), a theme which undoubtedly is a wink & a demand for emerging talent.

Peter Gynt & The Suits

is an extension of the Peter Gynt’s project, created to tour in private & public events.

It focuses on a live with a duration to be chosen by the client, with Pop, Funk, Disco and Neo-Soul style themes, mixing lifelong hits with the latest mainstream releases.

Forget You

The narrative thread of our film, Forget You, focuses on the prejudices ruptures that have guided our main character to the present day, through the liberation and the outcome of his most outgoing and controversial face through the aesthetic and artistic pleasures which unfold in this.

About rewards

Since to dignify the personal contributions to my project means an additional economic cost that I cannot currently assume, I came up this alternatives:

By contributing with a 10€ amount, you will receive an honorable mention in the credits.

By contributing with a 30€ amount, you will get some free seats at the first theatre projection of the documentary The Assassination Of Peter Gynt directed by Valèria N. Saurí.

By contributing with a 50€ amount, you will receive an invitation to one of our gigs at Ocaña Barcelona, where you'll get free drinks & VIP looking after.

What do we need the money for?

Money will be used specifically for the source of complementary financing, completely and entirely for production expenses.


The time table for our producing campaign will be the next:

From now on, we'll be spamming the project around on social media and close friends, so we can start the engine running.

By the end of March, we're looking forward for our goals to be successfully reached with the whole amount funded and ready to set the shooting days (which will be during the first two months of summer, June & July most probably).

This way, at August 15th we hope to have spent two months of production after shooting days, also preparing the first release to be published by the end of September. Whereas, since the end of summer, we'll have been sending the first rewards to our very first investors.

Let's work!

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Cycling Records
Jakkie The Fox
Peter Gynt
The Suits


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