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Elma Sambeat Vuelo de Mar

VUELO DE MAR Second work of the Valencian singer Elma Sambeat based on South American, Brazilian, Portuguese and Spanish folk songs, all arranged by Albert Palau, young pianist and composer from Valencia, whose musical language has its roots both in Jazz and Classical music.

Elma Sambeat

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Second work of the Valencian singer Elma Sambeat based on South American, Brazilian, Portuguese and Spanish folk songs, all arranged by Albert Palau, young pianist and composer from Valencia, whose musical language has its roots both in Jazz and Classical music, and collaboration as performer and adviser Perico Sambeat. Within the repertoire also include two original songs written by Perico Sambeat and Elma Sambeat. Group members are also Miguel Asensio on drums and Alessandro Cesarini on bass, also participate as guest artists Osvaldo Jorge on percussion and musicians such as Toni Belenguer, Voro Garcia and Baixauli.


In this project, Elma Sambeat keeps deepening in her interest for the Latin folklore as an ancestral manifestation that allows the fusion of cultures. To this must be added her own search for the ancestral voice, the pure and open singing of the singers of the people...However, in the search of the origins of a young European woman, who is not a gipsy and whose roots are a blur in history, classical music becomes her roots, a footstep and a precedent. This is why the voice in this project is a frontier region between popular singing, jazz and the refined classical technique, and at the same time it is none of these three things, but something completely personal and original.

Among the songs chosen are some so called "Al jardín de la república" or the Atahualpa Yupanqui's "Los hermanos". Also included is the popular Spanish song "Las morillas de Jaén" and Amalia Rodrigues "Estranha forma de vida".

The work of the pianist Alberto Palau is essential to achieve the intricate fusion of music and backgrounds. His arrangements manage to hold the purest of the original song but as well gives them an exhaustive musical production.

The rest of the repertoire is completed by Brazilian song "O samba e o tango", Sephardi song "Hija mía", Portuguese “Oiça lá ó senhor vinho” and the two songs composed by Perico Sambeat "Vuelo de mar" y "Sábanas negras" with lyrics by Elma Sambeat. Ten songs in total.

Elma Sambeat aims to reach a wide audience with this project. Audience jazz fan or not, but rather a music and voice and expression lover.

To get this album out just lack the editing, the final design and manufacture of the copies. Is that why we need donations.

The temporary plan is that in September 2012 the discs are manufactured and in the same month will take place the official presentation concert in the city of Valencia, to continue with a tour of the Spanish territory first and then international.

My web site

Estranha forma de vida LIVE
Al jardín de la república LIVE

Listen to an interview in spanish on this Podcast

*to collect directly from Elma in Valencia


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#02 / ¡Qué emoción!

Qué emoción! Todo hace pensar que lo vamos a conseguir. Ya hay 25 mecenas de Verkami, algunos tan generosos como Pedro Enguix, prácticamente mi segundo papá. ¡Muchas gracias Pedro! o Pepe Pastor, también muy importante en mi vida. Y otros muchos a quienes agradezco de corazón su ayuda, en mi nombre y en nombre de los integrantes del proyecto que son fundamentales, como Alberto Palau Garcera, Ales Cesarini, Miguel Asensio, Osvaldo Jorge, o los grandes vientos Voro Garcia, Toni Belenguer, Borja Baixauli o Perico Sambeat.

La lista de mecenas se hará pública cuando se edite el disco ya que son parte de este proyecto.

Y seguimos...

Mucho amor para todos.

#01 / ¡¡Allá vamos!!

Todo parece que se mueve. He comenzado a girar los engranajes de mi destino.

Me emociona pensar que todo es posible. Hemos superado tantos baches y hemos resueltos tantos enredos que ya soy experta en tirar adelante como sea. Pero sé que ha llegado el momento de que este proyecto se difunda al mundo. Son muchas la voces que exclaman que eso ha de ser así. Es un "crimen" que este tesoro quede solo al alcance de los amigos y familiares más cercanos, me dicen. Hay mucha gente que quisiera apostar por proyectos como este, se valiente, me exhortan. ¡Bueno pues aquí estamos! Me parece oír ya el pistoletazo de salida. ¡¡Allá vamooooooos!!

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