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Conrad Roset, the App!

‘Conrad Roset, the App’ . With this App you will enjoy the drawings of the artist in great detail and know the most intimate and personal Conrad side thanks to a documentary recorded exclusively for the App, you will also be able to create your own version of the muses of the illustrator!


A project of


From 4.200€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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You can watch this project video with english subtitles here!


Interactive Conrad Roset App for iPhone and iPad

Be co-producer of Conrad Roset’s interactive App! You will have the chance of taking part in a pioneer project that will mark a before and an after in the way we publish the visual books of the futur.



‘One Day with Conrad Roset’ is an App for iPhone and iPad about Conrad Roset: you’ll discover his life, his friends, his works and you’ll also be able to make your own Conrad Roset drawing.

Conrad Roset and Ubicuo Studio join forces to explore what will be the future of books publishing - creating an interactive app where you’ll be able to create, paint and share your own version of Conrad Roset’s muses.

This App includes a Conrad Roset’s artworks retrospective with zoomable illustrations - it also includes a report of Conrad Roset’s everyday life where you’ll also know other amazing artists from Barcelona.

Conrad Roset App
Conrad Roset App


Our aim is to bring Conrad Roset’s work beyond. We want to bring his works to your home, your iPads, your iPhones... We want to be like a child again and bring you the possibility of having that amazing feeling of dirty hands after painting. We want you to enjoy Conrad Roset’s works, we want you to know him better, to enter his house...


We’re aware that publishing this interactive book we make possible a great revolution in books publishing. We’re defining the books of the future!

On the one side, there’s the distribution revolution: we can publish an app (book) in several languages and distribute it all over the world without having to pay exportations, messengers, storage... *We can offer it for free and make Conrad Roset’s works arrive worldwide! *

On the other side, now the reader not only receives audiovisual content but also is now co-author of the book: the reader can paint his/her own muse and share it through social networks with his/her friends: that’s an impossible thing to do in a printed book! Moreover, the reader is now able to know better Conrad Roset with the report ‘One day with Conrad Roset’ ,...

Apps like this will change the way we all understand books! And making this App possible you’re not only helping Conrad Roset to get more known: *you’re taking part in a revolution! *

Conrad Roset App
Conrad Roset App


1.- A retrospective of Conrad Roset’s works: both personal projects (muses, for instance) and commercial jobs.

2.- The documentary ‘One day with Conrad Roset’ where we’ll be able to know his house, his studio,... We’ll also visit his last exhibition, Galeria Miscelanea and we’ll know artists such as Guim Tió, Amaia Arrazola, Chamo San, Zahara... among others.

3.- Last but not least, we’ll find an interactive part where we’ll be able to choose one Conrad Roset’s muses and paint it using our fingers. We’ll also be able to choose among several brushes made specially for this App. We’ll be able to share the result through social networks, save it and us it as wallpaper, etc.

Conrad Roset painting a muse exclusively for this App!
Conrad Roset painting a muse exclusively for this App!


As you can imagine: thinking, designing, making and, finally, publishing and app like this implies knowledge, work, time and effort of a lot of professionals involved. This effort could be compensated through selling the app on the app Store, but this solution would make the project lose his essence.

At this point, we thought... How can be make this App possible without making people pay for it? Let’s crowdfunding it!

WHY 4200€?

4200€ are only 25% of the real cost of this App. We’ve been working for more than 3 months (and we still have work to do!) and a lot of professionals have been involved in the production of this App. We’d love to reward all the professionals involved in this project: developers, producers, editors, designers,... and all the people who’s working on this project with the unique aim of making it real.

The money will be destined to pay the producer team, the documentary editors, Ubicuo Studio’s developers team, the launching party...


Conrad Roset and Ubicuo Studio team.


We’ll publish this App on September and we’ll make an amazing launching party in October (Barcelona).

Conrad Roset, l
Conrad Roset, l'App

App website
Conrad Roset website


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • ubicuoandconrad


    almost 12 years

    Hola! Ens diuen els de Verkami que és més fàcil que facis una altra aportació de 10€. Llavors nosaltres et comptabilitzarem com una donació de 20€ i rebràs la teva recompensa :)

  • Sandra Carrau

    Sandra Carrau

    almost 12 years

    Hola. Si m´he fet mecenes per 10 euros però vist lo lent que va vull fer-me de 20 euros, puc pagar 10 més i ja constarà com a donació de 20eur o com ho fem?

  • ubicuoandconrad


    almost 12 years

    La aplicación ya ha sido previamente subvencionada por los propios autores del libro,.. por Ubicuo Studio, Conrad y la productora que ha realizado el reportaje. El producto ya está casi listo y el hecho de que lo subamos en Verkami responde a una necesidad del público, de los amantes de la obra de Conrad Roset. No nos pareció justo subir la aplicación al App Store y hacer pagar a los usuarios para poder descargarla, queríamos que la aplicación pudiera ser gratuita y que todo el mundo pudiera bajársela. Pero si hacíamos eso, necesitábamos poder recuperar un mínimo toda la inversión de horas y material. Gracias a verkami podemos hacer que los seguidores de Conrad y los interesados en nuevos formatos digitales para la publicación de libros puedan hacer realidad este proyecto,… a cambio de recompensas geniales: obra original de conrad, láminas, postales,… Para nosotros verkami fue la respuesta a poder ir más allá y ofrecer la App gratuita para que todo el mundo pudiera disfrutarla.

  • Aitor


    almost 12 years

    Una pregunta, si alguien quiere tener una app sobre su vida (corta vida como artista) por que no se la subvenciona el mismo? Que nos aporta a los usuarios? Muchas gracias.

  • ubicuoandconrad


    almost 12 years

    Hola Corinna! De momento estamos desarollándolo para iPhone, iPod touch y iPad. El lenguaje de programación de Android es totalmente diferente, por lo que hacerlo para Android equivale a hacer la aplicación desde cero. Aún así, no descartamos publicar la aplicación para Android en un futuro.

  • Corinna


    almost 12 years

    Hola queria saber si solo es para iphone/ipad como poneis, o tambien estara para android?

  • ubicuoandconrad


    almost 12 years

    Hola misstechin, ¡gracias por apoyarnos!

    Uno de los objetivos de esta campaña Verkami es poder poner la aplicación a disponibilidad de cualquier persona por 0€, es decir, de manera gratuita. Por ello estamos buscando otras vías (como esta campaña) de recompensar a todos los profesionales involucrados en el desarrollo de la aplicación. Si tienes cualquier otra pregunta, no dudes en escribirnos.

  • misstechin


    almost 12 years

    Hola, os he apoyado, pero tengo una duda. Si cobráis por el desarrollo de la aplicación, ¿significa que una vez creada será de descarga gratuita? ¿o la gente tendrá que pagar por ella?

#03 / Zahara @ 'Conrad Roset, the App'

La cantautora Zahara también forma parte del reportaje/vídeo que se incluirá dentro de la aplicación para iPhone e iPad de Conrad Roset. Os dejamos aquí con una canción que tocó especialmente para todos los seguidores de Conrad Roset.

Zahara singer/songwriter is also part of 'One Day with Conrad Roset' report that we have filmed for Conrad Roset App! Here you have a video of Zahara singing exclusively for Conrad Roset followers:


#02 / Recompensa: 5 postales edición limitada

La recompensa que te puedes llevar a casa colaborando con 20€ es una edición limitada de 5 postales de Conrad Roset que ha hecho en exclusiva para las personas que colaboren en este proyecto :)


Reward you will get collaborating with 20€! Limited edition postcards in exclusive for this project crowdfunding campaign!

postales edicion limitada
postales edicion limitada

postales edicion limitada
postales edicion limitada

postales edicion limitada
postales edicion limitada

postales edicion limitada
postales edicion limitada

postales edicion limitada
postales edicion limitada

#01 / Vídeo: Conrad Roset, l'App!

Estem realment agraïts per la bona rebuda que va tenir el projecte en el seu primer dia de llançament. Per això us hem preparat aquest vídeo tan especial: es tracta d'en Conrad Roset pintant una de les seves muses fent servir la seva pròpia App! Esperem que us agradi i que us vinguin ganes de fer possible aquest projecte!!!

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