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Wednesday Lips - Season II

Wednesday Lips is a pop band, resident in Barcelona. We sign in English and release our albums by seasons, as TV series do. We are now willingly facing our second album, Season II, a double CD accompanied by a documentary, full of emotion and surprises. We would love to share it with you all!

Wednesday Lips

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From 2.500€
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In these moments of our lives, there is anything more important for us than the fact of believing in Wednesday Lips’ music, a pure proposal without grandiloquent aspirations or Holy Grail searching intentions, simply being that music that flows unexpectedly when the three of us get together, and that would have so little to do with each of us separately.

Coming from different worlds, converging at the same point, in the essence of simple songs that are also different and concise; in the pursuit of audibility, an audibility that stops the world when you listen to it; in a manner that does not ask for anything else than what is clearly necessary and sincere, which we do not often see in nowadays society.

Not being able to live on music does not mean that we cannot live for it, and this is the motto with which we face our second album "Season II: Reasons to stay". With it, consisting in two CDs and a documentary, we bravely face the challenge of expressing our musical interests surrounding ourselves with friends in the form of partnerships and special environments, creating a scenario unlikely to be repeated.

That is why we ask if you want to join our project. A gentle prod would support us, but every ambitious project needs people who strongly believe in it to get ahead. This is when many small thrusts become a tower of strength: Your help today will tell us what to fight for tomorrow.


From our point of view this platform gives meaning to the music scene as never seen before. It is often seen how groups without resources have little to do in front of projects with constant and plentyfull business support, making it difficult to grow without a clever dose of luck and loss of personality for the "greater good".

Today, the new virtual world offers endless options, a new scenario with no rules written by large companies, where we can show what we do and what we really want to do, and ask people if they believe in it to carry on.

Verkami puts us in a position from which we can reverse the process of manufacture in our musical work, making an excellent survey to find out how important is what we do and for how many people we are actually doing it.


It has been a year since we are working in this new release. At first we wanted something simple, like the first album, but little by little we came up with the idea that we needed to do a double album and frame it in a documentary.

We believe in the global sense of a CD, which means that all the songs in it are treated in a unique and precise way, as a set of stories told with the same attitude. That is why we have decided that this season should be divided into two different deliveries, Side A and Side B, a clear allusion to the nostalgia of the work on vinyl and cassette, and in an attempt to merge two different ways to tell stories.

"Side A: Songs to Spend a Rainy Afternoon Looking Through The Window". We want this album to be audible, one of those you choose to accompany you in a rainy afternoon while you rethink things to understand them better and resume them calmly, but also with strength.

"Side B: Songs to Spend the Night Sharing a Bottle of Wine". It is a much more acoustic and introspective album. It thrives on a straightforward sound, yet pleasant. Songs to remember and let yourself go.

"Season II: Reasons to stay, the documentary" will capture the whole process of the new season. It will be the explanation of our experience and our collaborators’: the recording, fundraising, music editing, choice of artwork... Everything by the hand of Jonathan Blanco and his team Kluco Studio, who have believed in the project since the first step.

Side A and Side B will be releasen in October, and the Documentary in December.


At present, it is not easy to make a quality record, not to mention a documentary and two records. We have a total budget of € 8,000, including recording, mixing and mastering of the two CD's, and recording and editing the documentary, in addition to its edition on CD, the realization of the artwork and the photographic material.

From all this, we ask if you can help us with 2,500 €, the rest are at our expense.

We believe it is worth it. And that is why we ask you if you also believe in this project.


Verkami gives us the possibility to offer rewards in exchange of economic collaborations.

After thinking a lot about what to offer and how to offer, we have come up with this list, made thinking with our heart and head, with the intention that you like it and that some of the rewards convince you to help us with this great little boost we need.

Thank you and see you really soon,

Monica, Pol i Albert.


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#03 / Acabant els dies de gravació!

Estimats mecenes,

Avui ha estat un dels nostres últims dies de gravació i estem molt contents de la feina feta. Gràcies a vosaltres aìxò és possible i està prenent forma!

En breu finalitzarem la gravació del disc i començarem el procés de la mescla dels diferents temes del Season II i el seu posterior màster, fabricació de les còpies, la resta del material...

Tal i com expliquem a Verkami, volem presentar-vos el Season II a l'Octubre. Fins llavors us seguirem informant amb molta il·lusió de tot el que anem fent. En els propers dies, per exemple, aquells que heu escollit la recompensa amb samarreta, rebreu un mail al que necessitem que ens respongueu amb la talla que voleu.

Ja tenim ganes de compartir amb vosaltres tota la feina que estem fent! ja queda menys!!!

Una abraçada i fins molt aviat*

Wednesday Lips

#02 / Falten 5 dies i ja en fa 5 que heu superat les nostres expectatives! gràcies de nou...

Hola mecenes i amics!!

Ja només falten 5 dies per a que aquesta aventura acabi (bé, en realitat, per a que comenci de debó!), i ja en fa 5 que vem arribar a la meta marcada. Tot el que fem per sobre d'aquesta xifra ens servirà per a poder fer més còpies i material i per poder donar-li al projecte la qualitat que us mereixeu!

Només us podem donar les gràcies per enèsima vegada, per confiar en nosaltres, per compartir-nos, per haver vingut al concert (vem disfrutar-lo moltíssim!), per ser allà on i quan us necessitem. Per a aquells mecenes més tardans, que sapigueu que encara teniu 5 dies i que tota aportació significa molt per a nosaltres. Animeu-vos!

Per aqui ja estem enfeinats en la gravació de bateries i les properes setmanes de guitarres i veus. Esperem continuar informant-vos de més cosetes i no dubteu en fer-nos qualsevol consulta.

Una abraçada wednesdaylipera!

Mònica, Albert i Pol.

#01 / passant l'equador d'aquesta aventura... gràcies per confiar en nosaltres

Hola a tot@s!

Us escribim perquè avui hem passat la barrera de l'equador d'aquesta aventura i si ho hem fet és gràcies a vosaltres! Volem agrair-vos la vostra col·laboració i compartir les ganes que tenim de tirar això endavant amb els que ja sou mecenes i els que us falta poc per decidir-vos.

Durant aquests 16 dies hem anat fent passes i tenim ganes de seguir-ne fent! Properament esperem veure-us en el concert del dia 27de juliol per cel·lebrar la recta final del projecte i donar-vos les gràcies personalment, tal i com a nosaltres ens agrada fer-ho, amb la nostra música. Serà un concert gratuït, i amb les cançons subtitulades al català en viu!

Divendres 27 de juliol a les 22h

La Farinera, Ateneu del Clot

c/ Muntanya 16 bis

Per als que just ara ens llegiu, si us animeu a col·laborar, veureu que el procés és molt senzill, pràcticament 2 passos. Quan poseu l'usuari, ens agradaria saber qui sou :)

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