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The Sound of the Holocaust. Music to Remember (Dúo Metha)

Music in Auschwitz? A women´s orchestra? Discover history with this CD made with old melodies and our own compositions.

Dúo Metha

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From 4.000€
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“May our life path continue being music, that which one day saved lives.”

Dúo Metha

This CD is the result of years of research, dedication and effort.

Our wish is for this recording to pay tribute to the people who suffered one of the worst and most cruel periods in history, the Holocaust, Shoah.

The music presented by Dúo Metha in this recording, offers works which were played in the concentration camps and the ghettoes, composed under terrible conditions; or which played a fundamental role during the Second World War; as well as our own original compositions, inspired by and dedicated to all the victims.

In these songs, we gather the memory and pay tribute with the greatest respect and admiration to those who suffered, gave their lives, fought and saw in music the means to save their lives.

The objective is to raise awareness in society and prevent the tragedy from repeating itself.

Who we are

Dúo Metha is the result of the common passion two siblings, Jorge and Rocio, have for music. After years of studying separately, one in Poland and the other in Spain, they decided to create Dúo Metha. They both studied their undergraduate and master’s studies under great maestros.

They have performed in some of the greatest music halls in Spain, Poland, Slovakia, Italy, and England.

For the past years, Dúo Metha has dedicated their time, effort and passion to the Shoah project. The cd “ The Sound of the Holocaust ” captures the entire essence of their work.

~Dúo Metha en Cracovia
~Dúo Metha en Cracovia

Shoah Project

The project, “Remembrance of the Holocaust,” was born after our first trip to the concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. After extensive research we did about the different concentration camps, ghettoes and particularly the Auschwitz extermination camp’s archives, a desire arose in us to expand and make known the role music played throughout this difficult time, in the hope that we never forget this historical period nor those who suffered in it.

During these years of research, we have had the privilege of meeting numerous survivors of the Shoah, analyze documents, original sheet music, photographs, etc.

Using music as a universal language, our wish is that this period in time is never forgotten; our contribution is to share with everyone as many real facts, situations and personal stories that will help them understand and learn more about this moment in history.

“Go through the world and tell everything I have told you,”

Józef Paczynski, Auschwitz survivor.

About "The Sound of the Holocaust"

Our first album will include 17 musical pieces in a great variety. You will be able to experience history with our music, you will enjoy the range of musical colors and moods that will take you through a historic trip while feeling different emotions.

Great musicians and friends will participate in the recording, giving flavour to the disc with their instruments: cello, clarinet, trumpet, percussion, voice, and... Many more surprises!

Where we will record

The album will be recorded in the prestigious Cezanne Studio in Madrid with the sound engineer and producer Javier Monteverde. Great artists such as Ara Malikan, Juan Diego Flórez, Luis Eduardo Aute, Pitingo, etc. have recorded in Cezanne Studio.

What are we going to use your money for?

The creation of a CD needs a lot of work and dedication. In order to make this project real many resources, people and money are needed.

With your money we will cover a part of the expenses that we have:

  • Recording studio, editing, mixing and mastering.

  • Production costs, physical CD´s, musicians, designers and technicians.

  • All costs related to the rewards that you will get.


  • Preparation and recording of the CD (November 2019)

  • Edition and production (December 2019)

  • Rewards Shipping (January/February 2020)

GET your rewards NOW and help us make this project COME TO LIFE!

More about us


Contact us: [email protected]


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  • Dúo Metha

    Dúo Metha

    over 4 years

    muchísimas gracias por los comentarios! Gracias Soledad por ser parte del proyecto. Podéis conseguir nuestro disco a través de nuestra pagina web www.duometha.com

  • Soledad Tena García

    Soledad Tena García

    over 4 years

    Buenos días. ¿es posible comprar el disco?. Muchas gracias.

  • Soledad Tena García

    Soledad Tena García

    over 4 years

    Muchísimas gracias por el disco. Y por vuestro trabajo. Habéis conseguido que de la oscuridad brote la luz del recuerdo que no debemos olvidar.

  • Malena


    over 4 years

    Jorge Rocio contamos con vosotros para transmitirnos siempre buena música a Suerte.

  • buenventura@icloud.com

    [email protected]

    over 4 years

    Conocí el proyecto Música del Holocausto de la mano de sus artífices y quedé prendado. Ya tenía previsto mi viaje a Polonia con anterioridad y por supuesto la visita a Auschwitz Birkenau. Cómo las causalidades vienen acompañadas de una intuición, ya he comenzado lo que será mi próximo proyecto creativo. Y ciertamente con el Dúo Metha.

  • Laura Garcia del Castillo

    Laura Garcia del Castillo

    over 4 years

    Mucha suerte chicos!!!🍀

  • CarlosDuque


    over 4 years

    Mucha suerte en este proyecto!!!!

  • Nora


    over 4 years

    Wish u all the best 😘😘

  • Dúo Metha

    Dúo Metha

    over 4 years

    Que ilusión, os leemos y nos emocionamos!! a punto de conseguirlo.... pasaremos del objetivo? OJALÁ



    over 4 years

    Colaborar es compartir.... Rocío te mereces todo mi apoyo y mi cariño!



Emocionados es poco !!!! Ya tenemos disco !!!!!!!

Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar nuestro disco “El sonido del Holocausto”

Pronto anunciaremos más detalles.

A todos los que participasteis en el Crowdfunding mil gracias de nuevo. Os iremos enviando las recompensas según vayamos pudiendo. Gracias por el apoyo y la paciencia.

Jorge y Rocío con los discos recién llegados a casa
Jorge y Rocío con los discos recién llegados a casa

Excited to announce our new album “El sonido del Holocausto”

We will be announcing more details...

We are so excited to finally share this album with all of you. Thank you for being part of our CROWDFUNDING!!! We will send the rewards as soon as possible ☺️We thank you, as ever, from the bottom of our hearts for your support and patience!!!



En muy poco tiempo hemos conseguido lograr nuestro objetivo. ¡Grabar nuestro primer disco!

Ha sido gracias a vosotr@s, con vuestro apoyo hemos podido cumplir el sueño de compartir nuestra investigación y música.

Este email es para nuevamente daros las gracias.

Nos emociona ver los comentarios que estáis dejando y las valoraciones del proyecto que nos esta haciendo llegar Verkami.

En poco tiempo vamos a tener el cd en nuestras manos. Para tod@s aquell@s que no habéis rellenado el formulario por favor hacedlo, ya que así sabremos como enviaros vuestra recompensa.

El disco ya esta en fábrica! En cuanto tengamos el disco y todas las direcciones


comenzaremos a enviarlo.

Un abrazo enrome de Rocío y Jorge


ÚLTIMOS 3 DÍAS. 😱🌟💽De nuevo gracias a todas las personas que habéis hecho posible que este proyecto saliera adelante. Sin vosotros no hubeira sido posible. Solo quedan 3 días para cerrar el crowdfunding. No te quedes sin ser parte de este disco.GRACIAS.

Rocío & Jorge Auschwitz I
Rocío & Jorge Auschwitz I

LAST 3 DAYS!!! 😱🌟💽Once again thanks to all of you for making it possible. Only 3 days left to FINISH our CROWFUNDING. Get now your CD



Querid@s Mecenas:

¿Cómo daros las gracias?

No se nos ocurre mejor agradecimiento que aumentar las recompensas:

Si superamos el objetivo principal y llegamos a los 5000€ sortearemos dos entradas para el próximo concierto.

Pero las nuevas sorpresas no se quedan ahí:

Si llegamos a los 6000€ **vamos a sortear **DOS BILLETES DE AVIÓN A CRACOVIA

Merece la pena seguir moviendo el proyecto no?

Todo lo recibido en las aportaciones serán íntegramente destinadas al proyecto y a la investigación.

Millones de Gracias por ser parte de esto y... seguimos!

Dúo Metha

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