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Pervy Perkin - "Comedia : Inferno"

Help us make our third album "Comedia : Inferno" a reality

Pervy Perkin

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From 3.500€
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Who Are We

We are Pervy Perkin, a Progressive Rock/Metal outfit from Madrid/Murcia. With two releases, “Ink” (2014) and “ToTeM” (2016), and dozens of tour dates all over the Iberian Peninsula under our belt, we’re finally ready to present our third album: “Comedia : Inferno”.

Photo by Rock culture
Photo by Rock culture

What Is "Comedia : Inferno"

“Comedia : Inferno” is a concept album based on the first part of “The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri, “Inferno”, which has served as the inspiration behind the music we’ve written to narrate our adaptation of the tale of Dante and Virgil and their odyssey through the nine circles of hell. It’s most likely the heaviest Progressive Metal album we’ll ever write, with a complex setting and a myriad of characters portrayed on occasion by the wonderful guest vocalists who have lent us a hand.

We’ve had the pleasure of working with the renowned polish painter Mariusz Lewandowski, who has painted a really unique depiction of hell to go with our own peculiar version of Dante’s “Inferno” as its cover. Juan Tides has produced this effort, and we have once again relied on Adrián Hidalgo (Lasting Noise Recording Studio) for the mix, with Tony Lindgren of Fascination Street Studios (the studios behind some of the most critically acclaimed albums in the European Progressive Metal scene such as Haken, Leprous or Ihsahn) handling the master.

Why Do We Need Your Help

When the time came to start making plans for this new record, we were set on making a qualitative leap, which is why we decided to count on Mariusz Lewandoski, Lasting Noise Recording Studio and Fascination Street Studios.

Working with such esteemed professionals clearly does not come cheap, and once we started planning out the tour and the merchandise for this new cycle, we realized we would need help in order to do justice to this project.

This is the reason why we are launching this campaign, so that we can hopefully raise 3.500€ with which we can pay off a big part of the artwork, mixing and mastering costs, as well as manufacture and distribute merch to those who would be keen on supporting us with the release of this new album.

About The Perk(in)s

We offer a wide variety of perks, ranging from the expected CD’s (signed unless specified) and T-shirts (including a design which is exclusive to this campaign), to packs that our previous records, posts specifically adressed to you, lessons, tickets for our upcoming tour and even the writing and recording of an original song just for you and covering a song of your choice in any style you fancy.

All the perks' prices include national shipping. For international shipments, one must select the perk "International Shipping" as well.

Expected Schedule

Once the campaign ends we will start to prepare the shipments for all the merch (CD's, T-shirts, stickers and posters) so that we can send them before the 8th of april, the album's release date.

Nevertheless, due to the intricacies of the perks "The Pervy Perkin Cover Challenge/Music Factory/Appreciation Post/Academy" and the fact that some must be agreed upon by both parties, we intent to deliver them along the course of 2019 as settled with the patron.

+ Info


Photo by Aarón G./RockCamp
Photo by Aarón G./RockCamp


  • If I do not live in Spain, should I select the perk "International Shipping" too?

    Yes. This helps us bear the costs of shipping your perks to an address outside of Spain, which will be pretty irregular and may surpass the 2€ we are asking for depending on which country are we supposed to send them to anyway.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • ziltoid101


    about 5 years

    I came across the single on Youtube and it was so groovy. Lots of respect from Western Australia (come visit sometime!)

  • AlexSetzelk


    about 5 years

    Después del ToTeM, es de sentido común confiar en estos locuelos. Deseando escuchar este nuevo disco.

  • Quentin Lionmane

    Quentin Lionmane

    about 5 years

    Os amo!



    about 5 years

    Que vengáis por Malaga, coño!!!

  • Grizzman


    about 5 years


  • Yuso


    about 5 years


  • Nachwillrise


    about 5 years

    Vamosahí esos Pervos!!!!

  • Ignacio Rambo

    Ignacio Rambo

    about 5 years

    Dadle cera con ese remox!!

  • scorium


    about 5 years

    Venga murcianicos, seguid así, que estáis impresionando.

  • Miguel Tomás Gómez Hernández

    Miguel Tomás Gómez Hernández

    about 5 years

    La camiseta que sea XXL, porfi

#06 / To All International Patrons - A Todos Los Mecenas Internacionales

[ESP Abajo]

We're currently 3 days away from the end of this very successful campaign (all thanks to all of you), and as we've started to gear up to send you your perks, we've noticed that not all international patrons have selected the "International Shipping" perk.

This helps us bear the costs of shipping your perks to an address outside of Spain, which will be pretty inconsistent and may surpass the 2€ we are asking for in some cases, depending on which country are we supposed to be sending them to.

Please, consider selecting it and remember you have access to a fully translated version of the campaign's page by clicking on the "English" tag right below the progress bar.

Thank you

Estamos a 3 días de terminar esta exitosa (gracias a todos vosotros) campaña, y al empezar a preparar el envío de recompensas nos hemos dado cuenta de que no todos los mecenas internacionales han seleccionado la recompensa "Envío Internacional".

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Como os prometimos, aquí tenéis el primer single de "Comedia : Inferno", para el que grabamos esta locura de videoclip que estábamos deseando poder compartir.

Quedan menos de dos semanas para terminar el crowdfunding y menos de un mes para el lanzamiento del album y que os podamos enseñar todo lo demás. Nada y menos.

As promised, here is the first single off of "Comedia : Inferno", for which we recorded this wacky video that we were dying to share with you.

Less than two weeks left for the crowdfunding to end and a less than a month for us to release the album and show you what we've got. "Comedia : Inferno" is coming.

#04 / 3500€ Alcanzados - 3500€ Reached


Muchas gracias. Gracias a todos los que habéis colaborado, con pequeñas o grandes cantidades, por haber decidido confiar en nosotros y llevarnos a los 3500€. Pero esto sigue, y nos quedan 15 días. Os dejamos un mensaje de Alex y Aks.

PD: Por favor, todo mecenas que no resida en España debe seleccionar la recompensa "Envío Internacional" para ayudarnos a costear los gastos de envío. Gracias.

Thank you. Thanks to all of those who've participated, be it with small or large quantities, for supporting us and helping us reach the 3500€ we were asking for. But this is not over, and we've got 15 days left. Here's a message from Alex and Aks.

PS: Please, we've noticed that not all international patrons have selected the perk "International Shipping". This is just a small price to pay in order to help us bear the costs of shipping all of this merch. Thank you.



Esto es brutal. La campaña ya está al 93% y todavía nos quedan 21 días. Nos seguís sorprendiendo a cada día que pasa. Mil gracias!

Como prometimos al anunciar nuestro nuevo album acompañado del crowdfunding, la semana que viene estrenaremos “Three Throats”, el primer single de Comedia : Inferno (disponible el 8 de abril), con un videoclip en el que aparecemos tan hermosos como veis aquí.

Mirad debajo de la cama antes de dormir.

This is amazing. We're sitting at 93% completed and we've still got 21 days left. You guys keep shocking us with every passing day. Thanks a lot!

As promised when our new album was announced followed by the crowdfunding campaign, "Three Throats", the first single off of Comedia: Inferno (available April 8th) will premiere next week, with a video in which we appear as handsome as we do here.

Look under your bed before going to sleep.

#02 / Muy pronto, el primer single - First single to be released soon


Os mandamos este saludo desde el set de rodaje a punto de llegar a los 2500€. Gracias de nuevo por apoyarnos. Muy pronto más noticias.

We'd like to share with you all this small video update from the set of our next video as we're about to reach the 2500€ mark. Thanks again for all the support. More news soon.

#01 / Menuda Semana - What A Week



Ahora que oficialmente ha pasado una semana desde que anunciamos este proyecto, mirar la barra de progreso impone.
Estamos tremendamente agradecidos de que hayáis decidido confiar en esto y apostar por nosotros de esta manera, llevándonos en tan solo 7 días por encima del 50%. Menuda locura, no hubiéramos imaginado una respuesta así ni en broma.
Estamos orgullosos de este disco y esperamos que os guste, pero estamos igual de orgullosos de saber que podemos contar con el apoyo de todos vosotros.

Por otra parte, nosotros seguimos trabajando para preparar la salida del disco, y este mismo fin de semana estaremos grabando el videoclip después del currazo que se han pegado Aks y Dante y su equipo. Deseando estamos de poder enseñároslo. Además de esto, se van cerrando fechas para la gira, que esperamos no tardar mucho en anunciar.

Más noticias pronto,

Pervy Perkin


Now that a full week has gone by, looking at the progress bar is kinda shocking.

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