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Your Instagram Stories don't tell it all, but a short film might. 2019 teenagers doing 2019 teenage stuff.


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From 3.600€
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DEADPAVO is a fiction short film produced by four students from Pompeu Fabra University. We want to show adolescence for what it is: a vital stage in our lives, without falling into paternalism or nostalgia. Youth has changed drastically with the introduction of social media. Nowadays, personal relationships are formed on Instagram, but how do they translate face to face?

Why do we want the second goal?

Your support gives us confidence to make the short film even bigger and better. We know that the project can still reach more people and that is why we have marked a second goal of 4,200 euros. With these extra money we can bring DEADPAVO to the next level, with resources that will make the short film even better, to shine.

With extra money, we will have professional post-production of color and sound, that is, the short has a brutal technical finishing, as our story and its characters deserve. It will also allow us to rent better cinematography material, from the camera to the lights and the sound equipment we'll use to shoot DEADPAVO. Believe us, it will be worth it. And last but not least, we can take better care of our actresses, our actors and the extras during the shooting, improving their experience and, in the end, the final result.

Anya is DEADPAVO’s main character, a 16 year old girl who recently met Mart through Instagram. It’s clear that something is bound to happen between them, but neither of them is ready to make the first move. Gisel, Anya’s best friend, decides to take action without them knowing.

The plan is perfect: a house party full of strangers, a lot of rum and coke, excessive Instagram Stories and too much Never Have I Ever. What Anya’s friends don’t know is that she doesn’t really want to meet Mart.

She loves being surrounded by others, both to have fun or to help anyone anytime. When you get to know her you immediately notice she’s very confident and knows how to handle any problem, but there’s one that she hasn’t solved yet. Meanwhile, Instagram is a place where she can express herself freely beyond her doubts. As Anya herself would say, she survives out of guac and music.

Despite his friendliness, he prefers to remain silent and observant. This gives him a mysterious aura, completed with his strange Instagram posts. Sometimes he assumes that things will go his way and struggles reacting when something goes differently, but deep down he’s a lot nicer than he seems.

She’s confident and loves being held responsible when things go right. She wants the best for her friends even though sometimes she thinks that only happens on her terms, leading her to organize and control – often manipulating but with a good heart. That doesn’t make her the mother of the friend group but rather the mind behind all her friends’ flirting strategies (some good, most bad).

Although she looks serious, she’s a very distracted girl who disconnects from reality faster than her crushes answer her DMs. When you get to know her you discover she’s actually very active, affectionate and, what her friends love about her, absolutely obnoxious when she drinks.

He’s the chattiest, funniest person his friends have ever met. He loves meeting new people and is constantly doing new things.This makes for bad ideas, like the summer he was caught with a girl in the boyscouts’ group cabin. He escaped trouble as usual, with an elaborate story about lost keys that was surprisingly effective.

We are four senior year Media students at Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Lucía, Enric and Judit have specialized in Filmmaking, while Júlia is exploring the theoretical and editing part of DEADPAVO.

Júlia Gaitano. Cinephile, melomaniac, voracious reader (when she has time, which is less often than she’d like to admit). While studying she realised she likes thinking movies rather than making them and that’s what she’s becoming professionally. She also has editing aspirations. Right now she collaborates at Otros Cines Europa.

Enric Llonch. He knew he wanted to be a filmmaker ever since he made films inspired by Detective Conan in middle school. Passionate about music and graphic design. Co-director and co-writer of the short film SENEX, tutored by Santiago Fillol, Isa Campo (winner of 2 Gaudí Awards) and Diego Dussuel (winner of a Gaudí Award).

Judit Serral. Fond of scenic arts and photography since she can remember. When she went to university in LA she realised all she wanted was to live the American dream. Meanwhile, she applies what she learned from the professionals at UCLA to DEADPAVO. She volunteers at Cinema Zumzeig.

Lucía León. Communication is in her bloodstream and she always says she doesn’t write enough. Right now she works in corporate communications and event productions, besides organizing poetry jams and finding time to dance Lindy Hop. She directed the short film OASI, about swing and narcos in the Raval.

We are one of the smallest Final Project teams, which lets us work intimately with the actors and have an excellent external team that will help us during the whole process.

Néstor Costa. His teenage years were marked by editing in Picnik and the 2010s music videos -he quickly discovered his passion for media. He’s participated in the short film Primeros Besos and is currently studying at ECAM and collaborating in Tresdeu Media.

Pantocrator. A project that emerged from Marta Delmont’s and Marina Correa’s terrible emotional management. Xiri Romaní and Robert Busquets complete the band and give nuances to a repertoire filled with millennial drama -going from punk to more elaborate power pop.

Thanks to Pompeu Fabra University’s support, DEADPAVO is a project tutored by professionals like Gonzalo de Lucas (directing) and Sergi Moreno (producing). The short film also has the help of excellent filmmakers like Carlos Marqués-Marcet (director of 10.000km and editor of Eliza Hittman’s It Felt Like Love), Jonás Trueba (winner of two Goya Awards and director of Todas las canciones hablan de mi and Los ilusos and Carla Simón (winner of four Gaudí Awards for Estiu 1993).

DEADPAVO is our Final Project but we want it to be a lot more than that. We want to film in the best conditions, and to accomplish it, we have to rent equipment, lights, cameras… Your contributions will cover the following expenses (in percentage):

We’re currently in the pre-producing and rehearsal stages. We will keep working during the following months to make DEADPAVO a reality:

  • Credit mention. Your name on the end credits.

  • Viewing link. Exclusive link to watch DEADPAVO once it’s finished.

  • Playlist. List of the songs that inspired DEADPAVO.

  • Close Friends Making-of. Exclusive images in Instagram.

  • Gratitude video. Clip thanking you with lots of love.

  • Stickers. Up to two different DEADPAVO sticker designs.

  • Verkami ending party. Guaranteed entry to the party -and up to two free beers in some rewards!

  • Poster scoop. Be the first to see the digital poster.

  • Trailer scoop. Be the first one to see DEADPAVO’s first images.

  • Exclusive dedicated photo. Get a signed digital picture of the shooting!

  • Preview screening entry. A seat in DEADPAVO’s premiere in a theater in Barcelona.

  • Signed screenplay. A signed digital copy from the film writers.

  • Exclusive, alternative poster. Get the digital copy of an exclusive version of the official poster.

  • Appear as an extra in the film. Come to the shooting! Be in our film or invite someone else in your name.

  • Cap. Limited edition black cap with white logo.

  • Wardrobe catalogue. Digital copy of the costumes. Dress like DEADPAVO.

  • Associate producer. Your name as a producer in the credits and IMDB/Filmaffinity.

  • Exclusive gratitude video. DEADPAVO creators and actors will send a special video.

  • Sponsor. If you have a brand or company you can become an official DEADPAVO sponsor. Your brand will appear in the promotional content and in the film.

Do you want to help us bring DEADPAVO to life but you don’t really know how Verkami works? No problem, we help you do it step by step.

  1. Go to the top right of the page and Register in Verkami (or log in if you already are a user).

  2. Select the reward that you like the most in the right column and click on it.

  3. On the page that will open, click Contribute and follow the payment instructions (credit card only).

  4. You are now a DEADPAVO patron. Thanks!

You will find all you need (and more) in our social media accounts. If you’re interested in DEADPAVO but can’t take part in its Verkami, share the project with your friends and follow us to keep up with all the news.

For any doubt you can send us an email. If you want to be part of our artistic team or be a sponsor of DEADPAVO, contact us.

*Photography by: Nonnissima Fotografia.


  • Why do you want the second goal?

    Your support gives us confidence to make the short film even bigger and better. We know that the project can still reach more people and that is why we have marked a second goal of 4,200 euros. With these extra money we can bring DEADPAVO to the next level, with resources that will make the short film even better, to shine.

    With extra money, we will have professional post-production of color and sound, that is, the short has a brutal technical finishing, as our story and its characters deserve. It will also allow us to rent better cinematography material, from the camera to the lights and the sound equipment we'll use to shoot DEADPAVO. Believe us, it will be worth it. And last but not least, we can take better care of our actresses, our actors and the extras during the shooting, improving their experience and, in the end, the final result.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Víctor..N.D..


    about 5 years

    Hola sois gente muy valida



    about 5 years

    Moltes gràcies a tots i totes pels vostres comentaris i el vostre suport 🖤

  • Núria Pardo Fortaner

    Núria Pardo Fortaner

    about 5 years

    Molta sort!! Segur que tindreu molt éxit!

  • Bli-Blip Laura

    Bli-Blip Laura

    about 5 years


  • Sara Tegido

    Sara Tegido

    about 5 years

    Tracteu el tema sense que ens fagi molta por als pares!!! Molta sort !!!!

  • txiqui


    about 5 years

    Ja us falta poc, ànims!

  • alexbarredo


    about 5 years


  • nicoful


    about 5 years

    Que tingueu molta sort!

  • Xavi Bayle Miquel

    Xavi Bayle Miquel

    about 5 years

    Molta sort!! Ja tinc ganes de veure el resultat.

#05 / Mecenes, i ara què? | Mecenas, ¿y ahora qué?

[CAST 👇]

Hola, mecenes!

Esperem que les vacances i l'estiu no us hagin esborrat DEADPAVO de la memòria 😉 Us volem explicar què hem fet els últims mesos des del rodatge. Durant maig i juny vam estar editant el curtmetratge (i barallant-nos amb el color) per poder-lo entregar a la universitat com a TFG al juliol. També vam tenir la sort de poder-lo presentar en una sessió al cinema Zumzeig, a la qual molts de vosaltres vau assistir i on vam explicar el projecte, el seu camí i es va projectar el curtmetratge. Sens dubte una experiència increïble i que esperem repetir en el futur.

L'equip de DEADPAVO, els actors i actrius presentant el projecte al Zumzeig.

Estem molt contents del procés i del resultat, però ara queda un sprint finalread more

#04 / Mecenes, ja hem rodat! | Mecenas, ¡ya hemos grabado! | Patrons, we’ve already filmed!

[CAST | ENG 👇]

Hola, mecenes! Ara fa un mes vam començar el rodatge de DEADPAVO. Va ser una setmana intensa, esgotadora, però també molt emocionant. Veure materialitzat el que portàvem mesos escrivint i preparant va ser una experiència inoblidable. I no ho haguéssim pogut fer sense tot l’equip que es va afegir al projecte —Néstor, Blanca, Irene, Joan—, els actors i actrius que ho van posar tan fàcil —Adela, Maria, Lluís, Cèlia, Patricia, Èric—, els i les extres increïbles que van convertir el rodatge en una autèntica festa, i tothom que va fer que la producció del curt anés tan rodada —especialment, Mercè, Jordi, Saúl—.

Una de les recompenses de molts mecenes és el making-of a través d’Instagram. Molts ja el vàreu veure durant el rodatge, però encara el podeu recuperar. Heu d’anar al compte d’Instagram de @deadpavo i veureu uns cercles amb cada dia de rodatge. Si no en veieu 5 és perquè no esteu a la llista de Close Friends. Aviseu-nos escrivint-nos a Instagram o [email protected]

#03 / Gràcies! Gracias! Thank You!

Fa 40 dies us confessàvem que el nostre propòsit d’any nou era fer una pel·lícula. 40 dies més tard, estem una mica més a prop d’aconseguir-ho. Gràcies a les vostres aportacions i el vostre suport hem aconseguit els diners suficients per realitzar DEADPAVO, el nostre curtmetratge. És increïble que en tant poc temps haguem aconseguit tant, i tot és gràcies a vosaltres. Ara passem a una nova fase, més centrada en acabar d’escriure, enllestir i rodar el projecte. Parlem aviat 🖤

[P.D. És molt important respondre el mail que us ha enviat Verkami demanant les vostres dades. Així us podrem començar a donar les recompenses properament. Qualsevol dubte: [email protected] Gràcies!]

Hace 40 días os confesábamos que nuestro propósito de año nuevo era hacer una película. 40 días más tarde, estamos un poquito más cerca de conseguirlo. Gracias a vuestras aportaciones y… read more

#02 / Vine a la Festa DEADPAVO el proper diumenge 17 de març

DEADPAVO anuncia la NIT DEL PAVO, la nostra festa particular per celebrar la fi del Verkami. El proper diumenge 17 de març serà l’últim dia per aportar a la nostra campanya de micromecenatge, i el primer dia oficial de projecte. Tot plegat es mereix una celebració. Vine el diumenge 17 de les 19h a les 23h al Carrer Aribau 15 de Barcelona i podràs conèixer l’equip creatiu de DEADPAVO, els seus actors, comprar merxandatge oficial del curt (samarretes, gorres, etc.) a més de passar una estona brutal en un ambient molt pavo.

Entrada: 1 euro. Es vendrà a la porta del local i és vàlida per a tothom, mecenes o no mecenes. Així que convideu a amics, amigues, família llunyana i qui se us acudeixi!

Per als mecenes que hagin aportat 25 euros o més, l’entrada és gratuïta, ja que era una de les seves recompenses. Els mecenes amb recompenses de consumicions gratuïtes (100€ o més) les podreu bescanviar a la barra simplement dient el vostre nom.

Això sí, important portar efectiuread more

#01 / Gràcies per aportar a DEADPAVO. Anunciem segon objectiu!

Hola a tothom! Tenim una molt bona notícia: ja hem aconseguit el nostre objectiu a Verkami! Molt recentment hem assolit i superat la quantitat de 3.600 euros que ens havíem proposat, i això és gràcies a tothom que ha fet una aportació al projecte i s’ha convertit en mecenes. Des dels basic pavos als money pavos, passant pels shooting pavos, cool pavos i tota la resta… Sou increïbles. Moltíssimes gràcies!

Tenim, però, una altra bona notícia. El vostre suport ens dóna confiança per fer encara més gran i millor el curtmetratge. Sabem que el projecte encara pot arribar a més gent i per això ens hem marcat un segon objectiu de 4.200 euros. Amb aquests diners extres podrem portar DEADPAVO al següent nivell, disposant de recursos que faran que el curtmetratge quedi encara millor, que llueixi. I per celebrar-ho tenim un parell de sorpreses.

Però… Què podrem fer si arribem al segon objectiu de 4.200 euros?read more

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