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Help Whip Shock publish their first LP

Our debut album "MOVING FAST" is almost ready to come out, but we need your help to release it physically.

Whip Shock

A project of


Created in

From 700€
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View project in Castellano

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Thanks for checking out our Verkami campaign!

Down below you will find more details about our band, our project and how you can collaborate.
¡Make sure to share it with erveryone, every bit of help counts!

About us

We are Whip Shock, a group of three friends that at the end of 2016 decided to get together to play and have fun making music.

It got out of control.

Mixing various influences, we ended up creating a fresh and unique style, and getting ourselves out there with an EP in 2017. After many rehearsals, concerts and competitions, we decided it was finally time to step into the studio and give our best in a long-play album.

Whip Shock (Diego Herrera, Alejandro Alcázar, Juan Carlos Linares)
Whip Shock (Diego Herrera, Alejandro Alcázar, Juan Carlos Linares)

Now we need your help to make MOVING FAST a reality so you can have it in your hands and ears ASAP.

Our goal

Releasing an album in a physical format is a difficult and expensive process, especially for an upcoming band, which is why we've decided to launch an advance sale of the CD, alongside merch from the band.

Cover of the album
Cover of the album

With your collaboration you can help turning this dream into a reality as soon as possible

What your collaborations will be used for

• Expenses for physical fabrication of the album (already recorded and produced at Grabaciones Sumergidas) and merchandising.
• Artwork expenses
• Verkami management and taxes.

Beyond our main goal

Si superamos el objetivo principal, vuestra colaboración a partir de ese punto nos ayudará a cumplir metas mucho más grandes, como videoclips o una gira, para poder llevar el disco en directo a todos lados.

If we reach the main goal of our campaign, your collaborations from there will go towards bigger goals like videoclips or tours, so we can take the album live everywhere we can.

About your rewards

You can collaborate by giving us a small donation or by purchasing the album or merch products in advance.

Check the rewards and choose one that fits your budget.

Delivery of rewards:

You'll be able to collect your rewards by hand at any of our concerts or at these cities:

  • Cádiz

  • El Puerto de Santa María

Any shipping expenses are to be borne by the patron.


  • Fabrication (February-March)
  • Release date (23/03/19)

The release date of the album will come with a concert in Cádiz (Sala Soho), where you'll be able to collect your rewards. Hand deliveries and shippings will come after said date.

+ Info

Make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.

¡Remember to share our campaign with as many people as you can!


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1 comment

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  • Juan Manuel Marín Velázquez

    Juan Manuel Marín Velázquez

    about 5 years

    besis de framvuesa

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