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Blindpoint's debut album: Through the ashes of life

Help us to publish Blindpoint's first album, composed of 7 brand new songs of alternative metal


A project of


Created in

From 3.500€
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We are Blindpoint, a metal band from Lleida; musicians with different experiences in consolidated and recognized local bands. Our style is clearly defined by our many diverse personal influences, reaching a personal and defined sound with metal in his core.

Blindpoint: the band
Blindpoint: the band

After sharing the stage in several live shows with renowned bands such as Teksuo, Stained Blood, Antalgia, Human Ashtray, Sickroom, Steinbock, Siroll, InVersus, D.O.G, MMHC, Trapped In Fog, Unlimited Addiction, Jade... and with an initial demo called “Demo[ns]” composed of two self-recorded songs, we're going to release our first new full-length album.

All with a good load that will surely give you a strong stroke on your chest and make you feel throbbing without renouncing more experimental passages and very particular atmospheres.

Major Autumn Festivals in Lleida
Major Autumn Festivals in Lleida

You have shown to us so many good acceptations and we have thought to release it through Verkami's platform, so you'll have the possibility to be the first ones to have the album thanks to your confidence in us and in our work. At the same time, you have a very important play-role in the crowdfunding world that enriches and help to grow to everybody equally.

As you are a frankly exquisite audience, you deserve the most well-taken care rewards with surprises both inside and outside; There will be downloads and, of course, t-shirts.

Blindpoint's debut album: "Through the ashes of life" (2019)

What will we do with your contributions??

Your contributions will be entirely intended for the recording of the album in all of his phases, for the associated merchandising and everything related to the publicity and diffusion campaign.

Recording and mixing

The disc will be recorded and mixed by Xavier Esterri "Terri" in Nomad Studio, Lleida.

Among others, Terri has recorded and mixed bands such as Margen Zero, Hollow Cry, Cauldron, InVersus, Sound Tyranny, Metrakillator, Codi de Silenci, Steinbock, The Fox System and so on.


When we finalize the recording sessions and the mix has done, we will send the whole final mix to be mastered in the Hansen Studio of Denmark. The studio is in charge of Jacob Hansen who will give a “point” to our “dough” in his ovens.

Jacob Hansen
Jacob Hansen

Among others, Jacob has mastered bands such as Amaranthe, Volbeat, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, The Black Dahlia Murder, Pretty Maids, Epica, Delain, Evergrey, Primal Fear, Powerwolf, Kamelot and so on.


Moreover, during the campaign, we will spread our collaboration with Amics dels Animals del Segrià, an animal shelter association in Lleida. We are going to give them an equivalent contribution of 3% of the collected total amount of this project. Is for that reason that we want to promote these selfless actions for the benefits of those companion animals in any kind of risk situation.

Amics dels Animals del Segrià
Amics dels Animals del Segrià

You can visit his website Associació dels amics dels animals del Segrià. Without effort, you are giving support to solidarity, altruistic and awareness activities for a common good such as the respect and the protection of our environment.

Scheduled calendar

We are currently immersed in the recording and mixing of the disc. Once is done we will send it to master. You have heard how good it sound, but we also want you to be able to see what we are doing in each moment.

Once the campaign is finalized, all the stuff will be sent to production to make come true every and each reward. So we are going to ask you about t-shirt sizes and models, the masterclass preparation and so on.

As everything will be smooth, we have planned to have the rewards ready to be delivered on next June. We will do our best so that the rewards arrive as soon as possible.

  • The rewards will be delivered by hand. In the case that a shipment is required we will treat it personally in order to find and fit for the best option for each of you.

  • If you have any question or concern do not hesitate to send an email to us at [email protected]

Social networks

You can follow the news for this campaign and share it with your friends through any of the following social networks:

Thank you for all the support


  • When I will be charged with the amount of the reward?

    The total amount of your chosen reward will be charged to your bank/paypal account ONLY IF WE ACHIEVE THE FINANCIAL GOAL before the campaign's end (May the 1st).

    When the rewards are ready, we'll contact with you through your email account in order to recap the necessary information and other aspects of interest (names for the album credits, t-shirt model and size, ...) and we'll send it to you.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Víctor


    almost 5 years

    Ánimos banda!! 💪🏻

  • Eloibenrock Benrock

    Eloibenrock Benrock

    about 5 years

    Al lío!!!

  • pedro.corderonunez


    about 5 years

    Molta sort i forÇa Bp....

  • Lo JR de LLeida

    joan ramon molins

    about 5 years

    Que tingueu molta sort, ànims !!!!!!!!!

  • wingol


    about 5 years

    Molta sort,iendavant



    about 5 years


  • antonio


    about 5 years


  • Untalmanel


    about 5 years

    Molta sort en aquest projecte Josep . Segur que sortirà genial perquè està ple de talent i passió !!

  • Estjer


    about 5 years

    Molta sort !!!!!

  • Dani COQUO

    Dani COQUO

    about 5 years


#06 / Enviando disco a masterizar a Dinamarca!!

Hola companyes i companys de viatge!!

🚀 Ja tenim les 7 cançons de camí a Dinamarca. En Jacob Hansen, de #HansenStudios farà de les seves perquè soni a petar i deleitar les vostres orelles!! 🎧

Aquí el podeu veure treballar: https://jacobhansen.com/

🚀 Ya tenemos los 7 temas de camino a Dinamarca. Jacob Hansen de #HansenStudios hará de las suyas para que suene a petar y deleitar vuestros oidos!! 🎧

🚀 We already have the 7 songs on the way to Denmark. Jacob Hansen of #HansenStudios will do his thing to make it sound incredible in your ears 🎧

Jacob Hansen de Hansen Studios - Dinamarca.
Jacob Hansen de Hansen Studios - Dinamarca.

#05 / Proyecto finalizado con éxito!

Los 40 días han llegado a su fin, y estamos más ilusionados que nunca. No sólo hemos llegado al objetivo sino que lo hemos sobrepasado de forma notable. Son 3945€ recaudados, son 3945 gracias que os merecéis. La aventura ha sido divertida, con momentos de incertidumbre y, aunque no lo pueda parecer, con mucho trabajo detrás, pero con mecenas como vosotros, todo vale la pena.

El proyecto sin duda no acaba aquí, más bien lo contrario, ésto es el principio de todo, de hecho ya hemos activado la maquinaria y estamos en proceso de masterización y producción de todo el merch para vuestras recompensas. Os informaremos a medida que avancemos en el proceso.

Más teasers!

Ya tenéis en Youtube el resto de muestras que componen nuestro álbum. Recuerda “Suscribirte” al canal de Youtube para recibir notificaciones de los nuevos vídeos que vayamos colgando.

Teaser Audio #4 We Don't Care


Teaser Audio #5 Time-space Paradigm

https://youtu.be/read more

#04 / Objetivo alcanzado!!!

Lo que parecía lejano y difícil es ya una realidad, ayer 18 de abril sobre las 10 de la noche y a falta de 13 días para finalizar la campaña en Verkami, alcanzamos nuestro objetivo de 3500€. Así que ahora si podemos decir que esto es una realidad y que tu has contribuido a hacerlo posible. Muchas gracias!!!

Junto a ti, 128 mecenas con 147 aportaciones, es decir, 104 digipacks y 122 camisetas/sudaderas, y aún no hemos acabado. Es más, estamos preparando una sorpresa si llegamos a 4000€ de recaudación.

Segunda colaboración: Oscar González

Días atrás os hablamos de Andrea que colaboro en las voces, hoy os presentamos a Oscar González que nos ha echado un cable con los teclados:

Escucha los teasers

Y si aún no has escuchado como suena el disco, hemos publicado y publicaremos algunos fragmentos de canciones que lo forman. Dale al play!

Teaser Audio #1 Difret

Teaser Audio #2 The Ancient Track
read more

#02 / 16 días, 106 mecenas, 76% del objetivo conseguido!

16 días, 106 mecenas, 76% del objetivo conseguido con 2.675€. Estos son los números y vosotros los habéis hecho posibles, sin duda no nos esperábamos una tan buena acogida. Sois grandes!

Aún nos quedan 825€ para conseguir el reto, pero estamos seguros que entre todos lo conseguiremos.

Esta semana hemos tenido alguna sorpresa, para los que no os hayáis enterado hemos anunciado la colaboración de Andrea Menál en el tema Difret. Aquí teneis un video en catalán explicando su colaboración:

Aún tenemos algunas sorpresas reservadas. Estad atentos, os iremos informando a traves de las redes sociales!


#01 / Ja som 60 patrons!!

Us volem donar les gràcies per ser els primers patrons en confiar en nosaltres d’aquesta forma tan increïble i voler gaudir del disc i del merchandising.

Això acaba de començar, encara queda un bon recorregut fins assolir l’objectiu. Hem aconseguit el 40% de la recaptació necessària per fer realitat el somni de tots plegats.

Volem que continueu amb nosaltres fins al final i necessitem que ens feu un cop de mà en fer difusió de nou als vostres voltants explicant als coneguts i amics el projecte i la bona sensació que dóna ser un col·laborador de crowdfunding.

**PRÒXIM OBJECTIU **del finde: Superar el 50% ;-)


Blindpoint – Through the ashes of life!

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