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VerdCel 2019 - New work.

Take flight with the new VerdCel project to end the 4 elements work. A book and 2 CDs which cannot be missed. Make it possible!


A project of


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From 6.000€
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We approach a new work with great strength and enthusiasm. Your complicity is fundamental. Whenever you face a new project you seek for change, movement, new challenges. But, in this case, it wants to be a turning point, a significant change in the form and the result.

During 2019, VerdCel intends to launch its new work of a Book and two independent albums. Each album will be autonomous and have its own moment. Each will be a work in itself, as will the book, while all will be part of a joint work around the element 'air'.


Ever since the creation of the fourth album, VerdCel chose this system of cooperation and collective trust that is crowdfunding, in which the freedom of creation, the direct contact, the engagement of collaborators and the viability of a project can be possible. Feasibility in the sense of being able to carry out the different proposals in the world of culture, which suffers an incessant precariousness and, in turn, make you participants before and during the process of gestation. Also ensure a future by avoiding the difficulties arising from excessive dependence on third parties.


Recording: preproduction, study and technicians.

Mixtures: study and production. Mastering

Expenditures of working days.

If we exceed the objective of €6,000, everything added will be more than welcome for the rest of the financing needed for the project: manufacturing, editing, communication.

  • Please take into account the usual expenses: in addition to the shipping costs, it is necessary to add 5% + VAT for Verkami expenses, 1.35% + VAT for the payment with credit card, and for Paypal payments 3,4% + a fixed rate of €0.35 per transaction].

The communication channel that offers Verkami allows us to ensure a presale of the works in a short time, which will be the energy necessary to carry out the production of such works. Besides, the distinctive feature of crowdfunding is the variety and the exceptional nature of some of the rewards, especially created for the occasion and that cannot be acquired by other means. The complicity goes beyond the crowdfunding platform, the creators themselves, and reaches other artisans such as the brewers participating.


VerdCel plunged into the water with 'Els dies del Saurí' (2012), then it burned with 'Argilaga' (2014), and finally it set foot on the ground with 'De plantes, talaies i cims' (2017).

Our journey by your side through the elements closes with this fourth work where we will explore the air. In fact, the first work was possible thanks to your contributions in Verkami, as well as the works that followed, until we get to complete this quadriptych.

The air is the world of ideas, in terms of the song, where the challenges and the doors to discover are innovation, solidity and authenticity.

Originality, clarity and vanguard will be the keys.

The songs, drafts, comics and texts will be, in short, a rich project that will grow with the senses of those who approach.

Will you join us?

.- The new project will consist of 2 independent albums and a book. Everything will be related and part of the same work.

.- The world of air is the world of ideas, change and exchange of thought, duality, relationship with others.

.- In the planning of the project we have proposed many changes, either in the composition of the songs, the musical production, or the design of the book and the result of the whole work.


Your contribution will have its return in the following rewards:

  • Thank you. * Appear in the acknowledgments of the Book .: € 5.

  • Strong blow!. * You can choose between: the 12 "(30x31cm), or an Internal Illustration of the Book (we will send you the options), or 2 entries for the first album debut - 13 April 2019 Barcelona or other points of the Tour-, or the handwritten letters of your 3 favorite songs from VerdCel, or any previous VerdCel disc in a simple CD format. Designed to complement other rewards, it does not contain the new musical work in any of its formats nor the book: € 15.

  • 2 Mp3. * The 2 new albums in Mp3 format. Each album is an independent item and they both work together: 15€.

  • 2 CD. * 2 new albums in CD format with a simple cardboard case: 25€.

  • NEW WORK. * (Signed) Book + CD1 + CD2 + 2Mp3. The two new albums in CD format + the book that gives meaning to the whole work, a volume with drafts, comic, poetry + Mp3 albums. This is the most complete format and the one that best suits in terms of quality-quantity ratio: 35€.

  • PRINT. * Choose between the 12´ vinyl size (30x31cm) print Cover of the book in high quality paper and a print from inside the Book (you can choose it later on). All of this + the new Book (signed) + CD 1 + CD 2 + 2Mp3: 50€.

  • THE CRAFT. * Craft beer. Choose between a guided tour of the Sant Jordi craft beer factory (a modernist building from 1910) in Cardedeu (Vallès Oriental), or 6 bottles of craft beer (Brisa d’estiu, Arrels, La Cuca, Alè de drac, Alè d’hivern and Carbonera) to pick up at the factory, or 4 bottles of craft beer shipped to your place. All of this + the new Book (signed) + CD 1 + CD 2 + 2Mp3: 50€.

  • 2 NEW WORKS. * 2 copies of the Book (signed) + CD1 + CD2: 65€.

  • 4 ELEMENTS. * The VerdCel quadriptych (water, fire, earth and air) in full format. The Book-CD ‘Els dies del Saurí’ (Comicbook-CD), the booklet-CD ‘Argilaga’ (CD 10’ vinyl size with illustrations and lyrics), the book-CD ‘De plantes, talaies i cims’ (poetry, poetic prose and essay + CD) and the brand new Book (signed) based on the “air” element + CD1 + CD2 + 2Mp3: 80€.

    Mosaic d
    Mosaic d'imatges orientatives d'una mostra de recompenses

  • ALL AIR. * 2 tickets to one of the gigs from the new albums + 2 handwritten lyrics of your favourite songs by VerdCel + 12´ vinyl size (30x31cm) print Cover of the book in high quality paper + a print from inside the Book (you can choose it later on) + the new Book (signed) + CD 1 + CD 2 + 2Mp3: 95€.

  • DISCOGRAPHY. * All the VerdCel studio albums in full format: ‘PaisViatge‘ (Book-CD-DVD), ‘Sàmara’ (Book-CD-DVD), ‘Petjades. VerdCel canta Raimon’ (Book-CD-DVD), ‘Els dies del Saurí’ (Book-CD), ‘Argilaga’ (Booklet-CD), ‘De plantes, talaies i cims’ (Book-CD) and the new Book (signed) + CD 1 + CD 2 + 2Mp3: 135€.

  • LUNCH WITH US. * Valid for 4 people. Spend a nice day at our place (El Vallès) where we will taste Alcoi traditional homemade dishes with craft beer, wines or whatever you like. All together with a few songs during the table talk. For a different number of people, please ask through the Q&A or [email protected]. All of this + 4 tickets to one of the gigs presenting the new albums + 2 copies of the Book (signed) + CD1 + CD2: 200€.

  • GIG AT YOUR PLACE. * Concert at your place (Cat. Nord, Principat or País Valencià) in reduced acoustic format (30 people max.). Sound equipment included if needed. For other places (Islands, etc.) please ask through the Q&A or [email protected]. All of this + 4 tickets to one of the gigs presenting the new albums + 2 copies of the Book (signed) + CD1 + CD2: 475€.

  • GIG ENTITIES AND SPACES. * Acoustic concert (Cat. Nord, Principat or País Valencià). Sound equipment not included, but we can offer cost-effective solutions. For sound equipment and other places (Islands, etc.) please ask through the Q&A or [email protected]. All of this + 4 tickets to one of the gigs presenting the new albums + 2 copies of the Book (signed) + CD1 + CD2: 775€.

· You will appear in the acknowledgments of the Book as sponsors (with the name you prefer) in all contributions.

· Shipping costs included in all the rewards.


Last spring began the writing and composition of the songs, with the texts and the concept of the book. After the summer, we moved on to the preproduction of the songs and later the planning and content of the work.

At the end of this year and beginning of 2019 we will record and mix the albums, and start to elaborate the design and illustration and the texts of the book. The manufacturing phases, edition of the CDs, finalization and printing of the book will continue.

You will receive the rewards as a first, before the official launch.

We expect that you receive the first album by the end of winter 2018-2019 and the Book + the second album before its release and publishing.

Take part – collaborate – make it possible!

Facebook VerdCel
Facebook Alfons
Estudi Grafema


  • What happens if we do not get the minimum amount that is requested to carry out the project?

    If you have contributed by one or several rewards, nothing will be deducted from your account number.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

  • Reyes Matamales Arribas

    Reyes Matamales Arribas

    over 5 years

    Molta força i endavant!!

  • VerdCel


    over 5 years

    gràcies Francesc. Salutacions! Moure soroll!

  • moure soroll

    moure soroll

    over 5 years

    Francesc MOURE SOROLL

  • VerdCel


    over 5 years

    I gràcies Escorniflaire, sentim l'escalfor, ho aconseguirem al vostre costat.

  • VerdCel


    over 5 years

    Gràcies Mayte. Bona empenta. Salutacions!

  • Maytetxu


    over 5 years


  • Lludrigot Escorniflaire

    Lludrigot Escorniflaire

    over 5 years

    Una aportació petita però feta de tot cor, perquè ben segur que valdrà molt la pena viatjar pels paisatges musicals que ens oferireu!

  • VerdCel


    over 5 years

    Gràcies Carla. Besets. Una forta abraçada.

  • CarlaPC


    over 5 years

    Ànims! Amb moltes ganes d'escoltar el nou treball!

  • VerdCel


    over 5 years

    Gràcies Francesc. I els vostres empentes, en forma de forta bufada, són imprescindibles per arribar. Gràcies per ser-hi! <3

#07 / Dinar a casa x 2.

                **Últimes hores Verkami**. 

Un bon regal. DINAR A CASA.

L'HEM REBAIXAT per a 2 persones

Passar una bonica jornada a casa nostra on dinarem menjar casolà, amanit amb cançons.

Això + 2 entrades a un concert de gira + l'exemplar signat del Llibre + CD1 + CD2.

Per poder-lo regalar, rebràs un val regal.

Hem creat una recompensa nova per aquesta versió del 'dinarot' per a 2 persones. Fes-li una ullada http://vkm.is/verdcel2019.

Vinga, anima't.

Ens queda poc temps i ho tenim a tocar.

El verkami es tanca demà divendres 28 desembre a les 12 migdia.

Amb vosaltres ho farem!

#06 / Un últim esforç

8,7,6... queden pocs dies per tancar el Verkami de VerdCel 2019.

Us estem infinitament agraïts per les vostres aportacions.

Però això no ho farem sense un últim esforç, si podeu. No queda massa lluny l'objectiu🎯, però tampoc el tenim a tocar.

Et proposem:

.- Una Nova Recompensa que hem creat anomenada 🌬Bufa fort de 15€ per complementar la teua aportació. Pots triar entre: la Portada del llibre 🌅 en grandària vinil 12' (30x31cm), o una Il·lustració interna del Llibre 🎨 (a elegir entre opcions), o 2 entrades pel concert estrena🎫 1r disc - 13 Abril 2019 Barcelona o per altres punts de la Gira-, o les lletres manuscrites de les teues 3 cançons preferides 📜de VerdCel, o algun disc anterior de VerdCel en format simple de 💿CD.

.- Pots Regalar (o regalar-te) alguna de les recompenses. 🎁 T'enviarem per mail un val regal per a que pugues donar-lo el dia dels regals.

La teua empenta 💪 és fonamental per aconseguir-ho.

read more

#05 / Entrades Concert. Nova recompensa.

Llancem una nova recompensa.

Entrades pel concert d'estrena o per altre de la Gira de VerdCel.

L'estrena del primer disc de 2019 serà el 13 d'abril a Barcelona.

Per això hem creat la NOVA RECOMPENSA al verkami que inclou 🎟 2 entrades a preu reduït per aquest concert o per altre de la gira.

Això amb el Llibre (signat) més els dos discos nous (i el seu format Mp3).

Si ja has fet una aportació i estàs interessat amb aquest nou element de les entrades al concert, però no et convé triar aquesta recompensa que inclou el Llibre+2CD, avisa'ns per correu a [email protected] o fes un comentari al web del projecte a Verkami. Crearem una recompensa nova, només amb les entrades per a que ho pugues complementar amb la primera aportació.

Esperem que us agrade aquesta novetat.

Bufa fort! 👉 vkm.is/verdcel2019

Abraçada gran!

#04 / De rabiosa i dolorosa actualitat

Dels nous discos d'aquest nou treball una de les noves lletres canta:
...fou dictadura feixista
...hi ha qui la té molt present
...són els seus propis plantejaments
😡😳😠 ⛔👎❗

I una altra:
...qui porta els pantalons, tanca la porta, es senten els colps
...portes endins un home assassina altra dona
...ja se sap, el marit
🤐🤮👿 ⛔👎❗

Amb els temps que corren, dos temàtiques d'actualitat i que per desgràcia massa temps, massa, són el nostre dia a dia.

✊🏽 Participa, fes-ho possible, difon: 👉http://vkm.is/verdcel2019

#03 / Manuscrites. Nova recompensa.

Llancem una nova recompensa.

Les lletres manuscrites de les teues 2 cançons preferides 📜de VerdCel.

Això amb el Llibre (signat) més els dos discos nous (i el seu format Mp3).

Si ja has fet una aportació i estàs interessat amb aquest nou element de les lletres manuscrites, però no et convé triar aquesta recompensa que inclou el Llibre+2CD, avisa'ns per correu a [email protected] o fes un comentari al web del projecte a Verkami. Crearem una recompensa nova, només amb les lletres manuscrites per a que ho pugues complementar amb la primera aportació.

Esperem que us agrade aquesta novetat.

Seguim, bufem, bufem tots fort, que l'aire dels nostres pulmons plene tot l'espai i racons d'aquest nou treball.

Abraçada gran!

#02 / 4t element. 7é treball - d’estudi amb llibre.

Vivim una vida accelerada, on tot és efímer, on un atac 360º d’estímuls ens desvien contínuament del que volem fer. On ens costa viure en sincronia amb l’ara i ací, en un intent impossible de ser-hi lluny, on deixem de xafar el present, connectats en tot moment, desconnectats de la nostra realitat.

Aquella pel·li en una setmana ja no és novetat, de l’escriptora aquella de grans vendes de l’any passat ja no se’n recorda ningú, les notícies d’ahir són arrossegades pel tsunami de l’actualitat i així, en una espiral continua, el nostre cervell no és capaç de digerir res, d’aprofundir pràcticament. Tones de fem que llancem a la porta de casa, no podrem obrir en breu.

En temps de fast food, també cultural, creiem fermament en un projecte com aquest. Cal aturar-nos un moment, reflexionar. Fer un parèntesi, assaborir les coses, amb calma.

Posem per cas: creiem en l’escolta d’un treball musical completread more

#01 / 1a setmana. Sou grans!


Com esteu?

Agrair-vos de tot cor 💚 a qui ja heu fet una empenta a aquest nou projecte. Sincerament, és un privilegi poder comptar amb vosaltres, la vostra confiança és energia per poder continuar. Durant aquesta primera setmana heu bastit els fonaments d'aquest nou treball.

💪 L'objectiu és gran, i encara és lluny.

Tota difusió que en pugueu fer a les xarxes o entre les vostres amigues i amics pot generar visites al projecte per a què el coneguen i potser s'animen a formar-hi part.

Nosaltres seguim treballant de valent i esperem arribar a aconseguir-ho.

Gràcies novament. 😍Sou grans.

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