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The history of the Douglas C-54 Skymaster in service with the Spanish Ejército del Aire.

Michel Lozares

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From 6.000€
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The most complete story ever told about the seventeen Douglas C-54 Skymaster which served in the Ejército del Aire (Spanish Air Force).

More than two hundred photographs - many of them unpublished or little publicized - and color profiles of the most representative liveries covering the service history of these aircraft, from the day they leave the factory to their final destination, over more than 200 pages. A chapter devoted to each one of the seventeen aircrafts.

An amazing work published in large format with hardcover, destined to becomes an indispensable reference in the bibliography of the Skymaster.


The book is already laid out, ready to go into print. And that's where you come in: we need 6.000 € to cover the cost of a minimum print run. Contributing to this project you can get your copy for less than the €45,00 expected retail price.


The project will remain open until the end of June. If the goal is reached we will print out the book immediately and we will proceed to send it at early September.


Michel Lozares is a great fan who one day decided to start writing about those machines that he was most passionate about. Meticulous author, good part of his work is the result of throwing himself into the bush -literally- to look for the history there where he rests. The work presented here is the fruit of more than a decade of research.

Other titles published:
• Vida operativa del B-25J Mitchell s/n 44-29121 del Museo del Aire de Cuatro Vientos. Ministerio de Defensa. AAMA, 2004
• PBY-5A Catalina Buno 46596 del Museo del Aire Cuatro Vientos. Ministerio de Defensa, 2007
• Los aviones del Moncayo. Centro Estudios Turiasonenses, 2008
• Vida operativa de los Phantom II del Museo del Aire. Ministerio de Defensa, 2009
• Los aviones de Sierra Nevada. Editorial Alhulia, 2011
• Many articles in modelling magazines (Euromodelismo, Hobbyworld)
• Collaborations in several aviation magazines (Smoke Trails, Classic Aviation, etc)


There are none published yet.

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  • Alfredo Zazo Jordá

    Alfredo Zazo Jordá

    almost 5 years

    Una pieza de arte!! Todo mi ánimo...es cuestion de paciencia!! Llegaremos

  • Bartolome Jordan Gomez

    Bartolome Jordan Gomez

    almost 5 years

    A ver si llegamos

  • Cascoporro


    almost 5 years

    Ánimo Michel!!!



    almost 5 years

    Este libro no lo puedo dejar escapar , animo Michel ya veras como llegamos

  • ajmoralese@telefonica.net

    [email protected]

    almost 5 years

    Mira que nos ha hecho esperar :-) ;-)

  • José Miguel

    José Miguel

    almost 5 years

    Mi padre formó parte de sus tripulaciones, solo por añoranza espero que lo consigamos

  • VHerreros


    almost 5 years

    Deseando estoy que este proyecto se pueda hacer realidad. Si mantiene el nivel de libros anteriores del autor, como es de esperar, lamentarás perder esta oportunidad. Palabrita...

  • Sandra fidamc

    Sandra fidamc

    almost 5 years


  • chema lopez

    chema lopez

    almost 5 years

    Otro más para la colección. Como sigas así voy a tener que dedicarte una estantería completa en mi salón: a de trabajos de altura y gran envergadura.

  • Carlos Pulido

    Carlos Pulido

    almost 5 years

    En buen hacer, la rigurosidad histórica y el tesón que pone Michel Lozares en sus investigaciones hacen de sus libros auténticas obras de referencia en el mundo de la aviación. Mención especial al apartado fotográfico, un verdadero tesoro. ¡No lo dudéis y encargad vuestro ejemplar!

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